Place Montesquieu 1/L2.08.04
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Bernard Fusulier
Professeur ordinaire
General Profile
Bernard Fusulier is research director (National Fund for Scientific Research - FNRS) and professor of sociology at the Catholic University of Louvain (UCL). He is affiliated with the Interdisciplinary Research Group in Socialisation, Education and Training (GIRSEF), and the Interdisciplinary Research Centre on Families and Sexualities (CIRFASE) within the Institute for the Analysis of Change in Contemporary and Historical Societies (IACCHOS). He is an associate researcher of the Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Economic Sociology (LISE-CNAM/Paris) and of the Women and Work Research Group (University of Sydney).
Doctor of Sociology of the Catholic University of Louvain, his scientific training was also acquired in several other French-speaking universities (among which Erasmus in France, a scholarship of excellence at the U. of Québec, and a grant from the Swiss National Fund for Scientific Research). He defended his doctoral thesis in 2000 and, in 2001, received a Marie Curie Individual Fellowship of 24 months to carry out postdoctoral Research at the University of Aberdeen (Scotland). In 2003, he was tenured senior researcher of the FNRS and professor at the Catholic University of Louvain. In 2004, he obtained a Marie Curie European Reintegration Grant to pursue his work on the relationship of professional life and family life, which still represents the principal focus of his research.
He has been a "visiting scholar" in various universities : e.g. Columbia University, University of Nagoya, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Jyvaskyla University, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Télé-Université TELUQ/University of Quebec, University of South Australia (Adelaide), University of Sydney, Konan University (Kobe).
His research deals with work/family/gender relations; social policies; life courses; the sociology of work, organisations and professions; social transaction.
Institutional Responsibilities
from 2001 to 2002, scientific director of the Labour and Universities Foundation.
from 2005 à 2008, director of the Sociology and Anthropology Unit at UCL.
Since 2006, scientific academic director of the review Recherches sociologiques et anthropologiques (http://rsa.revues.org/). He is also a member of the editorial boards of the review Négociations (www.cairn.info/revue-negociations.htm) and of the review Les Politiques sociales (www.lespolitiquessociales.org).
Since 2009, general secretary and then president of the French-speaking Belgian Association of Sociology and Anthropology (www.abfsa.be).
Since 2011, member the governing board of GIRSEF.
Since 2012, member and secretary of the doctoral commission in the domain of political and social sciences of l'Académie Louvain.
2013-2014, director of the Master's programme in sociology at UCL.
Bernard Fusulier is teaching a course in the sociology of organisations and co-teaching a seminar on sociological practice in the Master's programmes of the Catholic University of Louvain. He has also taught at the Institute of work sciences (IST-UCL), at the Open faculty of applied pedagogy (FOPA-UCL), at the University of Mons Hainaut (UMH) and at the Higher Institute of Labour Culture (ISCO).
Principal international academic/scientific networks
Co-ordinator (avec Diane Gabrielle Tremblay) of the Research Network "Gender, Work and Family" within the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (www.sase.org).
Member/co-opted Belgian representative in the International Network on Leave Policies and Research (www.leavenetwork.org).
Permanent Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Association for Training, Research and Social Intervention (AIFRIS - www.aifris.org/).
Co-founder and member of bureau GT48 ‘relationships of professional life/family life and the reorganisation of social time' (ARTS) of the French Association of Sociology (http://www.afs-socio.fr/GT48).
Board member of RT30 ‘Sociology of Work' of the International Sociological Association.
Member of the Work and Family Researchers' Network (http://workfamily.sas.upenn.edu/).
Selected recent publications
Fusulier B., Nicole-Drancourt Ch., 2015, Pursuing Gender Equality in a “Multi-Active Society” . In: Global Dialogue , Vol. 5, no. 1. http://isa-global-dialogue.net/pursuing-gender-equality-in-a-multi-active-society/
Buscatto M., Fusulier B., 2013 , «“Masculinities” Challenged in Light of “Feminine” Occupations », Recherches sociologiques et anthropologiques [En ligne], 44-2 | 2013, mis en ligne le 20 janvier 2014. URL : http://rsa.revues.org/1026
If works aimed at a better grasp of the conditions of entry, maintenance and promotion of women in “male” professional worlds have multiplied, the reverse situation still remains too little explored in the academic literature. How can we explain that so few men are found in “female” domains? How do things go for men who take the risk of doing “female” jobs/exercising “female” professions? What are the resources and limits of their gender transgression? Further, what are the consequences on the individuals involved – their remunerations, their career-paths and their relationship to work? Throughout this issue, an effort has been made to systematically grasp as much the social modalities of the insertion, professionalization, promotion and legitimization of men in “female” professional spaces as the ways in which men develop a “male” identity, both for themselves and others, that suits them.
