Calendar for UCLOUVAIN

Study day | CEP

Relire Henri Maldiney. De l’anthropologie à la poétique

Study day organised by the Center for Phenoménological Studies
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Shape Programmable Three-Dimensional Mesostructures and...

A rapidly expanding research area involves the development of routes to shape programmable three-dimensional (3D) structures with feature sizes in the mesoscopic range (that is, between tens of nanometres and hundreds of micrometres). A goal is to establish methods to control the properties of...
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Short course EDT

Short course EDT   Upcoming news
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Seminar | Cefises

Metametaphysics, TBA

Cefises seminar. Speaker: TBA
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05/11/2024 - Circle U. Climate Hub 3rd Happy Hour Event

Climate related challenges and pathways for building climate resilience on islands Date: 05 November 2024, 10:00 - 12:30 Location: Hybrid format: Virtual (via ZOOM) and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (main building, room 2249a) Target Audience: Circle U. researchers (PhD students,...
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