Place Cardinal Mercier 31/L3.03.13
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Charlotte Langohr
Chercheuse qualifiée FNRS
LANGOHR Charlotte – UCLouvain – INCA/FIAL –
Research interest: Aegean Prehistory - ceramic studies, material culture studies
Born at Eupen (B), April 14, 1979, two children.
2013 CNU qualification as Assistant Professor (France, Ministère de l’éducation nationale, de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche), Section Histoire, civilisation, archéologie et art des mondes anciens et médiévaux
2003-2008 Ph.D., History, Art and Archaeology (UCLouvain)
dissertation: Eteocretans in the Bronze Age in the Sitia Peninsula? A Regional and Archaeological Comparative Study of Crete during the Late Minoan II-IIIB Period (Supervisor: Prof. Jan Driessen)
2002-2003 M.A., Arts and Civilizations (UCLouvain) Summa cum Laude
1999-2001 MA, Archaeology and History of Art, (UCLouvain) Summa cum Laude
1997-1999 BA, Archaeology and History of Art, (UCLouvain) Magna cum Laude
2015-present Permanent Research Associate, The National Fund for Scientific Research (F.R.S.-FNRS) - UCLouvain
2014-2015 Scientific collaborator, The National Fund for Scientific Research (F.R.S.-FNRS)
2009-2013 Postdoctoral Researcher, The National Fund for Scientific Research (F.R.S.-FNRS)
2008-2009 Research fellow, Fonds Spéciaux de Recherches (F.S.R. – Université catholique de Louvain)
2004 Doctoral scholarship at the French School at Athens (Sept. 2004)
2004-2008 Research fellow, The National Fund for Scientific Research (F.R.S.-FNRS).
2002-2004 Research fellow, Fonds Spéciaux de Recherches (F.S.R. – Université catholique de Louvain).
British School at Athens (2003-present) Excavations at Palaikastro, Crete. Study & publication of the Neopalatial, Final Palatial and Postpalatial occupation of Building 7.
Ecole Belge d’Athènes (2007-present) Excavations at Sissi, Crete. Co-direction and coordination of the specialists’ teams and management of the archaeological material. Study & publication of the Neopalatial, Final Palatial and Postpalatial ceramic assemblages from the settlement.
Ecole Française d’Athènes (2005-present) Excavations at Malia, Quartier Pi, Crete. Co-direction and coordination of the specialists’ teams and management of the archaeological material. Study & publication of the Neopalatial ceramic assemblages.
Musée L-UCLouvain (2018-2020) Principal investigator, interdisciplinary project “Teaching and research within the museum-laboratory”.
ARC-UCLouvain Research Project (2013-2018), A World in Crisis? Archaeological and Epigraphical Perspectives on the Late Bronze Age (13th c. B.C.) Mediterranean Systems’ Collapse: a case study approach. Scientific collaborator.
2017 UCLouvain, Fonds Spéciaux de recherches, Projets FSR Ceramics and societies. Function and Use of Everyday Pottery in Minoan Crete: A Pioneer Interdisciplinary Approach (4 years – 74.500€ + 80.750€).
2016 UCLouvain 2020 Teaching and research within the museum-laboratory (2 years - 50.000€)
2015-present F.R.S.-FNRS tenured position A changing society. Ceramic traditions and social dynamics in Late Bronze Age Crete
2009-2013 F.R.S.-FNRS Postdoctoral Researcher Socio-cultural identities and interactions of Cretan society in the Late Bronze Age. Analysis of modes of ceramic consumption and distribution in coastal settlements of Eastern Crete during 1480-1200 BC
2004-2008 F.R.S.-FNRS Research fellow Eteocretans in the Bronze Age in the Sitia Peninsula? A Regional and Archaeological Comparative Study of Crete during the Late Minoan II-IIIB Period
5. AWARDS (as a promotor) and FUNDING OBTANIED (as a co-promotor)
2018 funding from the Federation Wallonia-Brussels, Ministry of Research « Action de diffusion des connaissances scientifiques » for the direction of short-movies on the interdisciplinarity in Archeaology (15.000€)
2015 Mediterranean Archaeological Trust for final publication of archaeological material from the Bronze Age site of Palaikastro, Crete (co-promoter: Dr Quentin Letesson) (2000€)
2014 Cultural Development Fund/UClouvain coordination of an international and itinerant artistic and scientific exhibition « Deconstructing the Past - Reconstructing the Present » (4000€)
2010-2019 Funding from the Ministry of Research, French Community of Belgium, for SARPEDON – Sissi Archaeological Project (co-promoter: Prof. Jan Driessen) (30.000€ per year)
For a full publication list:
2004-2005: Athens, Greece – 16 months of doctoral research in libraries and archives of foreign scientific institutions.
2003-present: Crete, Greece – combined total of 130 weeks of research stays (excavations and study campaigns), within the framework of international scientific collaborations (cf. point 3)
2016-present Invited associated Professor UCLouvain, Faculty of Philosophy, Arts, and Letters – Department of Art History, Archaeology and Musicology., LARKO 2215 – Ceramic Studies and Archaeometry. Master 1-Master 2.
2011-2016 Invited assistant Professor UCLouvain, Faculty of Philosophy, Arts, and Letters – Department of Art History, Archaeology and Musicology, LARKO 2250 – Ceramic Studies. Master 1-Master 2.
2005-present Guest lecturer UCLouvain, Faculty of Philosophy, Arts, and Letters – Department of Art History, Archaeology and Musicology. LARKE 1230-Technologie de l’Antiquité ; LARKO 2340-Questions spéciales d'archéologie des civilisations égéennes ; LARKO 2260-Iconologie et archéologie ; LARKO 2672-séminaire d’archéologie méditerranéenne – LARKE 1232 Introduction à la pratique scientifique en archéologie.
