1st annual unit
Obligatory Courses
General Courses
All the students attend all these courses.FR
q1 30h+30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> François Glineur
> Raphaël Jungers (coord.)
> Estelle Massart
> Jean-François Remacle
> Michel Verleysen
François Glineur
q1 30h+30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> François Glineur (coord.)
> Raphaël Jungers
> Jean-François Remacle
> Michel Verleysen
q1 30h+30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Charles Pecheur
> Benoît Raucent
> Renaud Ronsse
> Sandra Soares Frazao (coord.)
Non-disciplinary Courses
Cours obligatoires
The students attend these two courses
Language Courses
English courses
LANGL1171 Anglais pour ingénieurs civils I
A placement test is organized at the beginning of the annual unit 1 and 2. Depending on the obtained mark, the students follow an adapted course. The students with a mark gretaer or equal to 16/20 keep their mark and could take an additional language course (out of the 180 credits); this additional course will only affect their average mark if credited (mark greater or equal to 10/20)
q1 12h 2 creditsTeacher(s):
> Marc Piwnik
> Nevin Serbest (coord.)
> Anne-Julie Toubeau (coord.)
Dutch courses
German courses
Spanish Courses
q1 or q2 45h 2 creditsTeacher(s):
> Begona Garcia Migura
> Alicia Maria Tirado Fernandez (coord.)
2nd annual unit
Obligatory Courses
General Courses
All the students attend all these courses.
q1 30h+30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Philippe Chatelain
> Julien Hendrickx
> Grégoire Winckelmans (coord.)
q1 30h+30h 5 credits
q1 30h+30h 5 credits
Language Courses
English courses
LANGL1272 Anglais pour ingénieurs civils II
A placement test is organized at the beginning of the annual unit 1 and 2. Depending on the obtained mark, the students follow an adapted course. The students with a mark gretaer or equal to 16/20 keep their mark and could take an additional language course (out of the 180 credits); this additional course will only affect their average mark if credited (mark greater or equal to 10/20)
q1 30h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Jean-Luc Delghust
> Sabrina Knorr
> Charlotte Peters (coord.)
> Marc Piwnik (coord.)
Dutch courses
German courses
Spanish Courses
Religion courses for students in exact sciences
The students select one course between:
q1 15h 2 credits
q1 15h 2 credits
Minor or additional module (> See the list of available minors and/or additional modules)
Maximum 2 element(s) -
3rd annual unit
Obligatory Courses
General Courses
All the students attend all these courses.
q1 30h+30h 5 credits
q2 30h+30h 5 credits
Non-disciplinary Courses
q1 30h+15h 3 credits
3rd annual unit project
Students choose one of the following projects. This project must correspond to one of their EPL courses. It is also possible to choose the LEPL1511 course or the LSST1001 course instead of one of the projects. These projects remain open on application and selection only.
q2 30h+22.5h 5 credits
q2 30h+22.5h 5 credits
q2 30h+22.5h 5 credits
q2 30h+22.5h 5 credits
q2 30h+22.5h 5 credits
q2 30h+22.5h 5 credits
q2 30h+22.5h 5 credits
Language Courses
English courses
q1 30h 2 creditsTeacher(s):
> Ahmed Adrioueche (coord.)
> Stéphanie Brabant
> Nicholas Gibbs
> Ariane Halleux
> Sandrine Meirlaen
> Charlotte Peters (coord.)
> Nevin Serbest
Ahmed Adrioueche (coord.)
Minor or additional module (> See the list of available minors and/or additional modules)
Maximum 2 element(s)