Contacts and office opening hours


Your coordinator if you come from: Germany- North and south America - Australia - Austria - China - Denmark - Spain (Alcala de Henares - Barcelona - Lleida - Madrid Complutense - Salamanque) - Finland - Hungary- Ireland - Iceland - Latvia- Norway- Portugal - Czech Republic - Romania - United Kingdom - Sweden - Turkey.

Your coordinator if you come from: Belgium- Canada - France - Italy - Luxembourg - Nederlands - Poland -Spain (Madrid Comillas - Malaga - Murcia - Oviedo - Pamplona - Valencia) - Switzerland.


You have questions?

We can answer many of them by email. You can also come to the International Relations office during office hours only. A Teams meeting can be arranged if necessary.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
No opening hours - only with appointment 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm No opening hours 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm No opening hours

Outside opening hours, you can leave your documents in the lettebox near our door (office C.013) or send them by email.