2005-present Training of students from Belgian and foreign universities in the framework of the archaeological excavations at Sissi and Malia, Crete (post-excavations studies, ceramic analysis).
Postoctoral research supervision:
-Dr Mathioudaki Argyro (Postoctoral fellow FNRS + MOVE-IN UCLouvain), Palaces in transition. Connectivity and disruption in Minoan Crete: a ceramic perspective. Oct. 2017-Sept. 2020.
-Dr Annelies Van de Ven (FSR Incoming Postdoc Fellowship UCLouvain), Bridging the Divide: Exploring Dialogues between Artefacts and Texts in a University Museum through Scholarship, Engagement and Display, Oct. 2018-sept. 2020.
-Dr Anthoula Balitsari (FSR Incoming Postdoc Fellowship UCLouvain), Attica in the Middle: Exploring Networks of Pottery Production, Consumption and Distribution in the Middle and early Late Bronze Age. April 2019-March 2021.
PhD thesis supervision:
-LIARD Florence (FNRS Research Fellow), De la chaîne opératoire à l'organisation sociétale en Crète à la fin du Bronze Récent (1450-1200 av. J.-C.). Archéométrie des pratiques de production, de distribution et de consommation des céramiques en plaine de Malia. Oct. 2011-April 2015. PhD Viva 1st April 2015.
-MARY Laura (UCLouvain), Repas communautaire et commensalité rituelle. Etude diachronique des pratiques de consommation en Crète minoenne (3500-1200 av. J.-C.). 2015-2016.
-TSAFOU Evgenia (UCL-FSR Research Fellow), The socioeconomic aspects of pottery. Function and use of domestic vessels in Bronze Age Crete: an interdisciplinary approach. Oct. 2017-Sept. 2021.
-DUBOIS Roxane (FNRS Research Fellow), Communities of practices and regional networks during the First Palaces Period in Crete (1900-1700 BCE). Oct. 2019-Sept. 2023.
-DAUTAIS Louis (Research Fellow MESRI 2019-2022 Coll. IFAO-Institut français d’archéologie orientale) L’Égypte et le monde égéen (XVIIe-XIIe s. av. n.-è.) Une approche globale et diachronique de leurs interactions. Sept. 2019-Oct. 2022. Co-promoter Prof. M. Gabolde (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 (UPVM3, France).
Master thesis supervision (3) Master thesis committee (12)
UCLouvain, Faculty of Philosophy, Arts, and Letters – Department of Art History, Archaeology and Musicology.
2017 Reviewer for the American Journal of Archaeology
2017 Reviewer for the Executive government agency of National Science Centre, Poland (Narodowe Centrum Nauki - NCN;
2017-present UCLouvain, Institute for the Study of Civilizations, Arts and Letters, board member.
2017-present UCLouvain, Center for the Study of the Ancient Worlds, INCAL. Spokesperson.
2016-2017 UCLouvain, Center for the Study of the Ancient Worlds, INCAL. Treasurer.
2014-2016 UCL UCLouvain, Center for the Study of the Ancient Worlds, INCAL. Secretary.
2015-present UCLouvain, Faculty of Philosophy, Arts, and Letters – Department of Art History, Archaeology and Musicology. Secretary for the Jury of the Undergraduate program.
2015-present UCLouvain, Faculty of Philosophy, Arts, and Letters – Department of Art History, Archaeology and Musicology. Secretary for the committees of the Undergraduate and Graduate programs.
2009-2011 UCLouvain, Institute for the Study of Civilizations, Arts and Letters, Representative for the Scientific Staff.
1. Co-organisation of the scientific day ‘La recherche au sein de CEMA. Diversités et perspectives’ (Centre d’Etudes des Mondes Antiques), UCL, 3rd May 2013;
2. Organisation of the international workshop ‘How long is a century? Late Minoan IIIB pottery: Relative chronology and regional differences’, Louvain-la-Neuve, 24 & 25 October 2013;
3. Organisation of the international workshop ‘Technology in Crisis. Technological changes in ceramic production during periods of trouble’, Louvain-la-Neuve, 18-19 February 2016;
4. FNRS Contact Group, CeRA-Ceramic Research in Archaeology, 1st Conference of the CeRA Group, 1st March 2018, Musée L-UCLouvain.
5. Organisation of the « Minoan Pottery in situ seminar » at Sissi under the Auspices of the Belgian School at Athens, Sissi Research Center and Apothiki, 21st July 2018 (presentation of MM IIIA-LM IIIB ceramic assemblages from the Archaeological Sissi Project).
6. Organisation of the « Minoan Pottery in situ seminar » at Malia under the auspices of the French School at Athens, Malia dighouse, 5th August 2018 (presentation of MM IIIA-LM IA ceramic assemblages from the Archaeological Excavations of Quartier Pi, Malia).
7. Co-organisation of the annual conference of the Institute for the Study of Civilizations, Arts and Letters, ‘Habiter le monde. Journée d’études de l’institut INCAL’, UCL, 28th March 2019;
8. Groupe de contact FNRS, CeRA-Ceramic Research in Archaeology, 2nd Conference of the CeRA Group, 15th March 2019, ULB.
- Diploma
Year Label Educational Organization 1999 Candidate en philosophie et lettres : histoire de l'art et archéologie Université catholique de Louvain 2001 Licenciée en histoire de l'art et archéologie Université catholique de Louvain 2003 Diplômée d'études approfondies en philosophie et lettres Université catholique de Louvain 2008 Docteur en Histoire, Art et Archéologie Université catholique de Louvain
2016-present Invited associated Professor UCLouvain, Faculty of Philosophy, Arts, and Letters – Department of Art History, Archaeology and Musicology, LARKO 2215 – Ceramic Studies and Archaeometry. Master 1-Master 2.
