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Studying as a (candidate) refugee

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Have you applied for asylum in Belgium? Do you have refugee status, temporary protection or subsidiary protection in Belgium? You will be treated in the same way as a Belgian student when you enrol at UCLouvain, i.e. you can enrol under the same conditions as a Belgian student.

More information on application requirements.


You are a refugee student and would like to pursue your studies at UCLouvain? This “Frequently Asked Questions” section (FAQ) answers the most frequently asked questions about administrative procedures, financial aid, equivalences, and much more. Our goal is to support you at every stage of your university career. If you cannot find the answers to your questions, our team is here to help you. 


All registrations are done online, using the OSIS platform:

As a refugee, asylum seeker, stateless person or beneficiary of subsidiary / temporary protection in Belgium, you must register as a student of non-European Union nationality and check assimilation status no.2 in the “Additional information” tab. Thanks to this status, you will be assimilated to a Belgian student.

If you do not have international protection status issued in Belgium, you will be considered an international student.

  • If you are an asylum seeker or stateless person: a scanned copy (front and back) of your Annex 25 or 26 and your orange card (recent or recently renewed!).
  • If you have refugee status: a scanned copy (front and back) of your A card and the refugee certificate issued by the General Commissioner for Refugees and Stateless Persons (CGRA).
  • If you are a beneficiary of subsidiary or temporary protection: a scanned copy (front and back) of your A or B card and a certificate from the Immigration Office. Other documents will be requested when you register. All explanations can be found here.

    You do not need to provide original documents; scans will suffice. However, they must be legible and of good quality (no distorted smartphone photos or screenshots).

YES, if you are applying for a bachelor’s degree. 
NO, if you are applying for a master’s degree.

All information concerning diploma equivalences is available on the website of the Equivalences Service of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation.

Pay attention to the schedule! We advise you to begin the procedure as soon as possible.

Need help to submit your equivalence request?

  • For people living in Brussels: “Work, equivalences and training” (TEF) team of the non-profit organisation CIRÉ.
  • For people living in Louvain-la-Neuve: “Tremplin pour la vie” project from the “Collectif des femmes” association (Women’s collective).

In principle, it is impossible. You must at least have your diploma to qualify for regular registration.

BUT, there are nevertheless two possible alternatives:

  • To access a bachelor’s degree: take the university entrance exam (free for refugees, asylum seekers, stateless persons and beneficiaries of subsidiary / temporary protection). Obtain the CESS test through adult education (please note: there is often an age limit).


  • To access to a master’s degree: if you no longer have your bachelor’s degree, the only possibility remains the VAE (Validation of Acquired Experience). You must provide proof of at least 5 years of professional and/or personal experience by documents justifying to your occupation during these years (certificate, contract, transcript, etc.).
  • If your programme is taught in French: a minimum of B2 (European Framework of Reference for Languages) is recommended to understand courses and exams.
  • For bachelor’s degree: no proof of French proficiency needed at the time of registration.
  • For master’s degree: you must provide proof of French proficiency. The level required depends on the chosen degree. Please check the specific conditions related to your chosen programme.

To improve your French:

You can follow French as a foreign language course at the ILV or apply for the Access2University preparatory year.

Only if your programme is taught in English. The required level and method of proof depend on your programme.

My Study Programme

Explore all our programmes in the UCLouvain course catalogue.

You can make an appointment with the CIO (Information and Guidance Centre) for any questions regarding your choice of study.


YES, but you must:

1.    Prepare a detailed written description of the course already completed (content, syllabus, course outline, etc.), the grade obtained, and the number of ECTS credits. 
2.    Submit a request to the programme jury, addressed to the designated person according to your faculty’s procedure.

Please note: 

  • The programme jury is not obligated to accept your request. 
  • Requests for exemptions, even for second-semester courses, must be submitted in compliance with your faculty’s academic calendar. 

YES, you can request a reduced workload from your faculty to take fewer than 60 ECTS credits in an academic year.

This exception must be justified for a valid reason, such as a social motive, in compliance with Article 151 of the “Décret Paysage”. As a refugee, asylum seeker, or beneficiary of temporary / subsidiary protection, you can invoke social reasons to reduce your credits and, for instance, follow language courses at the ILV in parallel.

Please note:

  1. Your registration remains valid regardless of the number of credits. 
  2. You can also create a programme with fewer than 60 ECTS credits without going through the reduced workload process. For more information, contact your faculty.

Life on campus

All UCLouvain housing applications are made online. As with registration, you are considered a Belgian person, so you must click on the “Belgian” profile.

The number of housing units available is limited. We advise you to submit your application as soon as registration opens. Please note that the distance between your home and the university is a decisive factor in obtaining university accommodation.  

Once you have submitted your housing application online, you can request a rent reduction from Service AIDE. 

As a Belgian student, you are exempt from the higher fees. Your tuition fee is the same as that of a Belgian student (€835/year).  

We advise you to make an appointment with a social worker from the AIDE department to discuss the financial aid available for your situation. The following financial aid is potentially available to you, depending on your personal situation: 
University social assistance 

Study allowance from the FW-B Community (only if you have been a refugee for more than a year or have been granted temporary protection).

In addition to this allowance, it is possible to apply for a grant from the province of Walloon Brabant for a person living in Walloon Brabant.

In Louvain-la-Neuve: 

  • Various real estate agencies on and around the university campus
  • Private landlords
  • ASBL 1 Toit 2 Âges (intergenerational housing)
  • Foyer Saint-Paul 
  • Kot Carrefour Vincent Lebbe 
  • Collège Albert Le Grand 
  • Communauté Saint Jean Bosco 

In Brussels: 

  • Various real estate agencies on and around the university campus
  • Private landlords
  • ASBL 1 Toit 2 Âges (intergenerational housing)
  • Maison Africaine
  • Escale (for women or families only)
  • SINGA ASBL (co-living for Belgians and newcomers)

Other options: 

  • If you are supported by the CPAS (Public Social Welfare Centre), you can also apply for social housing.
  • If you need help to find housing in Louvain-la-Neuve, contact Tremplin pour la vie from the Collectif des femmes (Women’s collective):
  • If you need help to arrange a rental guarantee in Brussels, contact the housing service of CIRÉ.

As someone equivalent to Belgian students, you benefit from the exemption of increased tuition fees. Your tuition fee is the same as for a Belgian student (€835/year).

We recommend scheduling an appointment with a social assistant from the AIDE service to discuss potential financial support based on your situation:

  • University social Aid: 
  • Student grands from the Federation Wallonia-Brussels (only if you have been a refugee for over a year or are a beneficiary of temporary protection). More information: 
  • In addition to this grant, you may apply for the Brabant Wallon provincial grant is you live in the Brabant Wallon province: 
  • You can also work as a student (unless you applied for asylum less than 4 months ago). For more information: 


You will find all information on the UCLouvain Health Service website: how to make an appointment with a university doctor, a list of GPs in the university’s municipalities, etc.

To access social healthcare protection, all students must be covered by a health insurance provider: a mutual insurance company or the Auxiliary Fund for Sickness and Disability Insurance (CAAMI). The various registration steps for mutual insurance are detailed on the UCLouvain Health Service website.

Non-European Union citizens must first register with the home municipal administration to obtain a national number. If you have already applied for asylum or protection, this number is listed on your documents.

With the team of psychologists from the Support Service.

With services outside UCLouvain: the “Tremplin pour la vie” project of the Collectif des femmes (Women’s Collective) also provides specific psychosocial support for exiled people (i.e. not only refugees, but also asylum seekers, undocumented people, etc.).