Place du Levant 3/L5.03.02
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Denis Flandre
Professeur ordinaire
Short CV
Denis Flandre received the Ms. degree in Electrical Engineering, the
Ph.D. degree and the Research Habilitation from the Université
catholique de Louvain (UCL), Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, in 1986, 1990
and 1999, respectively. His doctoral research was on the modelling of
Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) MOS devices for characterization and circuit
simulation, his Post-doctoral thesis on a systematic and automated
synthesis methodology for MOS analog circuits. Since 2001, he is
full-time Professor at UCL.
He is currently involved in the research and development of SOI MOS
devices, digital and analog circuits, as well as sensors, MEMS and solar
cells, for special applications, more specifically high-speed, ultra
low-voltage low-power, microwave, biomedical, radiation-hardened and
high-temperature electronics and microsystems. He has authored or
co-authored more than 900 technical papers or conference contributions.
He is co-inventor of 12 patents. He has organized or lectured many short
courses on SOI technology, devices and circuits in universities,
industrial companies and conferences. He has received several scientific
prizes and best paper awards.
He has participated or coordinated numerous research projects funded by
regional and European institutions. He has been a member of several EU
Networks of Excellence on High-Temperature Electronics, SOI technology,
Nanoelectronics and Micro-nano-technology.
Prof. Flandre is a co-founder of CISSOID, a spin-off company of UCL
focusing on SOI and high-reliability integrated circuit design and
products. He is scientific advisor of two other UCL start-ups: INCIZE
(Semiconductor characterization and modeling for design of digital,
analog/RF and harsh environment applications) and e-peas (Energy
harvesting and processing solutions for longer battery life, increased
robustness in all IoT applications). He is an active member of the SOI
Industry Consortium and of the EUROSOI network. He is an IEEE Senior
Other activities within UCL :
• Founding member of the “Research Centre in micro- and nano-scale material and electronic devices” (CeRMiN), in 1998.
• UCL founding member UCL of CISSOID spin-off company, in 2000.
Scientific advisor of two other UCL start-ups : Incize since 2013 and
e-Peas since 2014.
• Member of the Direction Council of the “Centre de Recherches du Cyclotron” since 2000.
• President of the Direction Committee of UCL micro-nano-fabrication cleanrooms (WINFAB) from 2001 to 2012.
• Director of UCL Microelectronics Lab. (≈ 70 persons) from 2003 to 2010.
• Member of the “Commission de valorisation” (COVA) of UCL from 2004 to 2009.
• Scientific coordinator of the programme of excellence NANOTIC of Walloon Region from 2006 to 2011.
• Responsible of the ELEC diploma commission from 2009 to 2015.
- Diploma
Year Label Educational Organization 1983 Candidat ingénieur civil Université catholique de Louvain 1986 Ingénieur civil électricien Université catholique de Louvain 1991 Docteur en sciences appliquées Université catholique de Louvain 1999 Agrégé de l'enseignement supérieur Université catholique de Louvain
- Courses
Name ID Basic analog and digital electronic circuits LELEC1530 Physics of electronic devices and transmission lines LELEC1755 Opto-electronic and power devices LELEC2330 Analog electronic systems LELEC2532 Advanced Transistors LELEC2541 Seminars in electronics and communications LELEC2590 Synthesis of analog integrated circuits LELEC2650
Denis Flandre’s List of major funded research projects
• 1993-1998: Participant in UCL “Action de Recherche Concertée” on
high-frequency SOI circuits (promoters: Prof. Colinge and Vanhoenacker).• 1994-1996: Walloon Region Research Project, "Sea-of-gates in CMOS-SOI technology".
• 1994-1995: EUREKA European project, "FAST IC Engineering", with
Alcatel SdM (Charleroi), SILEX Barco (LLN), EPFL and EM
Microelectronique Marin (Switzerland), Thomson (France)...• 1996-2000: Walloon Region Research Project, "Mixed analog-digital circuits in CMOS-SOI technology".
• 1996-1998: EUREKA European project, "FASTICE-II", in collaboration
with Alcatel SdM (Charleroi), SILEX Barco (LLN), EPFL, CSEM, CERN, MEAD
and EM Microelectronique Marin (Switzerland), ISEN-IEMN (France).• 1996-1997: Tournesol project with ISEN-IEMN (Lille) on the modelling and design of analog circuits in CMOS - SOI technology.