2011-2016 Invited assistant Professor UCLouvain, Faculty of Philosophy, Arts, and Letters – Department of Art History, Archaeology and Musicology, LARKO 2250 – Ceramic Studies. Master 1-Master 2.
- Courses
Name ID Seminar on material culture: techniques and societies LARKO2233 Archaeological Science and Practice Seminar A: Life Sciences LARKO2241 Archaeological Science and Practice Seminar B: Earth and Materials Sciences LARKO2242 Archaeology of Aegean Protohistory LARKO2342 Interdisciplinary seminar in biology, anthropology and archaeology LBABA1301
My research project focuses on sociocultural and sociopolitical transformations which affected Cretan communities during the two and a half centuries covered by the LM IB-LM IIIB ceramic phases (1480-1200 BC). It aims at a better understanding of the sequence and contextualization of these changes within the framework of contemporary Aegean and East-Mediterranean societies by concentrating on the main aspect of material culture: pottery.
This is a key-period of Cretan history with, firstly, a critical transitional phase which sees the end of the Neopalatial organization, potential internal conflicts and a new external impetus with major alterations in administration and funerary practices and, secondly, a thorough reorganisation of Cretan society with the disappearance of the last palace at Knossos, the emergence or re-development of wealthy regional centres and an intensification of both short and long distance interaction. The causes and conditions of these important changes remain highly debated, although commonly attributed to Mainland Mycenaean incomers. I focus on a contextual analysis of modes of consumption and distribution of Cretan ceramics associated with social groupings in a series of coastal settlements. Through the examination and contextualization of first-hand material data from the Late Bronze Age settlements at Sissi and Malia in North-Central Crete and Palaikastro in Eastern Crete, and a comparison with published data from other sites, a more fine-tuned chronological and geographical definition of current sociopolitical transformations and sociocultural identities is looked for, as the results of the ceramic analyses will help to clarify not only the sequence but also partially the nature and variations of these changes. In other words, the definition of the developments of pottery traditions and the contextualization of key changes made by their sponsors, producers or consumers may allow us to identify the forces at work in social transformations. Throughout successive inquiries, an explanatory framework of potential coexisting phenomena is incorporated: indigenous continuous developments, pan-Aegean gradual syncretism and local episodic responses to external intrusions. In doing so, I also try to open a window on the dynamics related to the issues of transmission and transformation of material culture within Protohistoric civilizations.
Langohr, Charlotte ; Pomadère, Maia ; Alberti, Maria Emanuela. The Neopalatial architectural and ceramic sequence at Malia. New insights from Area Pi. In: Bulletin de correspondance hellénique, Vol. 146 - 2022 (2024).
Langohr, Charlotte. Living apart together. A ceramic analysis of Eastern Crete during the advanced Late Bronze Age . In: Journal of Greek Archaeology, Vol. 4, no.1, p. 31-66 (2019).
Langohr, Charlotte. comptre-rendu de E. HALLAGER & B. P. HALLAGER (eds), The Greek-Swedish Excavations at the Agia Aikaterini Square Kastelli, Khania 1970-1987, 2001, 2005 and 2008. Vol. V.1-2, The Late Minoan IIIA:1 and II Settlements. Stockholm, Svenska Institutet I Athen, 2016. In: L'Antiquité Classique, Vol. 88, no.1, p. 377-380 (2019).
Langohr, Charlotte. El periodo micénico en Creta. Los entresijos de un debate constante. In: Desperta Ferro-Arqueología e Historia, Vol. janvier 2018, p. 46-50 (2018) (Accepté/Sous presse).
Langohr, Charlotte. La période mycénienne en Crète. In: Les Dossiers d'Archéologie, Vol. juillet/août 2017, p. 28-33 (2017).
Jusseret, Simon ; Langohr, Charlotte ; Sintubin, Manuel. Tracking earthquake archaeological evidence in Late Minoan IIIB (~ 1300–1200 B.C.) Crete (Greece): a proof of concept. In: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 103, no. 6, p. 3026-3043 (Décembre 2013). doi:10.1785/0120130070.
Langohr, Charlotte. Compte-rendu de : I. BOEHM et S. MÜLLER-CELKA (éds), Espace civil, espace religieux en Égée durant la période mycénienne. Approche épigraphique, linguistique et archéologique (Travaux de la Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée 54), Lyon, 2010. In: Revue Archéologique, Vol. 53, no. 1, p. 189-190.
Langohr, Charlotte. Compte-rendu de: R. Angus K. SMITH, Mochlos IIB: period IV. The Mycenaean settlement and cemetery: the pottery. Philadelphia: INSTAP Academic Press, 2010. In: Bryn Mawr Classical Review, Vol. 41, no. 11, p. 0-0 (2010).
Pomadere, Maia ; Langohr, Charlotte. Activités et fonctions des grands bâtiments néopalatiaux : l’apport des fouilles de Pi. In: Bulletin de correspondance hellénique, Vol. 131, no. 2, p. 847-849 (2007).
Langohr, Charlotte. Compte-rendu de : E. HATZAKI, Knossos: the Little Palace (BSA Supplementary Volume 38), London, 2005. In: Revue Archéologique, Vol. 44, no. 2, p. 320-322 (2007).