del Rio Carral M, Fusulier B., 2013, Jeunes chercheurs face aux exigences de disponibilité temporelle. Quelles logiques d'agencement entre la vie professionnelle et la vie privée ?, Temporalités, [En ligne], 18 | 2013, mis en ligne le 20 décembre 2013.
URL : http://temporalites.revues.org/2614
Young research scholars confronted by constant demands on their time. What logics organize their professional and private lives?
Academia, defined as a greedy institution, enhances a specific symbolic figure of the researcher, that of an individual who is entirely dedicated to his/her work. Given the current context implying a strong competition for very few long-term positions, such an institutional demand is reinforced by the injunction imposed on researchers to increase their productivity in short periods of time and to become internationally mobile. Hence, this article studies postdoctoral fellows recruited on temporary contracts by the National Fund of Scientific Research (FNRS) in Belgium. The authors show the importance of adopting a relational perspective when analyzing scientific careers by considering their interference with private life. Three types of spatiotemporal configurations have been identified : a logic of integration, a logic of conciliation, and a logic of conflict. These are associated with researchers' life situations (being single, living with a partner, having children or not...) and highlight gender dynamics.
Fusulier B., Tremblay D.G., 2013, Appartenances professionnelles et vie familiale : une entrée analytique particulière, Revue Internationale Enfances, Familles, Générations, n°18, pp. 1-16.
There are many studies showing that the work-family relationship varies according to the societies that harbour them; that it takes different forms according to gender and personal situations; and that it depends on the characteristics and attitudes of business and organizations.... There is, however, another dimension that affects the linkage between the two entities, one which has been little studied: membership of an occupational group or of a profession. Such membership is the indication of the existence of a social entity that has a certain number of inherent characteristics and that potentially is not devoid of influence on the manner in which linkage is established between the member's professional and family life. In this introductory article we first discuss the interest and specifics of such data input. Subsequently, we indicate the major characteristics of the articles that make up the present issue of this magazine, articles that deal with a range of occupational and professional groups: teachers, social workers, train conductors, physicians, nurses, and police officers.
Fusulier B., del Rio Carral M, 2012, Chercheur-e-s sous haute tension. Vitalité, compétivité, précarité et (in)compatibilité travail/famille, Louvain-la-Neuve, Presses Universitaires de Louvain , 118 p.
Science career/ life interference: the case of postdoctoral researchers in Belgium
Fusulier B., 2011, Articuler vie professionnelle & vie familiale. Etude de trois groupes professionnels : les infirmières , les policiers et les assistants sociaux , Louvain-la-Neuve, Presses Universitaires de Louvain , 250 p.
Articulating working life and family life. Study of three occupational groups: police officers, nurses and social workers. http://pul.uclouvain.be/livre/?GCOI=29303100009380
Moulaert Th., Fusulier B., Tremblay D.G., 2011, Management of working time for career extension. Structure and significance of reforms in different societal contexts: the case of Belgium and Quebec, Population Review, Project MUSE, United States, 50, pp. 138-155.
Fusulier B., Cornet A. (Ed.), 2011, Cuestiones de genero en trabajo social, Revista Politicas Sociales en Europa, Hacer Editorial, Barcelona, nº 29, 150 p.
Gender Issue in Social Work.
Fusulier B., 2010, La conciliation famille-emploi par l'accession à un congé parental aux États-Unis : un lent cheminement inachevé, Les Politiques Sociales et Familiales (ex. Recherches et Prévisions), CNAF, Paris, n°101, pp. 5-17.
Reconciling family and career demands through parental leave in the USA: a slow and incomplete progress.
The United States does not offer universal paid and protected leave for parents maternity/paternity leave, adoption, parental leave...), which makes the country an exception in the Western world. According to this observation and with support from targeted academic literature and institutional acts implemented in recent decades, the author outlines the main features of the social transaction structured around the failure to make such leave institutionalised in American society. With references to the pioneering work of the mid-1970s, the author relates both the intensive work to qualify parental issues in a changing society and the big inertia of the policy response. The article thus affords a summary overview of the social and historical debate around the work/family issue in the USA.
