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INGI - Public Thesis Defense of Olivier Goletti12 Feb
NGI Seminar - Software Engineering for Robotic Systems: From Individual Robots to Autonomous Swarms12 Novby Darko Bozhinoski, senior researcher at IRIDIA, Université Libre de Bruxelles in Brussels, Belgium In this talk, I will discuss the impact of software engineering in developing robotic systems that can adapt to dynamic and heterogeneous environments.En savoir plusNGI Seminar - Software Engineering for Robotic Systems: From Individual Robots to Autonomous Swarms12 Novby Darko Bozhinoski, senior researcher at IRIDIA, Université Libre de Bruxelles in Brussels, Belgium In this talk, I will discuss the impact of software engineering in developing robotic systems that can adapt to dynamic and heterogeneous environments.
INGI Seminar - A Quarter Century in the BGP World08 NovBy Samuele Quinzi, PhD student at Roma Tre University The BGP protocol forms the backbone of Internet routing, enabling ISPs to exchange prefix reachability information.En savoir plusINGI Seminar - A Quarter Century in the BGP World08 NovBy Samuele Quinzi, PhD student at Roma Tre University The BGP protocol forms the backbone of Internet routing, enabling ISPs to exchange prefix reachability information.
INGI Seminar - ReACKed QUICer: Measuring the Performance of Instant Acknowledgments in QUIC Handshakes23 Octby Jonas Muecke, PhD student and research associate at the Chair of Distributed and Networked Systems at TU Dresden In this short paper, we present a detailed performance analysis of QUIC instant ACK, a standard-compliant approach to reduce waiting times during the QUIC connection setup in common CDN deployments.En savoir plusINGI Seminar - ReACKed QUICer: Measuring the Performance of Instant Acknowledgments in QUIC Handshakes23 Octby Jonas Muecke, PhD student and research associate at the Chair of Distributed and Networked Systems at TU Dresden In this short paper, we present a detailed performance analysis of QUIC instant ACK, a standard-compliant approach to reduce waiting times during the QUIC connection setup in common CDN deployments.
Doctoral thesis - Multivariate rare cell mining and biomarker identification from single-cell data.22 Octby Alexander Gerniers, PhD Identifying rare cell types is an important task to capture the heterogeneity of single-cell data. Indeed, many cell types are present in very small amounts, and are consequently easily missed by classical clustering approaches.En savoir plusDoctoral thesis - Multivariate rare cell mining and biomarker identification from single-cell data.22 Octby Alexander Gerniers, PhD Identifying rare cell types is an important task to capture the heterogeneity of single-cell data. Indeed, many cell types are present in very small amounts, and are consequently easily missed by classical clustering approaches.
INGI Seminar - Mutation analysis for NISQ programs03 Octby Sophie Fortz, Post-doc Researcher at King's College London The NISQ (Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum) era refers to the current phase in quantum computing characterized by quantum processors with a limited number of qubits that are susceptible to noise and errors.En savoir plusINGI Seminar - Mutation analysis for NISQ programs03 Octby Sophie Fortz, Post-doc Researcher at King's College London The NISQ (Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum) era refers to the current phase in quantum computing characterized by quantum processors with a limited number of qubits that are susceptible to noise and errors.
INGI Seminar - InterPlanetary File System Under Pressure: Navigating Centralisation and Content Moderation Challenges05 Sepby Dr. Onur Ascigil from U. Lancaster, UK The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is one of the largest content storage systems in the decentralised web.En savoir plusINGI Seminar - InterPlanetary File System Under Pressure: Navigating Centralisation and Content Moderation Challenges05 Sepby Dr. Onur Ascigil from U. Lancaster, UK The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is one of the largest content storage systems in the decentralised web.
INGI Seminar - Highly constrained text generation: when Constraint Programming meets Language Models17 Junby Pr. Jean-Charles Régin In this talk, we focus on text generation under strong constraints. We show that a good approach is to see this problem as a combinatorial problem of words constituting meaningful sentences. It is not possible to lose the meaning of a sentence during solving, otherwise too many unacceptable sentences are generated. To overcome this, we proceed in two stages.En savoir plusINGI Seminar - Highly constrained text generation: when Constraint Programming meets Language Models17 Junby Pr. Jean-Charles Régin In this talk, we focus on text generation under strong constraints. We show that a good approach is to see this problem as a combinatorial problem of words constituting meaningful sentences. It is not possible to lose the meaning of a sentence during solving, otherwise too many unacceptable sentences are generated. To overcome this, we proceed in two stages.
Workshop : Rail and Embedded Systems : Inseparable08 MayThe objective of this interactive workshop, proposed as part of Chair on Critical Embedded Systems, is to answer the two questions that are the most often asked to me when I say that embedded systems or digital systems are essential to the operation of the rail mobility system. What is the relation between rail and embedded systems?En savoir plusWorkshop : Rail and Embedded Systems : Inseparable08 MayThe objective of this interactive workshop, proposed as part of Chair on Critical Embedded Systems, is to answer the two questions that are the most often asked to me when I say that embedded systems or digital systems are essential to the operation of the rail mobility system. What is the relation between rail and embedded systems?
INGI Seminar - Location Inference of BGP Communities12 Aprby Thomas Krenc de CAIDA BGP Communities are an essential signaling mechanism between BGP routers, enhancing network scalability and automation. They are opaque identifiers that convey nuanced routing policies.En savoir plusINGI Seminar - Location Inference of BGP Communities12 Aprby Thomas Krenc de CAIDA BGP Communities are an essential signaling mechanism between BGP routers, enhancing network scalability and automation. They are opaque identifiers that convey nuanced routing policies.