Langohr, Charlotte. Le sarcophage romain peint de Kertch-Panticapée : analyse iconographique et iconologique. In: Revue des Archéologues, Historiens d'Art et Musicologues de l'UCL, Vol. 1, p. 119-122 (2003).
Πολυμήχανος. Man of Many Ways. Papers in Honour of Professor Jan Driessen, éd. Langohr, Charlotte ; Letesson, Quentin, Presses Universitaires de Louvain (Aegis; 25). Louvain-la-Neuve, 2023. 978-2-39061-344-2. 330 p.
Driessen, Jan ; Maria Anastasiadou ; Caloi, Ilaria ; Claeys, Thérèse ; sylviane déderix ; Maud Devolder ; Dubois, Roxane ; Gaignerot-Driessen Florence ; Kress, Nicolas ; Langohr, Charlotte ; Letesson, Quentin ; Iro Mathioudaki ; Mouthuy, Ophélie ; Schmitt Aurore ; Teo Terrana ; Tsafou, Evgenia. Excavations at Sissi V. Preliminary Report on the 2017-2019 Campaigns (AEGIS SERIES; 21), Presses universitaires de Louvain.: Louvain-la-neuve , 2022. 978-2-39061-198-1.
Driessen, Jan ; Anastasiadou, Maria ; Caloi, Ilaria ; Claeys, Thérèse ; Déderix, Sylviane ; Devolder, Maud ; Jusseret, Simon ; Langohr, Charlotte ; Letesson, Quentin ; Mathioudaki, Argyro ; Mouthuy, Ophélie ; Schmitt, Aurore. Excavations at Sissi, IV. Preliminary Report on the 2015-2016 Campaigns (AEGIS; 13), Presses Universitaires de Louvain: Louvain-la-Neuve, 2018. 978-2-87558-672-8. 355 p.
Caloi, Ilaria ; Langohr, Charlotte. Technology in Crisis. Technological changes in ceramic production during periods of trouble, Presses Universitaires de Louvain (AEGIS; 16). Louvain-la-Neuve, 2018. 978-2-87558-749-7. 241 p.
Langohr, Charlotte. How Long is a Century? Late Minoan IIIB Pottery. Relative Chronology and Regional Differences, 1st edition (AEGIS; 12), Presses Universitaires de Louvain: Louvain-la-Neuve, 2017. 978-2-87558-636-0. 415 p.
Driessen, Jan ; Schoep, Ilse ; Anastasiadou, Maria ; Carpentier, Frank ; Crevecoeur, Isabelle ; Déderix, Sylviane ; Devolder, Maud ; Gaignerot-Driessen, Florence ; Jusseret, Simon ; Langohr, Charlotte ; Letesson, Quentin ; Liard, Florence ; Schmitt, Aurore ; Tsoraki, Christina ; Veropoulidou, Rena. Excavations at Sissi, III. Preliminary Report on the 2011 Campaign (AEGIS; 6), Presses universitaires de Louvain: Louvain-la-Neuve, 2012. 978-2-87558-106-8. 226 p.
Driessen, Jan ; Schoep, Ilse ; Carpentier, Frank ; Crevecoeur, Isabelle ; Devolder, Maud N. ; Gaignerot-Driessen, Florence ; Hacigüzeller, Piraye ; Isaakidou, Valasia ; Jusseret, Simon ; Langohr, Charlotte ; Letesson, Quentin ; Schmitt, Aurore. Excavations at Sissi II. Preliminary Reports on the 2009-2010 Campaigns (Aegis; 4), Presses Universitaires de Louvain: Louvain-la-Neuve, 2011. 978-2-87558-003-0. 229 p.
Driessen, Jan ; Schoep, Ilse ; Carpentier, Frank ; Crevecoeur, Isabelle ; Devolder, Maud ; Gaignerot, Florence ; Hacigüzeller, Piraye ; Isaakidou, Valasia ; Jusseret, Simon ; Langohr, Charlotte ; Letesson, Quentin ; Schmitt, Aurore. Excavations at Sissi, II. Preliminary Report on the 2009-2010 Campaigns (AEGIS; 4), Presses Universitaires de Louvain: Louvain-la-Neuve, 2011. 978-2-87558-003-0. 229 p.
Driessen, Jan ; Schoep, Ilse ; Carpentier, Frank ; Crevecoeur, Isabelle ; Devolder, Maud ; Gaignerot-Driessen, Florence ; Fiasse, Hubert ; Hacigüzeller, Piraye ; Jusseret, Simon ; Langohr, Charlotte ; Letesson, Quentin ; Schmitt, Aurore. Excavations at Sissi. Preliminary Report on the 2007-2008 Campaigns (Aegis; 1), Presses Universitaires de Louvain: Louvain-la-Neuve, 2009. 978-2-87463-164-1. 192 p.
Langohr, Charlotte. ΠΕΡΙΦΕΡEΙΑ. Etude régionale de la Crète aux Minoen Récent II-IIIB (1450-1200 av. J.-C.) : 1. La Crète centrale et occidentale (AEGIS 3) (Aegis; 3), Presses universitaires de Louvain: Louvain-la-Neuve, 2009. 978-2-87463-200-6. 315 p. p.