Fusulier B., 2009, Articulating work and family? The gendered use of institutional measures, Review of Leave Policies and Related Research - Employment Relations Research , 102, pp. 14-31.
Fusulier B., 2009, The European Directive: making supra-national parent leave policy, in Kamerman Sh., Moss, P. (ed.), The Politics of Parental Leave Policies: Children, Parenting, Gender and the Labour Market », Bristol, The Policy Press, pp. 243-258.
Fusulier B., 2008, Family leave policies and organisational mediation, Review of Leave Policies and Related Research - Employment Relations Research, Department for Business Enterprise & Regulatory Reform, 100, pp. 63-78.
Scacchitti, Cecilia ; Fusulier, Bernard ; Mahieu, Céline. Comment les pères se représentent-ils leur engagement paternel et leur relation aux professionnel.le.s de la petite enfance ?. In: Enfances, familles, générations, (2023) (Accepté/Sous presse).
Fusulier, Bernard ; Scacchitti, Cecilia ; Mahieu, Céline. Engagement paternel, santé de la famille et soutien aux pères. In: La revue internationale de l'éducation familiale, Vol. 50, no.1-2, p. 95-111 (2022). doi:10.3917/rief.050.0095.
Barbier, Pascal ; Fusulier, Bernard ; Landour, Julie. La articulación de los tiempos sociales. . In: Las Políticas Sociales en Europa, Vol. 48, no.1, p. 112 (2022).
Duluins, Océane ; Vincke, Caroline ; Fusulier, Bernard. Quand la gestion de la forêt se conjugue au féminin. Étude de la féminisation des métiers forestiers accessibles aux bioingénieur.e.s forestier.ère.s.. In: Forêt Nature, , no.n° 158, p. 12-21 (2021).
Barbier, pascal ; Chatot, Myriam ; Fusulier, Bernard ; Landour, Julie ; Le Gagneur, Mariannne ; Pizarro Erazo, Sebastian ; Viera Giraldo, Valerya. Heur et malheur des familles confinées en France : une analyse exploratoire de l’expérience du confinement à domicile. In: Les Politiques Sociales, , no.3&4, p. 94-113 (2020).
Sous le prisme de l'articulation des temporalités sociales. In: Les Politiques Sociales, , no.3&4, p. 127 (2020).
ALTERNATIVAS ANTE LOS OBSTÁCULOS PARA LA INTEGRACIÓN SOCIOECONÓMICA. In: Políticas Sociales en Europa, Vol. 44, no.44, p. 102 (2019).
Bras, Anie ; Fusulier, Bernard ; Joseph, Kerline. Femmes et sciences. In: Haïti Perspectives, Vol. 7, no.1, p. 76 (2019).
Dubois-Shaik, Farah ; Fusulier, Bernard ; Lits, Grégoire. L’excellence académique entre « compétition » et « intégration ». Analyse des critères de recrutement académique et des biais de genre qu’ils induisent. In: SociologieS, Vol. Dossiers, Universités : les politiques d’égalité entre femmes et hommes à l’heure de l’excellence, no.00, p. 00 (2019).
Fusulier, Bernard. Recherches sociologiques et anthropologiques : un demi-siècle d’existence face aux enjeux de l’injonction à l’excellence et de l’accélération du temps. In: Recherches sociologiques et anthropologiques, Vol. 50, no.1, p. 1-4 (2019).
Fusulier, Bernard ; Lodewick, Paul. Des scénarios alternatifs face aux impasses de l'intégration socioéconomique. In: Les Politiques Sociales, Vol. X, no.1-2, p. 108 (2018).
Fusulier, Bernard. Elaine Howard Ecklund et Anne E. Lincoln, Failing Families, Failing Science: Work- Family Conflict in Academia Science. In: Sociologie du Travail, Vol. 60, no.2, p. 1-2 (2018). doi:10.4000/sdt.1907.
Fusulier, Bernard ; Nicole-Drancourt, Chantal. Tous contributifs ? Vers une société multiactive !. In: Les Politiques Sociales, Vol. X, no.1-2, p. 76-93 (2018).
