Welcome to IRES!
IRES is a research centre in economics of the Université Catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain). The research centre was founded in 1928. With the Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE), the Institut de Statistique, Biostatistique et Sciences Actuarielles (ISBA) and Louvain Finance (LFIN) and the platform Support en Méthodologie et Calcul Statistique (SMCS), IRES now belongs to the Louvain Institute of Data Analysis and Modeling in economics and statistics (LIDAM).
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What's new at IRES ?
Perspectives économiques 2025
Dans ce nouveau numéro de Regards économiques, le Service d'Analyse Économique livre ses prévisions pour 2025.Au 3ème trimestre 2024, l’économie belge a progressé de 0,3% comparativement au trimestre
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La méthode Coué 2.0 des plateformes numériques : Quand la fiction cherche à créer la réalité
Dans ce nouveau Focus de Regards économiques, le Pr. Paul Belleflamme s'intéresse aux pratiques des plateformes numériques.La controverse RobloxLe Pr.
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Call for Papers - CEPR Workshop on "Ethnicity, Identity and Conflict"
Call for PapersCEPR Workshop on "Ethnicity, Identity and Conflict",joint with UCLouvain, BelgiumDate23-24 June 2025Brussels, Belgium(Funded by FNRS)Submision DeadlineSunday December 15, 2024Organizers
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Postdoctoral position in the Economics of Identity at the University of Louvain
The IDnomics research team, based at the University of Namur and the University of Louvain, is inviting applications for one two-year postdoctoral fellowship position starting on September 1, 2025.
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