Driessen, Jan ; Langohr, Charlotte. An Archaeology of Change. The nature, role, and consequences of destructions at the Kephali at Sissi. In: Driessen, Jan ; Langohr, Charlotte ; et al., Proceedings of the 12th International Cretological Congress 2022, Aghios Nikolaos, 5-9 October 2022.. Online publication, 2024. 978-960-9480-35-2 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Langohr, Charlotte. Cultural Transformation and Continuity in East Crete during LM II-IIIA2 Early. A Ceramic Perspective. In: A.L. D’Agata, L. Girella, E. Papadopoulou, One State, Many Worlds. Crete in the Late Minoan II-IIIA2 Early Period, Proceedings of an International Conference, Khania, Μεγά, Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici. Nuove Serie, 2022. 978-88-5491-082-9 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Sperandio, Emeline ; Schmitt, Aurore ; Claeys, Thérèse ; Langohr, Charlotte ; Tsafou, Evgenia. Late Bronze Age Perinatal and Infants’ Burials at Sissi. In: DRIESSEN J. (ed.), With M. ANASTASIADOU, I. CALOI, T. CLAEYS, M. DEVOLDER, F. GAIGERNOT-DRIESSEN, C. LANGOHR, Q. LETESSON et al., Sissi V. Preliminary Report on the 2017-2019 Excavations (Aegis; 21), Presses Universitaires de Louvain: Louvain-la-Neuve, 2021, 188-197. 978-2-39061-198-1.
Langohr, Charlotte. Neopalatial and Final Palatial ceramic assemblages at Sissi (Crete). New evidence and current issues. In: DRIESSEN J. (ed.), With M. ANASTASIADOU, I. CALOI, T. CLAEYS, M. DEVOLDER, F. GAIGERNOT-DRIESSEN, C. LANGOHR, Q. LETESSON et al., Sissi V. Preliminary Report on the 2017-2019 Excavations (Aegis; 21), Presses Universitaires de Louvain: Louvain-la-Neuve, 2021, 499-523. 978-2-39061-198-1.
Langohr, Charlotte ; Querinjean, Anne. Préface. In: C. Heering, A.-M. Vuillemenot (dir.), Art & Rite. Le pouvoir des objets, Musée L: Louvain-la-Neuve, 2021, p. 5-7. 978-2-39061-121-9.
Langohr, Charlotte. Growth and turmoil in the thirteenth century in Crete. In: G.D. MIDDLETON, Collapse and Transformation: The Late Bronze Age to Early Iron Age in the Aegean, Oxbow Books: Oxford & Philadelphia, 2020, p. 87-96. 9781789254259.
Langohr, Charlotte. Recherche scientifique et projet muséal. In: Myriam Wattee-Delmotte, Rite et création (Vertige de la langue), Hermann: Paris, 2020, p. 387-388. 9791037003447.
Pomadère Maia ; Lespez Laurent ; Langohr, Charlotte. Times of historical developments and environmental changes in the Minoan town of Malia, Crete: an intra and off-site geoarcheological approach. In: Zoï Tsirtsoni, Catherine Kuzucuoğlu, Philippe Nondédéo, Olivier Weller., Different Times? Archaeological and Environmental Data from Intra-Site and Off-Site Sequences, Archaeopress: Oxford, 2020, p. 64-76. Printed ISBN 9781789696516. Epublication ISBN 9781789696523.
Langohr, Charlotte. In Vino Veritas? In search of the evidence for past Minoan wine rituals before the krater. In: E. BORGNA, I. CALOI, F. CARINCI et R. LAFFINEUR, MNEME. Past and Memory in the Aegean Bronze Age Proceeding of the 17th International Aegean Conference held in Venice, 17-21 April 2018 (AEGAEUM; 43). Louvain, 2019, 125-132. 978-90-429-3903-5.
Caloi, Ilaria ; Langohr, Charlotte. Technological changes in ceramic production during periods of trouble: methodological approaches and matters of scale. In: I. Caloi & C. Langohr, Technology in Crisis. Technological changes in ceramic production during periods of trouble, Acts of an International Workshop H (AEGIS; 16). Louvain-la-Neuve, 2018, p. 21-33. 978-2-87558-749-7.
Langohr, Charlotte. The Neopalatial ceramic sequence at Sissi, Crete: a 2017 perspective. In: J. Driessen, M. Anastasiadou, I. Caloi, T. Claeys, S. Dederix, M. Devolder, S. Jusseret, C. Langohr, Q. Letesson, A. Mathioudaki, Excavations at Sissi IV. Preliminary Report on the 2015 and 2016 Campaigns (AEGIS; 13). Louvain-la-Neuve, 2018, p. 301-314. 978-2-87558-749-7.
Langohr, Charlotte. Late Minoan IIIB Pottery at Sissi and Malia. Assessing local ceramic sequences, regional traditions and interregional interaction. In: Charlotte Langohr, How Long is a Century? Late Minoan IIIB Pottery. Relative Chronology and Regional Differences (AEGIS; 12), Presses Universitaires de Louvain: Louvain-la-Neuve, 2017, p. 193-242. 978-2-87558-636-0.
Langohr, Charlotte. The Late Minoan IIIB Phase on Crete. The State of Play and Future Perspectives. In: Charlotte Langohr, How Long is a Century? Late Minoan IIIB Pottery. Relative Chronology and Regional Differences (AEGIS; 12), Presses Universitaires de Louvain: Louvain-la-Neuve, 2017, p. 11-35. 978-2-87558-636-0.
Driessen, Jan ; Farnoux, Alexandre ; Langohr, Charlotte. Two more Linear B inscribed stirrup jars from Malia. In: I. Kaiser, O. Kouka & D. Panagiotopoulos (eds), Ein Minoer im Exil. Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Wolf-Dietrich Niemeier (Universitätsforschungen zur Prähistorischen Archäologie; 188). Bonn, 2015.