• 1996-2000: Walloon Region First University Project with Alcatel - SdM (Charleroi), "Rad-hard integrated analog circuits"
• 1997-1999: Participant to ESPRIT project "SOI for portable
applications and consumer electronics" (SPACE), (prom.: Prof. Colinge
and Vanhoenacker), in collaboration with Alcatel-Bell (Anvers), LETI and
STM (France).• 1998-1999: Promoter of a TMR European grant for welcoming a post-doc
stay in U.C.L., "Characterization and modelling of thin-film and
ultrathin-film double-gate SOI MOS transistors".• 1998-2001: Responsible for UCL of the Walloon Region Project - ARAMIS
"BIOPUCE", in collaboration with the Laboratoire de biochimie et
biologie cellulaire (FUNDP), CEA-LETI (Paris), Lambdatech (Namur) and
Cis-Bio companies (France).• 1998-2003: Co-promoter of a UCL “Action de Recherche Concertée”
DICE-EMIC-PCPM "Novel semiconductor devices : Nano-electronics and
micro-waves" (with Prof. Bayot and Vanhoenacker).• 1998-2002: Co-promoter of a research program FRFC - Loterie Nationale,
"Novel semiconductor devices with reduced dimensions and elevated
frequencies for application in mixed analog-digital electronic
micro-systems".• 1998: Research grant of Motorola (USA) to study "SOI technology for low-voltage low-power microwave applications".
• 1998-1999: Research grant of IBM (Boeblingen, Germany) for a project on "SOI circuit design techniques".
• 1999: Promoter UCL of a research funded by EXPRO (UK) for studying high-temperature circuits in SOI technology.
• 1999-2001: Walloon Region Research project, "Microsystems in SOI technology for applications at high temperature".
• 1999-2002: Promoter of a First Spin-off Walloon Region Project aiming
at the start of a company specialized in SOI circuits design.• 2000-2002: Promoter of a IST European project named « MELODICT » on
the topic of “ MEMS RF ”, in collaboration with IEMN (Lille), Fh-ISIT
(Germany), STM (Italy) and Siemens (Germany).• 2000-2003: Promoter of a IST EU project named « SPRING » on the topic
of analog integrated circuits for metrology, in collaboration with CNM
(Sevilla), ENST (Paris) and Schlumberger (Paris).• 2000-2001: UCL Co-promoter of a ESA project named « TILT », on the
effect of transient irradiations on analog components, in collaboration
with the Cyclotron research centre of UCL.• 2000-2002: Promoter of a EUREKA-EURIMUS project named « HERO », on SOI
microsystem for measuring magnetic field, in collaboration with EPFL
(CH), CEA-LETI (Grenoble), University of Montpellier, Schlumberger
(France), Crouzet (France) and EM Marin (CH).• 2000-2001: Promoter of a Marie Curie Grant for a post-doctoral stay in UCL on “ Nanoscale devices ”.
• 2000: Promoter of a research contract with EM Microélectronique Marin (CH) on the study of SOI circuits for watches.
• 2001: Promoter of a research contract with NEC (Japan) on the design of analog SOI circuits.
• 2001-2003: UCL Co-promoter of a Walloon Region Project named «
MEMSACOM », about the realization of microsystems or MEMS for RF
applications in SOI technology.• 2001-2006: UCL Co-promoter of a Walloon Region Project for
participation in European MEDEA projects « CMOS SOI 0.12 µm » and «
4G-RADIO » with CISSOID (Belgium), STM (France), Ericsson (Sweden)….• 2002-2006: UCL Co-promoter and technical coordinator of a
EU-FP5-Growth project named « ATHIS» in the field of high-temperature
electronics with University of Newcastle (UK), CNM (Spain), CISSOID
(Belgium), FIAT (Italy) and X-FAB (Germany).• 2003-2006: Promoter of a WALEO Walloon Region project, named «
OLIGONIC », on DNA biochips, in collaboration with the Laboratoire de
biologie cellulaire des FUNDP (Prof. J. Remacle), the PCPM laboratory of
UCL (Prof. P. Bertrand) and the Microelectronics Unit of Ulg (Prof. J.
