Programme structure

The programme of study (Master 1 and Master 2) set out below is the result of the latest reform of the Master's degree in motor sciences, physical education, and concerns students enrolling for the first time in September 2025 in Master 1.

Students who began their Master's programme before September 2025 will follow the old programme, but with content adjustments following the reform for Master's 1 courses that have not been validated. The adapted programme for these students will be drawn up by the jury on the basis of the teaching units already taken and passed.
More information about the transition programme: Link to info master [a pdf link will be published on the intranet].

Students who in September 2025 will only have Master 2 courses at their EAP will follow the Master 2 courses of the old programme.
More information about the old Master 2 programme


Once the student has obtained his/her bachelor's degree, he/she continues his/her training either with the Master's in motor sciences, specializing in physical education or the Master's in initial teacher training (FIE).
The Master's in motor sciences lasts two years and consists of a common core, a focus and an option.

The 120-credit master's degree, spread over two years of study, includes the writing of a dissertation and is the place for in-depth study and specialization. It is divided into two focuses, depending on whether the future graduate intends to train and supervise physical and sports activities or to practice a profession in the world of sport.

• Specialization in Training, Physical Activity and Health,
• Specialization in Sports Management

Practical training
Oriented towards physical and sports activities adapted to specific audiences, practical training includes physical sports activities adapted to different ages of life, training for sedentary adults. The student also deepens his practice in three sports disciplines of his choice (athletic training, team games, acrobatic sports, swimming, dance and expression).
• Teaching is provided in various forms: lectures, practical courses in small groups, personal work and projects, internships.
• Training in human sciences: Ethics and professional conduct, Communication, Psychology of physical and sports activities, Theory of interventions on physically active lifestyles.
• Professional training: Fundamentals of entrepreneurship in sport, Interdisciplinary project in motor sciences
• Training in biomedical sciences: Nutrition of physical and sports activities;
• Research training that develops, regardless of the specialization the student chooses, his or her ability to investigate a new subject in a scientific manner and to interpret the results of the scientific literature.
• A dissertation that specializes the student in a specific field either through bibliographical research or through experimental work in the laboratory or in the field, thanks to close collaboration and a privileged learning relationship with his or her supervisor.

Professional training

The Master in Motor Sciences, Physical Education orientation offers a wide choice of specializations directly linked to professional practice. The student will choose a focus [30] from the two proposed.

Sports Management
The specialized focus in sports management, combined with the advanced option in sports management, prepares students for the management and governance of clubs, federations, sports centers, and other non-profit, public, professional or private sports organizations. The student will develop advanced knowledge on a set of themes related to sports management, including marketing, economics, management of sports events and sports infrastructure, sports policies, human resources management. The student will develop a set of skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, teamwork and communication.

Training, physical activity and health
The focus in training, physical activity and health combined with the advanced option in training and physical activity and health will train professionals with cross-disciplinary skills in the management of various populations in a continuum ranging from physical activity-health to high-level sports practice.

If the student plans to pursue a career in secondary education, he or she chooses the Master in Initial Teacher Training which allows him or her to develop:
- pedagogical and didactic skills adapted to teaching physical education and health,
- personal group management skills, thanks to field practice,
- a good knowledge of the school environment and the physical education and health program in secondary education.
At the end of his or her Master's program in Initial Teacher Training, the student receives the professional title of Associate Professor of Higher Secondary Education.

Deepen your specialization

The objectives are supplemented by a set of options to further deepen your specialization.

• Research
The objective of this option is to introduce the research profession by integrating the student into a FSM research center. This approach first involves reading the scientific literature related to the research topic they are pursuing. They learn the basics of experimental techniques and approaches and are introduced to scientific communication. Their research topic may eventually culminate in their final dissertation.

• Motor skills and pathology
The motor skills and pathology option allows the motor sciences curriculum to be oriented towards the field of pathology. The student's program is made up of courses from the physiotherapy and rehabilitation program. At the end of this training, if they wish to continue with training in physiotherapy and rehabilitation, their program will be lightened accordingly. Management students who choose the ‘Motricity and Pathology’ option and who plan to do physiotherapy after their Master's degree will have to add the following 2 UE to their programme in order to do the Bachelor's degree in physiotherapy in one year: LKNR1203 - Palpatory anatomy, LKNR1207 - Introduction to pathology.


• Interdisciplinary training in entrepreneurship
The interdisciplinary module in entrepreneurship (INEO) is an optional program that is part of the master's programs of several faculties [Law, Economic, Social and Political Sciences and Communication, Bioengineers, Ecole Polytechnique de Louvain, Medicine (Motor Sciences)]. It aims to train students in business creation and entrepreneurship in the broad sense.
For a typical program, the master's degree in motor sciences with a physical education orientation will total, regardless of the focus, options and/or elective courses selected, a minimum of 120 credits spread over two annual blocks corresponding to 60 credits each.

• Advanced option in training, physical activity and health
This option is only available to students who have chosen the specialised training, physical activity and health option.

• Advanced option in sports management
This option is only open to students who have chosen the specialised subject of sports management.


For a programme-type, and regardless of the focus, options/or elective courses selected, this master will carry a minimum of 120 credits divided over two annual units, corresponding to 60 credits each.