Langohr, Charlotte. Observations on some Late Minoan Pottery from Sissi. In: J. Driessen, I. Schoep, M. Anastasiadou, F. Carpentier, I. Crevecoeur, S. Dederix, M. Devolder, F. Gaignerot-Driessen, S. Jusseret, C. Langohr, Q. Letesson, F. Liard, A. Schmitt, C. Tsoraki, R. Veropoulidou, Excavations at Sissi, III. Preliminary Report on the 2011 Campaign (AEGIS; 6), PUL: Louvain-la-Neuve, 2012, 153-165. 978-2-87463-273-0.
Langohr, Charlotte. La céramique MM IIIB-MR IIIB de Sissi. Quelques dépôts et ensembles notoires. In: J. Driessen, I. Schoep, F. Carpentier, I. Crevecoeur, M. Devolder, F. Gaignerot-Driessen, P. Hacıgüzeller, V. Isaakidou, S. Jusseret, C. Langohr, Q. Letesson, A. Schmitt, Excavations at Sissi. Preliminary Report on the 2009-2010 Campaigns (Aegis; 4). Louvain-la-Neuve, 2011, 179-196.
Langohr, Charlotte. A preliminary report on the Late Minoan pottery. In: J. Driessen, I. Schoep, F. Carpentier, I. Crevecoeur, M. Devolder, F. Gaignerot-Driessen, H. Fiasse, P. Hacıgüzeller, S. Jusseret, C. Langohr, Q. Letesson, A. Schmitt, Excavations at Sissi. Preliminary Report on the 2007-2008 Campaigns (Aegis; 1), Presses universitaires de Louvain: Louvain-la-Neuve, 2009, 163-178. 978-2-87463-164-1.
Driessen, Jan ; Farnoux, Alexandre ; Langohr, Charlotte. Favissae. Feasting Pits in LM III. In: L. Hitchcock, R. Laffineur et J. Crowley, DAIS, The Aegean Feast. Proceedings of the 12th Inernational Aegean Conference (AEGAEUM; 29). Liège-Austin, 2008, 197-206. 978-1-935488-22-4.
Driessen, Jan ; Langohr, Charlotte. Rallying around the 'Minoan' Past : the Legitimation of Power at Knossos during the Late Bronze Age. In: Michael L. Galaty, William A. Parkinson (eds), Rethinking the Mycenaean Palaces, Revised and expanded second ed., Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press at UCLA: Los Angeles, 2007, 178-189. 978-1-931745-43-7.
Langohr, Charlotte. Eteocretans in the Bronze Age? The Far East of Crete during the LM II-III periods (1450-1100). In: J. Day, C. Greenlaw, H. Hall, A. Kelly, L. Matassa, K. McAleese, E. Saunders et D. Stritch, Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology. Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Meeting of Postgraduate Researchers (BAR Series; 1514). Dublin, 2006, 87-93. 1-84171-947-1.
Langohr, Charlotte ; Drappier , G.. Iconographie du pouvoir en Crète minoenne : vers la mise au point d'une méthodologie. In: Yves Perrin (dir.), Iconographie impériale, iconographie royale, iconographie des élites dans le monde gréco-romain (CERHI), Presses universitaires de Saint-Etienne: Saint-Etienne, 2004, 19-47. 2-86272-311-8.
Langohr, Charlotte ; Tsafou, Evgenia. Change and continuity in cooking practices in Minoan Crete. A diachronic, volumetric analysis of the traditional tripod cooking pot.. No half Measures for Understanding Ancient Pots: Aims and Methods of Capacity Studies in the Mediterranean Bronze Age (École française d'Athènes, Athènes (Greece)., du 15/06/2023 au 16/06/2023).
Van Brussel, Alizé ; Van de ven, Annelies ; Langohr, Charlotte ; Damien, Muriel ; Peeters, Anthony. Constructing Archaeological Learning at the Museum L with Archives and Collections. Archaeological University Collections: Past Lessons and Future Goals (online workshop, du 27/11/2023 au 28/11/2023).
Langohr, Charlotte. Movements of population in Crete in Late Minoan IIIB advanced? Evidence for discontinuities in the ceramic repertoire at Sissi and in its region. 13th International Cretological Congress (Aghios Nikolaos, du 05/10/2022 au 09/10/2022).
Langohr, Charlotte. The skeleton in the closet. Late Minoan II-IIIB ceramic regionalism before and after the final destruction of Knossos. International Workshop 'Regional variation in Mycenaean pottery' (Warsaw, du 27/10/2022 au 28/10/2022).
Langohr, Charlotte ; Pomadère, Maia ; Alberti, Maria Emanuela. Séquence céramique néopalatiale à Malia. Les apports majeurs du Secteur Pi à la compréhension de l’histoire du site. Recherches à Malia (Crète). Actualités et perspectives, Journée d’étude, 2 décembre 2020 (Webinaire) (Ecole française d’Athènes, du 02/12/2020 au 02/12/2020).
Langohr, Charlotte ; Mathioudaki, Argyro. Comparing ceramic data – proposing synchronisms: Neopalatial pottery sequences from Malia (Area Pi) and Sissi and their relation to other Minoan sites. . Conference cycle "Minoan Seminars" (Archaeological Society at Athens, Athens, 24/05/2019).
Langohr, Charlotte. Coping with Cultural Transformation and Continuity in East Crete during LM II-IIIA2 Early: A Ceramic Perspective. One State, Many Worlds. Crete in the Late Minoan II-IIIA2 Early Period. International Conference (Khania, du 21/11/2019 au 23/11/2019).
