Possible trainings at the end of the programme

Upon successful completion of the Master [60] in Philosophy, graduates may:

  1. enrol in the corresponding Master 120’s programme;
  2. enrol in another master's programme (60 or 120);
  3. do a postgraduate internship and/or prepare their socio-professional integration.
1. Corresponding Master 120 programme

Upon completion of Master [60] in Philosophy, students directly access the Master [120] in Philosophy and Master [120] in Ethics. Their programme, of minimum 60 credits, will include the Master’s dissertation (between 15 and 30 credits) which may complete their Master 60 individual final project, the chosen focus (30 credits) and possible supplementary classes determined by the jury.

. Other master's programmes (60 or 120)

Other Master’s programmes of the Faculty could be accessible, directly or through supplementary classes. For more information, please read the masters' admission requirements.

List of masters organised by the Faculty of Philosophy, Arts and Letters: https://uclouvain.be/fr/facultes/fial/masters-en-fial.html

Other Master's programmes of UCLouvain are widely accessible, either directly or through supplementary classes, to UCLouvain graduates. For example :

. Postgraduate internship and socio-professional integration

Students have the opportunity, during their Master's programme or after graduation, to prepare their socio-professional integration with the qualified services of the Faculty and of UCLouvain. It is also possible for them to complete their training with a postgraduate internship in Belgium or abroad. In some cases, procedural steps must be undertaken during the master's programme.


Last update: December 2024