Destiné).• 2003-2007: Promoter of a First Europe Objectif 3 Grant, « SMARTSOI »
on memory and high-voltage effects in advanced SOI transistors, in
collaboration with CISSOID (LLN) and INPG-Minatec (Grenoble).• 2003-2007: UCL Co-promoter of a Walloon Region project named « CAIMAN »
for participation in EU MEDEA project, « MARQUIS », on multi-antenna
communication systems, in collaboration with UCL TELE laboratory (Prof.
Vandendorpe, Craeye) and EMIC lab (Prof. Vanhoenacker, Raskin) and
Convergix (Liège).• 2004-2007: Coordinator of the « CAVIMA » project (Réseaux 1 – DGTRE –
Walloon Region) on vital, miniaturized and autonomous biomedical
sensors, in collaboration with the UCL laboratories EMIC (Prof. Raskin)
and TELE (Prof. Macq, Craeye), the CHU et the Microelectronics Unit of
Ulg and MULTITEL (Mons).• 2004-2007: Promoter and WP coordinator of the EU network of excellence
« SINANO : Silicon-based nano-devices », in collaboration with 43 EU
institutions.• 2004-2007: Promoter of the FNRS / FRFC project « In-depth experimental
investigation of the fabrication and physics of the SOI MOS transistor
with symmetrical double gate ».• 2005-2008: Coordinator of a Walloon Region project named « CROTALE »
(for participation in the EU MEDEA project « WITNESS»), on architectures
of transceivers for networks of sensors in SOI technology, in
collaboration with the UCL laboratories TELE (Prof. Vandendorpe, Craeye)
and EMIC (Prof. Vanhoenacker, Raskin), the Microelectronics Unit of
FPMS (Mons) and CISSOID (LLN).• 2005-2008: Promoter of a First Spin-off Walloon Region Grant, named «
WINIT » for studying the creation of a spin-off in the field of
wireless sensor networks.• 2005-2010: Co-promoter of a Action de Recherche Concertée
DICE-EMIC-IMAP "Multilayered thermo-chemically driven
Nano-Electro-Mechanical Systems " (with Prof. Raskin (EMIC) et Pardoen
(IMAP)).• 2005-2007: Co-promoter of the programme of excellence NANOTIC of the
Walloon Region and of the sub-project « CITE », on the integration of
electronic transduction components for nano-sensors and the extension of
the infrastructure of micro-nano-fabrication of UCL.• 2006-2009: Promoter a European Project named « ADVICE » (Program
Aerospace, FP5) targeting the implementation of a network of wireless
sensors on a aerodynamic structure, with Cenaero (Belgium), Goodrich
(France), EADS (Germany)…• 2007-2009: Promoter of a First Spin-off Walloon Region Grant named «
SENSOI » for studying the creation of a spin-off in the field of
integrated sensors.• 2007-2009: Promoter of 2 sub-projects integrated in the « TELECOM » et
« HM » projects of the “Pôle de compétitivité” SKYWIN of the Walloon
Region, targeting the industrialisation of radiation-hardened SOI
components and miniaturized sensors and MEMS, in aerospace systems.• 2007-2010: Participant in the project E-USER (Wallonia Information Society Technology 2, « Secured RFID »).
• 2008-2009: AGC Flat Glass Europe, Material Transfer Agreement, Wireless sensor nodes.
• 2008-2011: Promoter of the IISN-FNRS project « Study of the resistance
to radiations of fundamental semiconductor structures in view of their
integration in future pixel detectors ».• 2008-2011: Promoter of a FRFC-FNRS Grant « Logistique de la plateforme UCL de micro-nano-fabrication ».
