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Formation of nitrogen oxides in the combustion of H2-rich fuel mixtures in the presence of aromatics by Marianna CAFIERO28 NovFor the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology The minimization of nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions is among the major concerns of combustion-related processes, together with the adverse effects related to the emission of greenhouse gases.En savoir plusFormation of nitrogen oxides in the combustion of H2-rich fuel mixtures in the presence of aromatics by Marianna CAFIERO28 NovFor the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology The minimization of nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions is among the major concerns of combustion-related processes, together with the adverse effects related to the emission of greenhouse gases.
Hydrothermal alteration and the stability of volcanic flanks24 NovDouble, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble: The influence of hydrothermal alteration on the stability of a volcano Hydrothermal alteration is near-ubiquitous at volcanoes worldwide and is thought to promote volcano instability and flank collapse.En savoir plusHydrothermal alteration and the stability of volcanic flanks24 NovDouble, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble: The influence of hydrothermal alteration on the stability of a volcano Hydrothermal alteration is near-ubiquitous at volcanoes worldwide and is thought to promote volcano instability and flank collapse.
The X-MESH method for capturing interfaces21 NovIn this presentation, we develop an innovative approach - X-MESH - to overcome a major difficulty associated with numerical simulation in engineering: we aim to provide a revolutionary way to track physical interfaces in finite element simulations. The idea is to use so-called extreme mesh deformations.En savoir plusThe X-MESH method for capturing interfaces21 NovIn this presentation, we develop an innovative approach - X-MESH - to overcome a major difficulty associated with numerical simulation in engineering: we aim to provide a revolutionary way to track physical interfaces in finite element simulations. The idea is to use so-called extreme mesh deformations.
Nonlinear flight dynamics studies of airliner upset by Mark Lowenberg (University of Bristol)18 NovThe presentation will start with some background into the basic principles of nonlinear flight dynamics, followed by a description of airliner upset and loss-of-control problems: their relevance, how they are manifested and potential causes. Then continuation methods and bifurcation analysis will be introduced as a means of studying nonlinear dynamical systems.En savoir plusNonlinear flight dynamics studies of airliner upset by Mark Lowenberg (University of Bristol)18 NovThe presentation will start with some background into the basic principles of nonlinear flight dynamics, followed by a description of airliner upset and loss-of-control problems: their relevance, how they are manifested and potential causes. Then continuation methods and bifurcation analysis will be introduced as a means of studying nonlinear dynamical systems.
Stability of Flapping Flight Dynamics of Large Birds by Gianmarco DUCCI18 NovFor the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology Birds have inspired human innovation and technology for centuries. The first documented human flying attempt dates back the late 800, from Abbas ibn Firnas who created what is considered the first aviation experiment.En savoir plusStability of Flapping Flight Dynamics of Large Birds by Gianmarco DUCCI18 NovFor the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology Birds have inspired human innovation and technology for centuries. The first documented human flying attempt dates back the late 800, from Abbas ibn Firnas who created what is considered the first aviation experiment.
Predicting affordances during human locomotion using computer vision by Ali Hussein Abdulzahra AL-DABBAGH12 OctFor the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology The exponential growth of technology opened the door for a new generation of locomotion assistive devices (e.g. prostheses and exoskeletons) to emerge. However, such systems still face several challenges regarding their interactions with human users.En savoir plusPredicting affordances during human locomotion using computer vision by Ali Hussein Abdulzahra AL-DABBAGH12 OctFor the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology The exponential growth of technology opened the door for a new generation of locomotion assistive devices (e.g. prostheses and exoskeletons) to emerge. However, such systems still face several challenges regarding their interactions with human users.
Simultaneous active control of dynamic backlash, friction, and misalignment in spur geared power transmission of MEMS by piezoelectric transducers by Dr. Hamid Reza Mirdamadi (Visiting Professor ULB)30 SepIn dynamic, mechatronic and robotic systems, a basic mechanical component for transmitting motion, force, and power between motor and load is a chain of gears. This type of transmission system is specifically effective for lightweight, small, but large output torque, for example, flapping wing micro aerial vehicles (FWMAV’s).En savoir plusSimultaneous active control of dynamic backlash, friction, and misalignment in spur geared power transmission of MEMS by piezoelectric transducers by Dr. Hamid Reza Mirdamadi (Visiting Professor ULB)30 SepIn dynamic, mechatronic and robotic systems, a basic mechanical component for transmitting motion, force, and power between motor and load is a chain of gears. This type of transmission system is specifically effective for lightweight, small, but large output torque, for example, flapping wing micro aerial vehicles (FWMAV’s).
Aircraft Wake Sensing and Tracking Strategies towards Operational Formation Flight: Assessment of data assimilation, reinforcement learning and control approaches within large eddy simulations by Ignace RANSQUIN08 SepFor the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology Every year, migratory birds liven the sky up by aligning in arrows and drawing impressive V-shapes. The energetic efficiency of this flying technique is explained by the existence of a wake in a region behind every individual and that each can perceive.En savoir plusAircraft Wake Sensing and Tracking Strategies towards Operational Formation Flight: Assessment of data assimilation, reinforcement learning and control approaches within large eddy simulations by Ignace RANSQUIN08 SepFor the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology Every year, migratory birds liven the sky up by aligning in arrows and drawing impressive V-shapes. The energetic efficiency of this flying technique is explained by the existence of a wake in a region behind every individual and that each can perceive.
Catalyst-enhanced autothermal Chemical Looping Reforming: Experimental Kinetics and Reactor Modeling by Zirui HE07 SepFor the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology The autothermal chemical looping reforming (aCLR) is an alternative technology to steam methane reforming (SMR) and partial oxidation of methane (POM) aiming at solving CO2 capture and improving their energy efficiency.En savoir plusCatalyst-enhanced autothermal Chemical Looping Reforming: Experimental Kinetics and Reactor Modeling by Zirui HE07 SepFor the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology The autothermal chemical looping reforming (aCLR) is an alternative technology to steam methane reforming (SMR) and partial oxidation of methane (POM) aiming at solving CO2 capture and improving their energy efficiency.
CO2 conversion into NaHCO3 via absorption and crystallization using amino acid-based solutions and membrane contactor by Vida SANG SEFIDI05 SepFor the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology Burning fossil fuels for energy production has caused a significant increase in CO2 emissions. Excessive emission over the past decades is leading to catastrophic problems for the environment related to global warming.En savoir plusCO2 conversion into NaHCO3 via absorption and crystallization using amino acid-based solutions and membrane contactor by Vida SANG SEFIDI05 SepFor the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences and Technology Burning fossil fuels for energy production has caused a significant increase in CO2 emissions. Excessive emission over the past decades is leading to catastrophic problems for the environment related to global warming.