Providing an expert response to society's needs in terms of movement is the challenge that Master's graduates in motor sciences with a focus on physical education are preparing to take up in their professional practice.
The aim is to become a movement professional who optimises the motor behaviours of individuals and society for the benefit of health.
The future physical education graduate will acquire the knowledge and skills needed to :
- master the characteristics of movement and its effects in order to use it for educational, performance, well-being or managerial purposes, depending on their specialisation.
- interact by adapting to the target audience, particularly in terms of age and motor, physiological, psychological or sociological characteristics, as well as the context of the situation.
- be capable of organising, communicating and using his/her knowledge appropriately.
- be able to think critically and rigorously evaluate their practices in order to bring them up to date.
At the end of the course organised by the Faculty of Motor Sciences, the physical education graduate will have independently developed his/her personal and professional project.
Graduate profile
To translate this vision into action, the Faculty has developed a set of skills and learning outcomes defining the output profile of its graduates of the Master 120 in motor sciences, physical education specialism. This reference framework is made up of nine areas of competence and sets out the target to be achieved by the end of the course. The four values promoted throughout the training programme are also highlighted at the centre of this figure and integrated into the skills and learning outcomes reference framework.
Translated with (free version)
On successful completion of this programme, each student is able to :
1) Intervention*
The order of the skills areas is not intended to be a hierarchy; all areas are equally important in the graduate's exit profile.
To intervene in the field of physical activity and sport with relevance to a complex problem in motor sciences, by mobilising specialised scientific knowledge and adapted technologies, with regard to the context, the target groups and the issues of social and environmental transition in relation to the objectives of sustainable development.
1.1. Articulate and integrate the major theoretical references in the human sciences, exact sciences, bio-medical sciences and movement sciences which underpin a PSA intervention (physical activity and sport).
1.2 Demonstrate knowledge of a given context through a structured analysis of the sectors and players involved in the world of sport, physical education and physical activity.
1.3 Practise his/her own physical activity and sport to a level of mastery enabling him/her to acquire the expertise in movement necessary for his/her future professional practice.
1.4. Understand and position his/her personal role and specific field of action and expertise in relation to a problem in a given context, in interaction with the various internal and external stakeholders from different disciplines, in order to intervene effectively collectively in a shared project.
1.5. Observing and analysing, using specialised scientific knowledge from an interdisciplinary perspective, a problem in the fields of the motor sciences, including the context and characteristics of the target groups, and targeting the priority needs and objectives with the beneficiaries of the intervention.
1.6. Designing and planning an intervention which is relevant to the objectives and adapted to the characteristics (biological, psychological, socio-economic factors, etc.) of the target group and the context.
1.7 Carry out the intervention in a way that is relevant to the objectives and adapted to the characteristics of the target group.
1.8. Evaluates the effects of his/her intervention and its effects throughout the course of it and, if necessary, adapts it or suggests ways of improving it.
1.9. Carry out a reflective analysis of his/her actions and identify areas for improvement for future actions. Carry out a reflective analysis of your intervention practices and look for ways of adjusting your future interventions.
1.10. Incorporate innovative practices, including new technologies, into his/her work in an appropriate way, with the aim of adding value.
1.11. Plan and carry out his/her activities taking account of health issues and the social, environmental and health transition.
1.12. Be able to supervise an individual or group of individuals in a physical and sports activity and adjust his/her intervention to the target group, taking into account the characteristics (biological, psychological, socio-economic factors, etc.) of the target group and the context.
*These learning outcomes are oriented according to the major and option chosen by the student. You will find above a diagram showing emblematic professional and learning situations for each of the aims and options offered in the master's degree [120] in motor sciences, physical education. This diagram helps to contextualise the learning outcomes.
2) Scientific approach
Carry out a research project, using a scientific approach, to investigate a research question in the motor sciences in greater depth and build up knowledge and concrete avenues of innovation useful to those involved.
2.1 Formulate a research question in the motor sciences, specifying its anchorage in a socio-professional field, the preferred disciplinary angle, the scope of analysis and the working hypotheses.
2.2 Produce a review of the scientific literature, using the relevant theoretical frameworks, on a research question in the motor sciences.
2.3 Develop and implement a rigorous, valid, reliable and relevant methodology for collecting and analysing quantitative and qualitative data.
2.4 Analyse and interpret results to the point of reasoned criticism, making appropriate use of relevant theoretical frameworks.
2.5 Summarise and critically formulate scientific conclusions and useful avenues of innovation and discuss them with experts and/or practitioners.
3) Health promotion
Be pro-actively involved in promoting individual or collective physical, mental and social health through physical activity and sport, while being aware of the environmental dimension of its actions.
3.1. Promote physical activity and sport for all as a pillar of physical, mental and social health.
3.2. identify and collaborate with partners who can contribute to promoting health through physical activity and sport.
