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Modeling and simulation of bird flapping flight : control, wakes and formation by Victor COLOGNESI25 AugFor the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology Birds have always been a source of inspiration for humans. From the record distances crossed by the bar-tailed godwit during its migrations, to swifts staying aloft continuously for up to ten months, they are capable of achievements that artificial devices are still far from reproducing.En savoir plusModeling and simulation of bird flapping flight : control, wakes and formation by Victor COLOGNESI25 AugFor the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology Birds have always been a source of inspiration for humans. From the record distances crossed by the bar-tailed godwit during its migrations, to swifts staying aloft continuously for up to ten months, they are capable of achievements that artificial devices are still far from reproducing.
Multiscale thermo-mechanical modeling of semi-crystalline polymers. Application to additive manufacturing by selective laser sintering by Amine BAHLOUL28 JunFor the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology Semi-crystalline polymers exhibit performances that are highly dependent on their micro-structure as induced by the thermo-mechanical processes they are subjected to.En savoir plusMultiscale thermo-mechanical modeling of semi-crystalline polymers. Application to additive manufacturing by selective laser sintering by Amine BAHLOUL28 JunFor the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology Semi-crystalline polymers exhibit performances that are highly dependent on their micro-structure as induced by the thermo-mechanical processes they are subjected to.
The fello’fly project and the Atlantic crossing performed by two A350 aircraft in formation flight by Jordan Adams (Airbus)27 JunThe Vortex Position Estimator used for the Airbus fello'fly Transatlantic Crossing In November 2021 the Airbus fello’fly project completed two transatlantic formation flights demonstrating a reduction of fuel consumption of 5% trip fuel for the follower. The follower achieved this by maintaining an optimum lateral position relative to the wake vortices generated by the leader.En savoir plusThe fello’fly project and the Atlantic crossing performed by two A350 aircraft in formation flight by Jordan Adams (Airbus)27 JunThe Vortex Position Estimator used for the Airbus fello'fly Transatlantic Crossing In November 2021 the Airbus fello’fly project completed two transatlantic formation flights demonstrating a reduction of fuel consumption of 5% trip fuel for the follower. The follower achieved this by maintaining an optimum lateral position relative to the wake vortices generated by the leader.
Modeling dissipative multi-scale systems with non-extensive entropy homogenization: Application to clean energy problems by Manolis VEVEAKIS21 JunThis talk will present modeling approaches for problems where the dissipative (far-from equilibrium) processes operating at the microscope are tightly coupled with the response of the macro scale, thereby prohibiting asymptotic homogenization and scale separation to be valid.En savoir plusModeling dissipative multi-scale systems with non-extensive entropy homogenization: Application to clean energy problems by Manolis VEVEAKIS21 JunThis talk will present modeling approaches for problems where the dissipative (far-from equilibrium) processes operating at the microscope are tightly coupled with the response of the macro scale, thereby prohibiting asymptotic homogenization and scale separation to be valid.
Action Semantics for Robot Perception, Learning, and Imitation by Prof. Eren Aksoy (Halmstad University, Sweden)16 JunRobots require a generic action representation in order to recognize, learn, and imitate observed tasks without any human intervention. Defining such a representation is a challenging problem due to the high inter-individual variability that emerges during the execution of actions.En savoir plusAction Semantics for Robot Perception, Learning, and Imitation by Prof. Eren Aksoy (Halmstad University, Sweden)16 JunRobots require a generic action representation in order to recognize, learn, and imitate observed tasks without any human intervention. Defining such a representation is a challenging problem due to the high inter-individual variability that emerges during the execution of actions.
Finding the Balance between Engineering and Animal Locomotion by Ben PARSLEW07 JunThis presentation discusses research that sits between engineering design and biomechanical analysis of animal movement. These two fields have contributed tools and methods that have complemented each other – such as automated motion capture and motion planning. So from an academic standpoint there is much to be gained from shared research between these disciplines.En savoir plusFinding the Balance between Engineering and Animal Locomotion by Ben PARSLEW07 JunThis presentation discusses research that sits between engineering design and biomechanical analysis of animal movement. These two fields have contributed tools and methods that have complemented each other – such as automated motion capture and motion planning. So from an academic standpoint there is much to be gained from shared research between these disciplines.
Piston Engines as Chemical Reactors by Prof. Burak Atakan02 JunNatural gas and biogas are both consisting of large amounts of methane and are predominantly used for energetic usage, while around 5 % are used for chemical conversion in chemical industry. The methane usage will continue for many years to come, while both conversions take place with non-optimal efficiencies.En savoir plusPiston Engines as Chemical Reactors by Prof. Burak Atakan02 JunNatural gas and biogas are both consisting of large amounts of methane and are predominantly used for energetic usage, while around 5 % are used for chemical conversion in chemical industry. The methane usage will continue for many years to come, while both conversions take place with non-optimal efficiencies.
Critical assessment of the plasticity and fracture properties of conventional and high entropy alloys by Antoine HILHORST31 MayFor the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology High entropy alloys (HEAs) have attracted a lot of attention in recent years, with the promise of new alloy systems with outstanding (combinations of) structural (and functional) properties. However, in-depth investigations of HEAs mechanical properties in direct comparison to conventional alloys have been seldom reported.En savoir plusCritical assessment of the plasticity and fracture properties of conventional and high entropy alloys by Antoine HILHORST31 MayFor the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology High entropy alloys (HEAs) have attracted a lot of attention in recent years, with the promise of new alloy systems with outstanding (combinations of) structural (and functional) properties. However, in-depth investigations of HEAs mechanical properties in direct comparison to conventional alloys have been seldom reported.
Crack-on-chip: a nanomechanical test method to determine the fracture toughness of thin films and 2D materials by Sahar JADDI05 MayFor the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology The control and characterization of the fracture behavior of thin films and 2D materials, in the era of continuous device miniaturization, are of paramount importance for the design and integrity assessment of many coatings and microelectronics devices towards more reliable devices.En savoir plusCrack-on-chip: a nanomechanical test method to determine the fracture toughness of thin films and 2D materials by Sahar JADDI05 MayFor the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology The control and characterization of the fracture behavior of thin films and 2D materials, in the era of continuous device miniaturization, are of paramount importance for the design and integrity assessment of many coatings and microelectronics devices towards more reliable devices.
Fracture of 7XXX aluminium alloys with tailored friction stir processed microstructures by Matthieu Baudouin LEZAACK03 MayFor the defree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology The present thesis investigates the influence of 7XXX aluminium alloys microstructure on damage mechanisms. 7XXX alloys are widely used as structural materials due to their high strength and low density.En savoir plusFracture of 7XXX aluminium alloys with tailored friction stir processed microstructures by Matthieu Baudouin LEZAACK03 MayFor the defree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology The present thesis investigates the influence of 7XXX aluminium alloys microstructure on damage mechanisms. 7XXX alloys are widely used as structural materials due to their high strength and low density.