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3D unsteady aerodynamics for wind turbines, from airfoil to wake scale by Carlos Simao Ferreira (Aerospace engineering TUDelft)17 Jan
Development and application of poly(ionic liquid) composite membranes with immobilized carbonic anhydrase for CO2 absorption in gas-liquid membrane contactors by Cristhian MOLINA FERNANDEZ13 JanFor the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology In the current climate crisis, CO2 capture and utilization appears to be essential in achieving the climate targets and promoting the transition towards a society entirely relying on renewable energies. Among the alternatives, CO2 can be utilized as sodium bicarbonate salts, NaHCO3.En savoir plusDevelopment and application of poly(ionic liquid) composite membranes with immobilized carbonic anhydrase for CO2 absorption in gas-liquid membrane contactors by Cristhian MOLINA FERNANDEZ13 JanFor the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology In the current climate crisis, CO2 capture and utilization appears to be essential in achieving the climate targets and promoting the transition towards a society entirely relying on renewable energies. Among the alternatives, CO2 can be utilized as sodium bicarbonate salts, NaHCO3.
Mechanics of material and immaterial interfaces: theoretical and numerical points of view11 JanWhat do two ice cubes, a cracked wall and a car accident have in common? Mechanics is made of material but also immaterial movements. This is the case of the propagation of a crack or a solidification front. These movements are carried out without mass.En savoir plusMechanics of material and immaterial interfaces: theoretical and numerical points of view11 JanWhat do two ice cubes, a cracked wall and a car accident have in common? Mechanics is made of material but also immaterial movements. This is the case of the propagation of a crack or a solidification front. These movements are carried out without mass.
Conception et caractérisation expérimentale d'un réacteur de gazéification pour l'Afrique de l'Ouest par Laetitia ZOUNGRANA21 DecPour l'obtention du grade de Docteur en sciences de l'ingénieur et technologie La gazéification est un procédé de conversion thermochimique de la biomasse utilisée dans des applications de production de chaleur et d’électricité. Ce procédé est prometteur dans un environnement ouest africain où les besoins énergétiques sont importants et où le potentiel en biomasse est considérable.En savoir plusConception et caractérisation expérimentale d'un réacteur de gazéification pour l'Afrique de l'Ouest par Laetitia ZOUNGRANA21 DecPour l'obtention du grade de Docteur en sciences de l'ingénieur et technologie La gazéification est un procédé de conversion thermochimique de la biomasse utilisée dans des applications de production de chaleur et d’électricité. Ce procédé est prometteur dans un environnement ouest africain où les besoins énergétiques sont importants et où le potentiel en biomasse est considérable.
Dissimilar AI6061 to AI7075 and AI to Ti friction stir welds: processing, tensile and fatigue properties by Nicolas DIMOV20 DecFor the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology Friction Stir Welding (FSW) is a solid state (without fusion) welding technique involving no filler material.En savoir plusDissimilar AI6061 to AI7075 and AI to Ti friction stir welds: processing, tensile and fatigue properties by Nicolas DIMOV20 DecFor the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology Friction Stir Welding (FSW) is a solid state (without fusion) welding technique involving no filler material.
Numerical investigation of wind turbine control schemes for load alleviation and wake effects mitigation by Marion COQUELET14 DecFor the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology (join PhD with UMONS) For more than 3000 years, windmills have been used to harvest energy from the wind. Over the past 30 years, electrical generators and advanced aerodynamics have turned them into the wind turbines we know.En savoir plusNumerical investigation of wind turbine control schemes for load alleviation and wake effects mitigation by Marion COQUELET14 DecFor the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology (join PhD with UMONS) For more than 3000 years, windmills have been used to harvest energy from the wind. Over the past 30 years, electrical generators and advanced aerodynamics have turned them into the wind turbines we know.
Enhanced internal stress aided fatigue resistance in friction stir processed Al/NiTi composites by Nelson GOMES AFFONSECA NETTO13 DecFor the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology Embedding particulate reinforcements in aluminum matrices to form aluminum matrix composites (AMCs) is an attractive, alternative and innovative process to enhance the mechanical properties of aluminum alloys. Shape memory alloys (SMA), e.g.En savoir plusEnhanced internal stress aided fatigue resistance in friction stir processed Al/NiTi composites by Nelson GOMES AFFONSECA NETTO13 DecFor the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology Embedding particulate reinforcements in aluminum matrices to form aluminum matrix composites (AMCs) is an attractive, alternative and innovative process to enhance the mechanical properties of aluminum alloys. Shape memory alloys (SMA), e.g.
Design, development and characterisation of new healable laser powder bed fusion aluminium alloys by Julie GHEYSEN09 DecFor the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) is an additive manufacturing technique widely used in aerospace and automotive industries which allows the production of complex geometries.En savoir plusDesign, development and characterisation of new healable laser powder bed fusion aluminium alloys by Julie GHEYSEN09 DecFor the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) is an additive manufacturing technique widely used in aerospace and automotive industries which allows the production of complex geometries.
Improved Offshore Wind Generation Modelling in Power Systems Adequacy Evaluation Using Machine-Learning Proxies06 DecOffshore wind energy is an essential building block for the large-scale energy transition, but it is by nature intermittent and uncertain. Future power systems with a high share of offshore wind energy may therefore face new challenges to ensure a reliable electrical supply.En savoir plusImproved Offshore Wind Generation Modelling in Power Systems Adequacy Evaluation Using Machine-Learning Proxies06 DecOffshore wind energy is an essential building block for the large-scale energy transition, but it is by nature intermittent and uncertain. Future power systems with a high share of offshore wind energy may therefore face new challenges to ensure a reliable electrical supply.
Slowheat : chauffer les corps, pas les bâtiments par Geoffrey van Moeseke (UCLouvain - LOCI)05 DecSlowheat est un projet de recherche conjoint LAB-IPSY-ULB financé par le programme Cocréation d’Innoviris. Le projet entre dans sa troisième et dernière année.En savoir plusSlowheat : chauffer les corps, pas les bâtiments par Geoffrey van Moeseke (UCLouvain - LOCI)05 DecSlowheat est un projet de recherche conjoint LAB-IPSY-ULB financé par le programme Cocréation d’Innoviris. Le projet entre dans sa troisième et dernière année.