• 2008-2011: Promoter of the EU project EUROSOI , « European platform
for low-power applications on Silicon-on-Insulator Technology »,
coordination action, FP7-ICT, with SOITEC, CISSOID, IMEC, CEA-LETI,
University of Tarragona, Granada, INPG…• 2008-2011: Participant in EU consortium TRIADE, « Development of
technology building blocks for structural health monitoring sensing
devices in aeronautics », FP7-TRANSPORT- Small or medium-scale focused
research project with EADS, PZL, Goodrich, CEA-Liten, ITE, University of
Southampton…• 2008-2011: Promoter of EU project COMON, « Compact Modelling Network
», FP7 - Marie Curie Actions—Industry-Academia Partnerships and
Pathways, with University of Tarragona, EPFL, Intel…• 2008-2011: UCL Co-promoter (with Prof. Raskin) and WP coordinator of
the EU network of excellence « Nanosil: Silicon-based nano-devices », in
collaboration with more than 20 EU institutions.• 2009-2011: Promoter de la convention IISN 4.4.507.08 - Etude de la
résistance aux radiations de structures semiconductrices fondamentales
en vue de leur intégration dans les futurs détecteurs à pixels.• 2010-2013: UCL Co-promoter (with Prof. Raskin and Francis) of the EU
network of excellence NANOFUNCTION, “Beyond CMOS Nanodevices for Adding
Functionalities to CMOS” (FP7), in collaboration with more than 12 EU
institutions.• 2010 - 2012: Participant in Walloon project « RPI » (Electronics
systems and radiation detectors for protontherapy) of the “Pôle de
compétitivité” Mecatech, in collaboration with IBA, Nomics and ULg.• 2010 - 2012: Coordinator of the MNT- ERA project « DNASIP » (DNA
hybridization detection system-in-a-package) in collaboration avec Coris
Bioconcept, ULg, IMT-Bucharest and Genetic Lab (Romania).• 2010 – 2014: Co-promoter (with Prof. Raskin) of the FNRS – FRFC project “Towards highly-efficient 10 nm MOSFETs”.
• 2010: “Crédit aux chercheurs” FNRS, “Equipment for measuring the
carrier lifetime in detectors of luminous and ionising radiations”.• 2010 - 2013: Participant in Walloon project « S@T » (Integrated
systems and components and MEMS hardened to radiations) in collaboration
with Thales-ETCA, CISSOID, CETIC… in the “Pôle de compétitivité”
SKYWIN.• 2011 - 2012: Participant in EU project « Guardian Angels for a smarter
life » (Flagship Pilot Project, FP7) in collaboration with EPFL, ETHZ,
IBM, Intel, STM, Sanofi…• 2011 – 2014: Promoter of the EU project « SOI-HITS » with Microsemi
and CCMOSS (UK), Honeywell (Romania), CISSOID (BE) and the universities
of Cambridge, Warwick and Barcelona.• 2011-2012: Promoter of a research collaboration with Dow Corning (Seneffe, Belgium) in the field of photovoltaic cells
• 2012-2014: Co-promoter of FNRS-IISN convention 4.4504.12 - R&D on new particle detection techniques
• 2012-2015 : Promoter of a First Spin-off Walloon Region Grant, named «
AESPIS » for studying the creation of a spin-off in the field of “
Systèmes de mesure miniaturisés autonomes incluant des circuits de
récupération d’énergie et d’interfaçage de capteurs pour applications à
ultra basse consommation énergétique ”.• 2012-2016 : UCL Promoter of Walloon project « StarFlo » ( « A next
generation medical implant for Glaucoma patients that combines the
latest advances in biomaterials and micro-electromechanical systems
(MEMS) sensors » ) in collaboration with iStar, Rosselini Benelux and
CHU-ULg in the “Pôle de compétitivité” BIOWIN.• 2013-2016 : UCL Promoter of Walloon project « CZTS » (CZTS solar
cells) in collaboration with AGC, AC&CS, LASEA, UMons and U. Namur
in the “Pôle de compétitivité” MECATECH.• 2013-2017 : UCL co-promoter of the European project “MSP”
(Multi-sensor platform) in collaboration with Samsung, AMS, Siemens,
IMEC-NL, VITO, universities of Cambridge, Warwick…• 2014-2017 : Promoter of a First Spin-off Walloon Region Grant, named «
Prosense » for studying the creation of a spin-off in the field of “Détecteurs transparents pour la caractérisation de faisceaux de protons”• 2014-2015 : UCL promoter of Walloon project “SHC” (Smart Humidity
Controller) in collaboration with University of Mons, SIRRIS, Van Geel, …
in the “Pôle de compétitivité” GREENWIN• 2016-2017: UCL Promoter of H2020 “SaSha” project in collaboration with
University of Warwick (UK), Tyndall institute (Eire) and Camutronics
(UK) on a “High-voltage rad-hard Si/SiC LDMOS for space applications”• 2017-2019 : UCL Promoter of H2020 “ARCIGS-M” project in collaboration
with University of Uppsala, Solibro (Sweden), IMEC, CRM (Belgium),
Arcelor-Mittal (France), etc… on a “ Advances Architectures for
ultra-thin high-efficiency CIGS solar cells with high Manufacturability ”