Place Sainte Barbe 2/L5.02.02
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Kevin Van Droogenbroek
Assistant de recherche
Kevin Van Droogenbroek graduated as a chemical and materials science engineer at Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain, Belgium) in June 2022. He is currently doing a Ph.D. thesis under the supervision of Prof. Joris Proost.
His research is part of a bigger project funded by the Walloon region aiming at producing green hydrogen by means of Alkaline Water Electrolysis (AWE). More specifically, his work consists in the fluid mechanical modeling of gas-electrolyte flow within pilot scale electrolysis cells equipped with 3D electrodes. The main objective of his research is to study the impact of forced flow on a pilot cell and to find an optimal configuration for the electrolyser in order to favour bubble removal from the complex porous structures while benefiting from the whole surface area that they provide.
- Diploma
Year Label Educational Organization 2020 Bachelier en sciences de l'ingénieur, orientation ingénieur civil Université catholique de Louvain 2022 Master ingénieur civil en chimie et science des matériaux Université catholique de Louvain
Teaching activities at École polytechnique de Louvain (EPL, Belgium):
- [LMAPR1400] - Teaching assistant of the course « Cinétique Physique et Chimique »
- [LMAPR2330] - Teaching assistant of the course « Reactor Design »
- [LEPL1302] - Monitor of the electrochemistry laboratories for the course « Chimie et Chimie-Physique 2 »
Computational fluid dynamics simulations of gas-electrolyte behaviour in alkaline water electrolysis cells
In today’s world, concern is growing about the future of energy. Despite very ambitious international climate goals by 2050, global energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions keep increasing. In order to tackle this problem, hydrogen (H2) might become a significant part of the solution since it is a way to produce, store, move and use energy in a clean way. However, more than 95% of the actual hydrogen production is made of grey hydrogen, i.e. H2 produced from fossil fuels, which leads to high CO2 emissions. One way to decarbonise this energy vector is to use renewable energies (solar panels, wind turbines, etc) to produce green hydrogen via water electrolysis. This is where the HeCO2 project funded by the Walloon region comes in, focusing on the production of green hydrogen via Alkaline Water Electrolysis (AWE).
In general, AWE is characterised by the use of two planar electrodes separated by a certain distance and operating in a liquid alkaline electrolyte solution (i.e. KOH, potassium hydroxide). However, the efficiency of the process can be improved by using 3D electrodes in a zero-gap cell configuration and by forcing the electrolyte flow through the cell. This configuration is the one that will be used in the scope of the HeCO2 project and it is depicted in the figure below. The chemical reactions taking place at the cathode and at the anode are also highlighted.
In more details, the work will consist in the fluid mechanical modelling of liquid and gaseous flows within an industrial scale alkaline electrolyser, especially in the cathodic chambers where hydrogen will be produced. The geometry considered in this project is the one of the pilot located in the laboratories of UCLouvain. The figure hereunder gives an overview of this industrial scale pilot. The pumps used to force the flow and one of the stacks are also highlighted. An exploded view of one specific cell of the stack is shown on the top right, as well as the simplified geometry used to model the cathodic half-cell.
The study of liquid electrolyte flow and of gaseous hydrogen bubble formation and escape will allow to optimise the performance of the electrolyser. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a powerful numerical tool that will be used during this project to determine the optimal configuration required to homogenise the electrolyte flow (to take advantage of the whole specific area provided by the electrodes) while favouring hydrogen bubble removal from the complex 3D structures. As an example, the added value of a numerical simulation for a better understanding of the electrolyte flux distribution within a cell is shown below where the velocity field of the electrolyte (in m/s) is compared with KOH deposits that were found on one of the bipolar plates of the pilot after a bench of tests. Note that these numerical results were generated with the OpenFOAM software.
Saraiva Rocha da Silva, Fernando ; Georgiadis, Christos ; Van Droogenbroek, Kevin ; Delmelle, Renaud ; Pinon, Xavier ; Pyka, Grzegorz ; Kerckhofs, Greet ; Egert, Franz ; Razmjooei, Fatemeh ; Ansar, Syed-Asif ; Mitsushima, Shigenori ; Proost, Joris. Proton exchange membrane-like alkaline water electrolysis using flow-engineered three-dimensional electrodes. In: Nature Communications, Vol. 15, p. 7444 (2024).
Van Droogenbroek, Kevin ; Georgiadis, Christos ; Proost, Joris. CFD simulations of electrolyte flow uniformity and recirculation in alkaline water electrolysis cells. European PhD Hydrogen Conference (EPHyC2024), Symposium on Production (Ghent, Belgium, du 20/03/2024 au 22/03/2024). In: European PhD Hydrogen Conference : book of abstracts, 2024, p. Abstract 64.
Van Droogenbroek, Kevin ; Georgiadis, Christos ; Proost, Joris. Multiphase modeling of enhanced bubble evacuation in alkaline water electrolysis cells based on laterally-graded 3-D electrodes. 245th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society (ECS), Symposium on Low Temperature Water Electrolysis for Hydrogen Production (San Francisco, CA, USA, du 26/05/2024 au 30/05/2024). In: Proceedings of the 245th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society (ECS), 2024, p. Abstract I01-1681.
Van Droogenbroek, Kevin ; Georgiadis, Christos ; Proost, Joris. Towards Multiphase Modeling and Simulation of Alkaline Water Electrolysis through Pore-Resolved Foam Electrodes. 243rd Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Symposium on low temperature water electrolysis for H2 Production (Boston, USA, du 28/05/2023 au 02/06/2023). In: ECS Meeting Abstracts, 2023, Abstract I01-1980.
Georgiadis, Christos ; Van Droogenbroek, Kevin ; Proost, Joris. Towards pore-resolved multiphase simulations of electrolyte-bubble flow through 3D electrodes for alkaline water electrolysis. 19th Multiphase Flow Workshop - Conference and Short Course (Dresden, Germany, du 19/06/2023 au 23/06/2023). In: Book of abstracts, 2023, p. Abstract 380.