3.3. Take action to promote health in order to reduce inequalities, while taking account of the eco-socio-cultural context and consequences.
3.4 Contribute to current debates and controversies in the field of motor sciences, including those relating to well-being and health.
3.5 Construct environments and adopt a stance that encourages learning and the empowerment of individuals or groups in relation to their practice.
4) Communication
Communicates and engages in dialogue in a way that is relevant to the aims of the intervention and adapted to the characteristics of the people with whom he/she is dealing and to the context of the motor sciences.
* These learning outcomes are oriented according to the major and option chosen by the student. You will find above a diagram showing emblematic professional and learning situations for each of the aims and options offered in the master's degree [120] in motor sciences, physical education. This diagram helps to contextualise the learning outcomes.
4.1 Explain and argue your opinions and points of view on the basis of scientific knowledge in a way that is appropriate, relevant and convincing in relation to the people you are talking to.
4.2. Interact effectively and appropriately with the person(s) you are talking to, showing ability to listen, empathy and assertiveness.
4.3. Use different oral communication techniques and tools effectively (visual aids, presentation, verbal and body language, etc.).
4.4 Communicate his/her message in writing in a way that is appropriate to the situation (person to whom he/she is speaking, type of message, type of communication channel, purpose of the message, etc.).
4.5. Reach a consensus: understand the needs and points of view of the person(s) you are talking to, put forward your arguments in an appropriate, relevant and convincing way, be able to identify points of agreement.
4.6. Popularise the scientific bases of how physical and sports activities work and their consequences in order to promote understanding.
5) Teamwork
Integrate and collaborate within a mono- or interdisciplinary team and exercise enlightened leadership in a project related to the motor sciences.
5.1. Understand his/her position, role, field of action and expertise with regard to a problem in a given context within a mono- or interdisciplinary team.
5.2. Decode and adapt to the behaviour of the members of a team to which he/she contributes, the associated activities and the impact of the organisational context on group dynamics.
5.3. Integrate and be able to collaborate within a team, be open to and take account of different points of view and ways of thinking, deal constructively with differences and conflicts, and accept diversity.
5.4. Demonstrate leadership, motivate the different players and members of a team, guide them to cooperate in achieving a common goal, adapting to situational constraints.
6) Project management
Define and steer a motor science project through to completion, taking into account the objectives, resources and constraints inherent in the project environment.
6.1. Frame the project in its environment and situate the issues and aims of the project as well as the constraints that characterise its environment.
6.2. Clearly define the project's objectives and define the expected result indicators, including milestones for each stage of the process.
6.3. Organising, steering and controlling the process: structuring and defining the schedule of tasks to be carried out; identifying and allocating human and material resources; coordinating tasks; taking into account the constraints and risks to be anticipated.
6.4. Taking and assuming responsibility for decisions in a context of uncertainty: taking initiatives and committing oneself to action; anticipating and being proactive, using discernment and judgement to take appropriate decisions taking account of multiple and uncertain factors; assuming the risks and consequences of one's decisions.
7) Deontology and ethics
Acting as a responsible and reflective player by applying professional know-how and interpersonal skills in accordance with the ethics and deontology specific to the motor sciences.
7.1. Respect the ethical and deontological framework associated with his/her professional practice, paying particular attention to the appropriateness of the relationship with the body.
7.2. Demonstrate intellectual independence in reasoning, and take a critical and reflective look at knowledge (academic and common sense) and practices, taking account of the context in which they emerged and their aims.
7.3. Distancing oneself from one's prejudices and decentring oneself in relation to one's own point of view and cultural values.
7.4. Decide and act in accordance with ethical and humanist values, integrity, respect for laws and conventions, civic solidarity and sustainable development.
8) Personal and professional development
Knowing oneself and being autonomous, being able to adapt effectively to new contexts and evolve positively in them.
8) Personal and professional development
Knowing oneself and being autonomous, being able to adapt effectively to new contexts and evolve positively in them.
8.1. Manage work autonomously: define priorities, anticipate and plan all work activities over time, demonstrate rigour and structure in your work, including in a changing, uncertain and urgent context.
8.2. Knowing oneself and controlling oneself: being aware of and managing one's own emotions, taking a critical look at one's own productions and actions in order to recognise one's strengths and weaknesses, dealing with one's strengths and weaknesses in order to have a professional attitude and behaviour.
8.3. Developing oneself: constructing a professional project in line with one's own values and aspirations, maintaining self-confidence and managing one's motivation in the realisation of this project, persevering in difficult situations.
8.4. Learning effectively and autonomously: developing rapidly and autonomously the new knowledge and skills that are essential for progress in one's professional environment, learning from one's successes and mistakes as part of a process of continuous development.