Fusulier, Bernard. Accéder à un poste définitif de chercheur universitaire : rapports à la carrière et articulations avec la vie privée et familiale. In: Emulations, , p. 118-131 (2017).
Barbier, Pascal ; Fusulier, Bernard ; Pawelec, Hanna. L’obtention d’un poste définitif dans la recherche fondamentale : à l’intersection du genre, de l’origine sociale et de la relation travail/famille. In: La Revue des droits de l’homme, Vol. 12, p. 1-15 (2017). doi:10.4000/revdh.3075.
Fusulier, Bernard ; Barbier, Pascal ; Dubois-Shaik, Farah. Navigating through a scientific career: A question of private and professional configurational supports. In: European Educational Research Journal, Vol. 16, p. 352-372 (2017). doi:10.1177/1474904117691983.
Dubois-Shaik, Farah ; Fusulier, Bernard. Special Issue: Contribution to the open call on “Work - Life Interferences in Scientific Careers”. In: European Educational Research Journal, Vol. 16, p. 99-372 (2017). doi:10.1177.
Dubois-Shaik, Farah ; Fusulier, Bernard. Understanding gender inequality and the role of the work/family interface in contemporary academia: An introduction. In: European Educational Research Journal, Vol. 16, p. 99-105 (2017). doi:10.1177/1474904117701143.
Fusulier, Bernard. Être jeunes chercheur·e·s aujourd’hui, collab. Nguyen, Anh Thy. In: Emulations, (2017).
Fusulier, Bernard ; Gurnet, Nathan. Être jeunes chercheur·e·s aujourd’hui. In: Emulations, , p. 13-17 (2017).
Fusulier, Bernard ; Nicole-Drancourt, Chantal. La conciliation des rôles et des temps sociaux sous le prisme de la négociation. Une introduction. In: Négociations, Vol. 25, no.1 (2016).
Fusulier, Bernard. L’expérience de la carrière scientifique aujourd’hui. Zoom sur le vécu de chercheurs postdoctorants. In: M/S : médecine sciences, Vol. 32, no.3, p. 297-302 (mars 2016). doi:10.1051/medsci/20163203015.
Fusulier, Bernard ; Nicole-Drancourt, Chantal. La conciliation travail-famille : un paradoxe contemporain. In: Interventions économiques, Vol. 53 (2015).
Barbier, Pascal ; Fusulier, Bernard. L’interférence parentalité-travail chez les chercheur-e-s en post-doctorat : le cas des chargé-e-s de recherches du Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique en Belgique. In: Sociologie et sociétés, Vol. 47, no. 1, p. 225-248 (2015).
Fusulier, Bernard ; Nicole-Drancourt, Chantal. Pursuing Gender Equality in a “Multi-Active Society”. In: Global Dialogue, Vol. 5, no. 1, p. 30-31 (2015).
Fusulier, Bernard ; Nicole-Dracourt, Chantal. Retour sur l'impossible conciliation Travail/Famille. In: Interventions économiques/Political Economy, , no.53.
Barbier, Pascal ; Chatot, Myriam ; Fusulier, Bernard ; Landour, Julie ; Le Gagneur, Marianne ; Piesen, Alexandra ; Pizzaro Erazo, Sebastian ; Vera Giraldo, Valerya. Familles confinées. Le cours anormal des choses., Editions du Croquant: Vulaines-sur-Seine, 2021. 9782365123099. 154 p.
Fusulier, Bernard. Journal de bord d'un transclasse. Récit d'une improbable traversée des classes sociales, 1er édition, La Boîte à Pandore: Paris, 2020. 978-2-87557-415-2. 113 p.
Shaik, Farah ; Fusulier, Bernard. Academic Careers and Gender Inequality: Leaky Pipeline and Interrelated Phenomena in Seven European Countries (GARCIA working papers), GARCIA working papers n. 5,: University of Trento, 2015. ISBN 978-88-8443-641-2. 225 p.
Fusulier, Bernard ; Mortelmans, Dimitri. Belgium country note. In: S. Blum, I. Dobrotić, G. Kaufman, A. Koslowski and P. Moss (eds.), 19th International Review of Leave Policies and Research 2023, Project : Family Studies in Austria, 2023, p. 116-125. doi:10.25365/phaidra.431.