Tsafou, Evgenia ; Langohr, Charlotte. Fonction et utilisation de la céramique de cuisine en Crète à l’Âge du Bronze: approche interdisciplinaire. Approche fonctionnelle des céramiques archéologiques. 2e journée d'étude groupe de contact FNRS Ceramic Research in Archaeology (ULB, Bruxelles, 15/03/2018).
Langohr, Charlotte ; Mathioudaki, Argyro. Ceramic traditions in Palatial Crete in the longue durée. Examining shifts in pottery consumption and production at palatial Malia and non-palatial Sissi. 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology (Cologne/Bonn, du 22/05/2018 au 26/05/2018).
Langohr, Charlotte ; Mathioudaki, Argyro ; Terrana, Théo. Discarded material in complex outdoor settings: the case of space 10.6 in the west wing of the Court-Centred Building at Sissi (Zone 17). On the Outdoors of Aegean Prehistory, Colloquium organized at Norwegian Institute at Athens (Athènes, du 17/05/2018 au 18/05/2018).
Langohr, Charlotte. In Vino Veritas? In search of the evidence for past Minoan wine rituals before the krater. 7th International Aegean Conference Μνεμε / Mneme. Past And Memory In The Aegean Bronze Age (Venise, du 17/04/2018 au 21/04/2018).
Langohr, Charlotte ; Pomadère, Maia ; Lespez, Laurent ; Glais, Arthur. Times of historical developments and environmental changes in the Minoan town of Malia, Crete: an intra and off-site geoarcheological approach. . XVIIIe congrès mondial Union Internationale des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques-UISPP 2018 (Paris, du 04/06/2018 au 09/06/2018).
Langohr, Charlotte. Chercher la femme. Questions de genre en archéologie minoenne. Journée d’étude sur les recherches autour du Genre dans l’Institut des Civilisations, Arts et Lettres (UCLouvain, 11/12/2017).
Langohr, Charlotte. The Middle Minoan III period at Malia and in North-central Crete. New Results and Current Issues. Aegis Day (UCL, 02/02/2017).
Langohr, Charlotte ; Alberti , Maria Emanuela ; Pomadère, Maia. Evidence for trouble and social transformation at Middle Minoan III Malia, Crete. A view from Area Pi. paper presented at the 12th International Cretological Congress (Heraklion, du 21/09/2016 au 25/09/2016).
Langohr, Charlotte ; Caloi, Ilaria. Technological changes in ceramic production during periods of trouble: questions and perspectives. TIC: Technology in Crisis Technological changes in ceramic production during periods of trouble, International workshop (Louvain-la-Neuve, du 18/02/2016 au 19/02/2016).
Driessen, Jan ; Langohr, Charlotte. Recent Developments in the Archaeology of Minoan Crete. Recent Developments in the Long-Term Archaeology of Greece (Netherlands Institute at Athens, du 13/12/2011 au 15/12/2011). In: Pharos, Vol. 20, no.1, p. 75-115 (2014). doi:10.2143/PHA.20.1.3064537.
Jusseret, Simon ; Langohr, Charlotte ; Sintubin, Manuel. A new methodology for the critical assessment of earthquake-related damage in archaeological contexts: a proof of concept for the 13th century BC in Minoan Crete (Late Minoan IIIB).. 4th International INQUA Meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology (Aachen, du 09/10/2013 au 15/10/2013). In: Seismic Hazard, Critical Facilities and Slow Active Faults. Proceedings of the 4th International INQUA Meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology, 9-15 October 2013, Grützner & Reicherter Geosolutions UG (haftungsbeschränkt): Aachen, 2013. 978-3-00-042796-1, 109-112.
Langohr, Charlotte. East Cretan ceramics during the advanced Late Bronze Age: Assessing regional traditions and interaction networks. Island, Mainland, Coastland & Hinterland Ceramic Perspectives on Connectivity in the Ancient Mediterranean (University of Amsterdam, du 01/02/2013 au 03/02/2013).
Jusseret, Simon ; Langohr, Charlotte ; Sintubin, Manuel. L'archéosismologie: un cadre conceptuel pour l'évaluation de l'origine sismique des couches de destruction archéologiques. Destruction: Archaeological, philological and historical perspectives, International Round Table (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, du 24/11/2011 au 26/11/2011). In: Destruction. Archaeological, Philological and Historical Perspectives, Presses Universitaires de Louvain: Louvain-la-Neuve, 2013. 9782875581242, 183-202.
Langohr, Charlotte. Late Minoan IIIB pottery at Malia and Sissi. Assessing local ceramic sequence, regional traditions and interaction networks. How long is a century? Late Minoan IIIB pottery: Relative chronology and regional differences, International workshop organized by the Aegean Interdisciplinary Studies research group (UCL) (Louvain-la-Neuve, du 24/10/2013 au 25/10/2013).
Anastasiadou, Maria ; Déderix, Sylviane ; Devolder, Maud N. ; Driessen, Jan ; Jusseret, Simon ; Langohr, Charlotte ; Letesson, Quentin ; Liard, Florence. Recherches archéologiques pluridisciplinaires sur un site de l’Âge du Bronze. Sissi, Crète. Journée du Centre d’Étude des Mondes Antiques (Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgique), 03/05/2013).
Langohr, Charlotte. Sissi in the Late Bronze Age. Regionalism and interconnections. 4ème Journée de l’activité scientifique belge en Grèce, organisée par le CBRAG (Centre belge de recherches archéologiques en Grèce) et l’EBSA (Ecole belge d’Athènes) (Bruxelles, Musées Royaux d’Art et d’Histoire (MRAH/KMKG), 01/03/2013).
