Course prerequisites

The table below lists the activities (course units, or CUs) for which there are one or more prerequisites within the programme, i.e. the programme CU for which the learning outcomes must be certified and the corresponding credits awarded by the jury before registering for that CU.

These activities are also identified in the detailed programme: their title is followed by a yellow square.

Prerequisites and student's annual programme

As the prerequisite is for CU registration puposes only, there are no prerequisites within a programme year. Prerequisites are defined between CUs of different years and therefore influence the order in which the student will be able to register for the programme's CUs.

In addition, when the jury validates a student's individual programme at the beginning of the year, it ensures its coherence, meaning that it may:

  • require the student to combine registration in two separate CUs which it considers necessary from a pedagogical point of view.
  • transform a prerequisite into a corequisite if the student is in the final year of a degree course.

For more information, please consult the Academic Regulations and Procedures.

# Prerequisities list
WFARM1282T "Microbiologie générale (partim théorie)" has prerequisite(s) WMEDE1152
WMDS1229 "Génétique humaine" has prerequisite(s) WMEDE1152
WMDS1250 "Pharmacologie générale" has prerequisite(s) WMDS1114
WMDS1251 "Système urinaire et digestif, partie 1" has prerequisite(s) WMDS1103
WMDS1252 "Système cardiovasculaire et respiratoire (1re partie)" has prerequisite(s) WMDS1154
WMDS1253 "Histologie des systèmes" has prerequisite(s) WMEDE1153
WMDS1254 "Introduction à la pratique médicale" has prerequisite(s) WMEDE1159
WMDS1255 "Biochimie (2e partie)" has prerequisite(s) WMEDE1155
WMDS1256 "Pathologie biochimique et moléculaire" has prerequisite(s) WMEDE1155
WMDS1257 "Système endocrinien et reproducteur (1re partie)" has prerequisite(s) WMEDE1156
WMDS1258 "Anatomie topologique et clinique" has prerequisite(s) WMDS1103
WMDS1259 "Système nerveux (1re partie)" has prerequisite(s) WMDS1154
WMDS1314 "Séminaires de sciences humaines" has prerequisite(s) WMDS1254
WMDS1350 "Anatomie radiologique" has prerequisite(s) WMDS1258
WMDS1351 "Microbiologie médicale" has prerequisite(s) WFARM1282T
WMDS1352 "Pharmacologie et médecine moléculaire" has prerequisite(s) WMDS1250
WMDS1353 "Pathologie générale" has prerequisite(s) WMDS1253
WMDS1354 "Système respiratoire (2e partie)" has prerequisite(s) WMDS1252
WMDS1355 "Système cardiovasculaire (2e partie)" has prerequisite(s) WMDS1252
WMDS1356 "Sémiologie" has prerequisite(s) WMDS1251
WMDS1357 "Psychologie générale et médicale" has prerequisite(s) WMDS1254
WMDS1358 "Introduction à la médecine générale" has prerequisite(s) WMDS1254
WMDS1359 "Stage d'observation en médecine générale" has prerequisite(s) WMDS1254 ET WMDS1252
WMDS1360 "Stage de recherche" has prerequisite(s) WMDS1254 ET WMDS1252
WSBIM1334M "Immunologie générale (partim MD)" has prerequisite(s) WMDS1256