Mortelmans, Dimitri ; Fusulier, Bernard. Belgium country note. In: Koslowski, A., Blum, S., Dobrotić, I., Kaufman, G. and Moss, P. (eds.), 18th International Review of Leave Policies and Related Research 2022 (International Review of Leave Policies and Related Research; 18), INTERNATIONAL NETWORK ON LEAVE POLICIES AND RESEARCH : FernUniversität in Hagen, 2022, p. 105-114. doi:10.18445/20220909-122329-0.
Fusulier, Bernard ; Mortelmans, Dimitri. Belgium country note. In: Koslowski, A., Blum, S., Dobrotić, I., Kaufman, G. and Moss, P., 17th International Review on Leave Policies and Related Research 2021, INTERNATIONAL NETWORK ON LEAVE POLICIES AND RESEARCH: FernUniversität in Hagen, 2021, p. 105-118. doi:10.18445/20210817-144100-0.
Fusulier, Bernard ; Zune, Marc. Le polysubventionnement : entre contraintes et opportunités. In: FESEFA, Autonomie associative menacée, Couleur livres: Bruxelles, 2021, p. 126-140. 978-2-87003-915-1.
Mortelmans, Dimitri ; Fusulier, Bernard. Belgium country note. In: Alison Koslowski, Sonja Blum, Ivana Dobrotić, Gayle Kaufman and Peter Moss, 16th International Review of Leave Policies and Related Research 2020, INTERNATIONAL NETWORK ON LEAVE POLICIES AND RESEARCH: FernUniversität in Hagen, 2020, p. 107-121.
Fusulier, Bernard ; Mortelmans, Dimitri. Belgium country note. In: Blum, Sonja; Koslowski, Alison; Macht, Alexandra; Moss, Peter, 15th International Review of Leave Policies and Related Research, INTERNATIONAL NETWORK ON LEAVE POLICIES AND RESEARCH, 2019, p. 81-91.
Pawelec, Hanna ; Barbier, Pascal ; Fusulier, Bernard. L'obtention d'un poste définitif dans la recherche fondamentale: à l'intersection du genre, de l'origine sociale et de la relation travail/famille. In: Grosbon, Sophie, Université, Egalité, Parité. L'égalité femmes-hommes à l'université après la loi sur l'enseignement supérieur et la recherche. (Colloques & Essais; 72), Institut Universitaire Varenne: Paris, 2019, p. 31-46. 978-2-37032-180-0.
Gurnet, Nathan ; Fusulier, Bernard. L’ethos scientifique des chercheurs à l’épreuve de la reconversion professionnelle. In: Thérèse Perez-Roux, Muriel Deltand, Claire Duchesne, Jonas Masdonati, Parcours, transitions professionnelles et constructions identitaires : le sujet au coeur des transformations (Mutations en éducation et en formation), Presses Universitaires de la Méditérannée: Montpellier, 2019. 978-2-36781-322-6.
Fusulier, Bernard ; Nicole-Drancourt, Chantal. Towards a multi-active society: daring to imagine a new work-life regime. In: Moss Peter, Duvander Ann-Zofie, Koslowski Alison, Parental leave and beyond. Recent international developments, current issues and future directions, University of Bristol: Bristol, 2019, p. 3315-332. 9781447338772.
Dubois-Shaik, Farah ; Fusulier, Bernard ; Vincke, Caroline. A gendered pipeline typology in academia. In: Murgia, Annalisa and Poggio, Barbara, The Precarisation of Research Careers: A Comparative Gender Analysis, Taylor&Francis: London, 2018, p. 178-205. 9781351781428.
Merla, Laura ; Mortelmans, Dimitri ; Fusulier, Bernard. Belgium country note. In: Blum, Sonja; Koslowski, Alison; Macht, Alexandra; Moss, Peter (ed.), 14th International review on leave policies and related research, INLPR, 2018, p. 66-74.
Barbier, Pascal ; Fusulier, Bernard. Comprendre l'expérience de la carrière scientifique et les inégalités entre les sexes au regard de l'interférence Travail/Famille. In: Rebecca Rogers et Pascale Moulinier, Les femmes dans le monde académique (Essais), Presses Universitaires de Rennes: Rennes, 2016, p. 81-94. 978-5-7535-5050-0.
Fusulier, Bernard. Faire une carrière scientifique aujourd’hui. Quelques clés de lecture et critiques. In: Edwin Zaccaï et al., L'évaluation de la recherche en question(s) (Mémoire de la Classe des Sciences; 2113), ACADÉMIE ROYALE DE BELGIQUE: Bruxelles, 2016, p. 102-110. 978-2-8031-0561-8.
