Interactive workshop / "Strategic business negotiation: behaviour and gender factors", Mira Vasic

Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons

juin 03, 2021

12:30 CET


Negotiation is a "people's game", depending on different behavioural types. There are 11 behavioural archetypes described in detail: 6 feminine and 5 masculine behavioural styles. All archetypes are present in each personality, but the way we grow up, live, and work determines which ones we consciously or unconsciously use during negotiation.

To learn how behaviour patterns can be adapted in different stages of the negotiation process BMI Institute invites you to join an interactive workshop ‘"Strategic business negotiation: behaviour and gender factors" with Mira Vasic, a female leadership and gender-diversity expert.

The webinar is organized by BMI Brussels for the UCLouvain BMI International EMBA programme.

More information and registration

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