The Master's degree in Motor Sciences - Physical Education focuses on the pursuit of learning and the deepening of knowledge and know-how in various fields of application (human sciences, research training, biomedical sciences and practical training). This teaching takes a variety of forms: lectures, practical classes in small groups, personal work and projects, and work placements.
In a training programme where the sharing of knowledge and know-how are central (as an instructor or a sports manager), the Master's student is guided along the path of individual development of attitudes and values specific to the sharing of skills.
The programme is based on eight disciplinary and cross-disciplinary learning outcomes. In the Master's programme in physical education, these are broken down into learning outcomes with a view to training in the sharing of learning outcomes.
The alternation, specific to physical education training, between scientific training and training in the practice of physical activities and sport uses a range of teaching methods, from the purely theoretical individual approach to the construction of knowledge and know-how as part of a team.
The bachelor's degree in physical education makes students players in their own training and co-actors in the training of their peers. Alternative teaching approaches (project work, seminars, work placements, etc.) are particularly developed in the context of the aims and options followed by the student.
Half of the Master's programme is devoted to continuing the education begun in the Bachelor's programme. The emphasis is on the student's ability to put into practice the knowledge and skills acquired in the bachelor's programme with a view to passing them on to others as an instructor.
Practical courses in physical education and sport promote the construction of didactic know-how in the various disciplines of physical education and sport. This objective is achieved through interaction between the student, the experts in the field who supervise him/her in this part of the training and the knowledge developed in the various scientific disciplines of the programme.
The use of experts in the field is a guarantee that the expected learning outcomes are in line with society's current expectations.
The other half of the course is devoted to specific subjects (sports management or training, physical activity and health) and options (further study in sports management, further study in training and physical activity, motricity and pathology, interdisciplinary training in entrepreneurship, research). Here, students compare their general education with the requirements of specific sectors.
As well as developing specialised knowledge in these areas, through work placements with recognised professionals they build up a range of know-how specific to the career paths opened up by these majors and options.
By writing a dissertation, students will be able to specialise in a specific field either through bibliographical research or through experimental work in the laboratory or in the field, thanks to close collaboration and a privileged learning relationship with their supervisor.