Fusulier, Bernard ; Shaik, Farah ; Vincke, Caroline. Belgium. In: Le Feuvre, Nicky (ed.), Contextualizing women’s academic careers: Comparative perspectives on gender, care and employment regimes in seven European countries (Garcia Working Papers; 1), University of Trento: Trento, 2015, p. 61-84. 978-88-8443-609-2.
Shaik, Farah ; Fusulier, Bernard ; Vincke, Caroline. Belgium. In: Herschberg, Channah, Yvonne Benschop and Marieke van den Brink (eds.), Constructing excellence: the gap between formal and actual selection criteria for early career academics (Garcia Working Papers; 2), University of Trento: Trento, 2015, p. 43-109. 978-88-8443-610-8.
Shaik, Farah ; Fusulier, Bernard. Mapping organisational work-life policies and practices, GARCIA working papers n. 4. In: Shaik, Farah, Fusulier, Bernard, Mapping organisational work-life policies and practices, in Sanja Cukut Krilić and Elisa Rapetti (eds.) GARCIA working papers n. 4 (GARCIA working papers; 4), University of Trento: Trento, 2015. (ISBN 978-88-8443-610-8.
Fusulier, Bernard. Coping with Intensive Scientific and Academic Careers: A Gendered Work/Family Interference. XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology (Toronto, du 15/07/2018 au 21/07/2018).
Fusulier, Bernard. Femmes et carrières scientifiques : quels sont les principaux obstacles ?. INGENIEUSES’18 (Paris, 25/05/2018).
Fusulier, Bernard. Le phénomène du « tuyau percé » au pluriel : trois idéaux-types pour comprendre l’évaporation des femmes dans les carrières scientifiques et académiques. CIRFF18 (Paris - Université de Nanterre, du 27/08/2018 au 31/08/2018).
Fusulier, Bernard. Les principaux facteurs et mécanismes qui font obstacle à l’engagement et à la poursuite des carrières scientifiques du côté des femmes. Premières Journées Internationales de l'Académie Haïtienne des Sciences (Cité du savoir, Génipailler, Milot, Haïti, du 24/04/2018 au 25/04/2018).
Fusulier, Bernard. L’injonction à la mobilité internationale et la vie privée des jeunes chercheur.e.s : un facteur d’inégalité?. 4ejournée d’étude annuelle du réseau des modernistes : "Mobilité(s) à l’époque moderne et de nos jours. Regards croisés" (Bruxelles, 09/05/2018).
Fusulier, Bernard ; Nicole-Drancourt Chantal. Towards a Multi-active Society. The 2018 annual SASE conference (Kyoto, du 23/06/2018 au 25/06/2018).
Dubois-Shaik, Farah ; Fusulier, Bernard. A Typology of Gendered Pipelines: Reconfiguring the Approach to Researching Gender (in)Equality in Academic/Research Careers and Organizations. SASE 29th annual conference (Université Claude Bernard - Lyon, du 29/06/2017 au 01/07/2017).
Fusulier, Bernard. Approche multi-niveaux des inégalités de genre dans les milieux académiques. Colloque international Femmes et hommes en sciences pour une culture de la paix (Université d’Evry-Val-d’Essonne, du 30/03/2017 au 31/03/2017).
Fusulier, Bernard. Comprendre les inégalités de genre dans le monde académique. Freins dans la carrière des (enseignant.e.s-)chercheur.e.s: Recommandations pour davantage d’égalité professionnelle en France (Ministère de l'éducation nationale, de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche - Paris, 10/03/2017).
Fusulier, Bernard. L’expérience contemporaine des carrières scientifiques au regard du genre. Quinzaine du genre (Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles, 15/05/2017).
Gurnet, Nathan ; Fusulier, Bernard. Tensions normatives : l’identité professionnelle des chercheurs à l’épreuve de la reconversion. Les quinzièmes rencontres du réseau international de recherche en éducation et en formation (RÉF 2017) (CNAM - Paris, du 04/07/2017 au 06/07/2017).
Escobedo, Anna ; Fusulier, Bernard ; Tremblay, Diane-Gabrielle. Analyzing work-life balance in the social economy and in different Professional groups. 13th LPR annual seminar (Centro de Estudios Constitutionales y Políticos, Madrid, du 29/09/2016 au 30/09/2016).