Langohr, Charlotte. Consommation et échanges de poteries en Crète centrale-est aux Minoen Récent II-IIIB (1450-1200 av. J.-C.). ANR Espace et Territoire "DIKIDA" - Séminaire doctoral "la céramique crétoise du MR au VII siècle" (univesité de Strasbourg, 30/03/2012).
Jusseret, Simon ; Langohr, Charlotte ; Sintubin, Manuel. Evaluating the impact of earthquakes on Late Minoan IIIB (c. 1300-1200 BC) archaeological sites (Crete, Greece). 4th International Geologica Belgica Meeting (Brussels, Belgium, du 11/09/2012 au 14/09/2012).
Jusseret, Simon ; Langohr, Charlotte ; Sintubin, Manuel. Evaluating the impact of earthquakes on Minoan coastal settlements: an example from the archaeological site of Sissi, north-eastern Crete (Greece). Seismological Society of America Annual Meeting (San Diego, California, USA, du 17/04/2012 au 19/04/2012). In: Seismological Research Letters, Vol. 83, no. 2, p. 447-448 (2012). doi:10.1785/gssrl.83.2.316.
Gomrée, Thibaut ; Langohr, Charlotte ; Pomadère, Maia. Excavations in the Pi Area at Malia (2005-2010). 2nd Meeting for the Archaeological Work in Crete (Rethymnon, du 26/11/2011 au 28/11/2011). In: Αρχαιολογικό Έργο Κρήτης 2. Πρακτικά της 2ης Συνάντησης, Ρέθυμνo, 26-28 Νoεμβρίoυ 2010 / Archaeological Work in Crete 2. Proceedings of the 2nd Meeting, Rethymnon, 26-28 November 2010, Faculty of Letters Publications, University of Crete: Rethymno, 2012. 978-960-9430-07-4, p. 89-97.
Jusseret, Simon ; Langohr, Charlotte ; Sintubin, Manuel. From active faults to ancient ruins: tracking earthquake damage in Late Minoan IIIB (1300-1200 BC) Crete. Colloque de l’Institut des Civilisations, Arts et Lettres: Culture et/ou civilisation. Une question de valeurs, de sources, d'identités et de méthodes (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, du 31/05/2012 au 01/06/2012).
Jusseret, Simon ; Langohr, Charlotte ; Sintubin, Manuel. Archaeoseismology: a conceptual framework for assessing the seismic origin of archaeological destruction layers. Destruction: Archaeological, philological and historical perspectives, International Round Table (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, du 24/11/2011 au 26/11/2011).
Langohr, Charlotte ; Alberti, Maria Emanuela. The Neopalatial pottery from the Pi Area at Malia: a preliminary examination. 11th International Cretological Congress (Rethymnon, du 21/10/2011 au 27/10/2011).
Gomrée, Thibaut ; Langohr, Charlotte ; Pomadère, Maia. Excavations in the Pi area at Malia (2005-2010). 2nd Meeting for Archaeological Work in Crete (Rethymnon, du 26/10/2010 au 28/10/2010).
Langohr, Charlotte. Late Minoan Pottery at the Bouffo (Sissi, Crete) : A Preliminary Examination. Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America (Philadelphie, du 09/01/2009 au 11/01/2009).
Driessen, Jan ; Farnoux, Alexandre ; Langohr, Charlotte. Favissae. Feasting Pits in LM III: Apogorevetai to spasimo?. Dais. The Aegean Feast. 12th International Aegean Conference (Melbourne, du 25/03/2008 au 29/03/2008).
Langohr, Charlotte. Regionalism in Mycenaean Crete revisited: comparing LM IB-LM IIIA1 Palaikastro, Mochlos and Kommos. Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America (Chicago, du 03/01/2008 au 06/01/2008).
Pomadère, Maia ; Langohr, Charlotte. Les activités représentées dans les « villas » et grands édifices dans la ville néopalatiale de Malia : l’apport des fouilles du bâtiment Pi. table ronde Malia, ville et territoire : organisation des espaces et exploitation des ressources (Ecole Française d'Athènes, du 02/11/2007 au 03/11/2007).
Langohr, Charlotte. « l'Atelier de Palaikastro »: ensembles céramiques régionaux en Crète orientale à la fin de l'Âge du Bronze. "Journées des doctorants UCL-FLTR. Histoire, Archéologie et Histoire de l'Art" (Mémorial Kongolo, Gentinnes., du 28/03/2007 au 28/03/2007).
Langohr, Charlotte ; Cunningham, Tim. The Palaikastro Workshop: East Cretan Regional Ceramics at the End of the Bronze Age. Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America (Montréal, du 05/01/2006 au 08/01/2006).
Langohr, Charlotte. Eteocretans in the Bronze Age ? The far East of Crete during the LM II-III periods (1450-1100). Eighth Annual Meeting of Postgraduate Researchers (Dublin, du 20/02/2004 au 22/02/2004). In: SOMA: Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology ; proceedings of the eighth annual meeting of postgraduate researchers ; School of Classics, Trinity College Dublin, 20 - 22 February 2004 (British Archaeological Reports. International series; 1514), Archaeopress: Dublin, 2004. 978-1-84171-947-4, p. 87-93.
Langohr, Charlotte. Des Etéocrétois à l'Âge du Bronze dans la Péninsule de Sitia : étude régionale et archéologique comparative de la Crète aux Minoen Récent II-IIIB / Eteocretans during the Bronze Age in the Sitia Peninsula : regional and archaeological comparative study of Crete in the Late Minoan II-IIIB Period, prom. : Driessen, Jan, 2008.