Fusulier, Bernard. Apports de la recherche à la compréhension des inégalités dans les milieux académiques. L’égalité femmes/hommes dans les métiers scientifiques, l’enseignement supérieur et la recherche (Ministère de l’Education Nationale, de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche- Paris, 21/11/2016).
Fusulier, Bernard ; Pawelec, Hanna. Des trajectoires « gagnantes » dans le champ scientifique à la lumière de l’articulation vie professionnelle/vie privée et du genre. Congrès de l’AISLF (Montréal, du 04/07/2016 au 08/07/2016).
Fusulier, Bernard. Et si finalement les femmes avaient raison de bouder la recherche ?. MIDIS / genre & recherche : Changer son regard pour mieux changer la réalité (L’Académie de recherche et d’enseignement supérieur - Bruxelles, 04/10/2016).
Fusulier, Bernard. Insertion durable dans un milieu professionnel et matrice comportementale: l’ethos comme concept interprétatif. Travail et rapports ordinaires au politique (Université de Fribourg, 17/05/2016).
Fusulier, Bernard. Reconciling Work and Family in a Multi-Active Society. Third ISA Forum of Sociology (University of Vienna, du 10/07/2016 au 14/07/2016).
Fusulier, Bernard ; Barbier, Pascal ; Shaik, Farah. Scientific Careers and Work/Life Interference. 28th SASE Annual Conference (University of California, Berkeley, du 24/06/2016 au 26/06/2016).
Fusulier, Bernard ; Barbier, Pascal ; Shaik, Farah. "Naviguer" dans la carrière scientifique : une question de supports configurationnels privés et professionnels. Colloque International "Les femmes dans le monde académique" (Paris Diderot, Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3, Paris 13 et Paris Descartes, du 26/03/2015 au 27/03/2015).
Fusulier, Bernard ; Barbier, Pascal. Chercheurs et parents, cherchez l’erreur. UNIVERSITE, EGALITE, PARITE (Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense, 12/11/2015).
Fusulier, Bernard. Engagement et distanciation : à propos de l'expérience des chercheur(e)s. Journées d'études - Etre jeune chercheur ou chercheure aujourd'hui : quelles réalités ? (EHESS - Paris, du 10/03/2015 au 11/03/2015).
Fusulier, Bernard. Les conditions du travail scientifique : expériences de chercheur-e-s. Colloque Penser la Science. L’évaluation de la recherche en question (ULB, Bruxelles, 09/05/2015).
Fusulier, Bernard. Looking to the future: a discussion about possible future directions in the relationship between gender, care and employment and relevant policy measures. 12th LPR Network seminar (Trondheim, Norway, du 01/09/2015 au 02/09/2015).
Barbier, Pascal ; Fusulier, Bernard. Parentalité et rapport au travail. Des types d’articulation travail/famille chez les jeunes chercheurs en Belgique. VIè congrès de l'Association Française de Sociologie (Saint-Quentin en Yvelines, du 29/06/2015 au 02/07/2015).
Fusulier, Bernard. Reconciling Work and Family in a Multi-Active Society. Forum on the Future of Gender Equality in the EU. Workshop on "Beyond the work-life balance" (Bruxelles, du 20/04/2015 au 21/04/2015).
Shaik, Farah ; Fusulier, Bernard. Researching discursive ressources in gendered research institutions: new approaches to studying the articulation of science and gender in the making. British Sociological Association, Annual Conference (Glasgow Caledonian University, du 15/04/2015 au 17/04/2015).
Gurnet, Nathan ; Fusulier, Bernard. Insertion professionnelle des docteur.es récemment proclamé.es : Enquête auprès de quatre universités de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (Les cahiers de recherche du GIRSEF; 117), 2019. 64 p.
Shaik, Farah ; Fusulier, Bernard. Experiences of Early Career Researchers/Academics: a Qualitative Research on the Leaky Pipeline and Interrelated Phenomena in six European Countries (GARCIA working paper n. 11, University of Trento; ISBN 978-88-8443-689-4), 2016. 269 p.
Shaik, Farah ; Fusulier, Bernard. Toward a Gendered Pipeline Typology: A Comparative Analysis Across Six European Countries (GARCIA working paper n. 12, University of Trento; 12), 2016. 58 p.