Place Cardinal Mercier 31/L3.03.32
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Emmanuel Van Elverdinghe
- Work Experience
Years Title Institution since 2024 Professor (Languages and cultures of Eastern Christianity) UCLouvain 2022–2024 F.R.S.-FNRS Postdoctoral researcher UCLouvain 2017–2021 Postdoctoral researcher LMU München 2013–2017 F.R.S.-FNRS Research fellow UCL 2013 Doctoral scholarship holder UCL
- Diploma
Year Label Educational Organization 2011 Bachelier en langues et littératures anciennes Université catholique de Louvain 2013 Master en Langues et littératures anciennes Université catholique de Louvain 2017 Docteur en langues et lettres Université catholique de Louvain
Latest publication: E. Van Elverdinghe, Armenian, in M. Karrer – D. Müller – P. Malik (eds.), Novum Testamentum Graecum. Editio Critica Maior. VI. Die Offenbarung. Teil 2: Begleitende Materialien / Revelation. Part 2: Supplementary Material, Stuttgart, Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 2024, p. 278–291.
- FNRS research project “Manuscripts on the Move: Networks of Book Production and Circulation in Medieval Armenia”.
- Edition and study of Gospel subscriptions in the Greek manuscript tradition (link).
- Editio critica maior of the Book of Revelation (link): assessment of the Armenian versions.
- Lemmatization of Ancient and Middle Armenian (GREgORI project).
- Studies on Armenian manuscript colophons and construction of a database.
- The Book of Revelation in Italo-Greek lectionary manuscripts and the Prophetologion of John of Rossano.
- Reception history of the Bible in the Armenian culture and literature.
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. [Compte rendu de] Ostkirchliche Studien, 68.1-2 (2019) ; 69.1 (2020) ; 69.2 (2020) ; 70.1 (2021). In: Byzantion : revue internationale des etudes byzantines, Vol. 93, no., p. 371-372 (2023). doi:10.2143/BYZ.93.0.3292496.
Coulie, Bernard ; Kindt, Bastien ; Kepeklian, Gabriel ; Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. Étiquettes morphosyntaxiques et flexionnelles pour le traitement automatique de l’arménien ancien. In: Le muséon : revue d'études orientales, Vol. 135, no.1-2, p. 209-241 (2022). doi:10.2143/MUS.135.1.3290656.
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. [Compte rendu de] Armenian Philology in the Modern Era: From Manuscript to Digital Text, Edited by Valentina Calzolari, With the Collaboration of Michael E. Stone (Handbook of Oriental Studies / Handbuch der Orientalistik VIII, 23/1), Leiden – Boston, Brill, 2014. In: Le muséon : revue d'études orientales, Vol. 133, no. 1-2, p. 245-248 (2020). doi:10.2143/MUS.133.1.3287666.
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. Recurrent Pattern Modelling in a Corpus of Armenian Manuscript Colophons. In: Journal of Data Mining and Digital Humanities, Vol. Special Issue on Computer-Aided Processing of Intertextuality in Ancient Languages, p. (1-8) (2017-2018).
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. The Story of Zosimus in the Caucasian Traditions. In: Oriens Christianus : Hefte fuer die Kunde des christlichen Orients, Vol. 99, p. 9-17 (2016).
Haelewyck, Jean-Claude ; Somers, Véronique ; Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. Diverse Perspectives on the Manuscript Tradition of the Story of Zosimus. In: Oriens Christianus : Hefte fuer die Kunde des christlichen Orients, Vol. 99, p. 1-44 (2016).
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. [Compte rendu de] Heinz Fähnrich, Die ältesten georgischen Inschriften, Leyde – Boston, MA, Brill, 2013. In: Le muséon : revue d'études orientales, Vol. 128, no. 3-4, p. 485-489 (2015). doi:10.2143/MUS.128.3.3122601.
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. La linguistique marriste et son onomastique. Le cas de la Géorgie. In: BABELAO : Electronic Journal for Ancient and Oriental Studies, Vol. 3, p. 125-144 (2013). doi:10.14428/babelao.vol3.2014.19973.
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. Les Géorgiens dans les textes byzantins jusqu’à l’an mille. Approche lexicale. In: Byzantion : revue internationale des etudes byzantines, Vol. 84, no.0, p. 433-483 (2014). doi:10.2143/BYZ.84.0.3049191.
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. Numa Marcius. Aux origines légendaires du pontificat. In: Folia electronica classica, Vol. 24 (juillet-décembre 2012).
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. Modèles et copies. Étude d’une formule des colophons de manuscrits arméniens, VIIIᵉ-XIXᵉ siècles (Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium, Subsidia; 698, 146), Peeters Publishers: Leuven, 2022. 978-90-429-4492-3 ; 978-90-429-4493-0. 533 p.
Makhoul, Manhal ; Brankaer, Johanna ; Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel ; Ouzounian, Agnes ; Pataridze, Tamar ; Pirard, Marcel. Histoire de Zosime sur la vie des Bienheureux Réchabites. Les versions orientales et leurs manuscrits, éd. Haelewyck, Jean-Claude (Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium. Subsidia; 135), Peeters: Louvain, 2016. 978-90-429-3363-7. 180 p.
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. Armenian Colophons as Literary Compositions. In: van Lint, Theo M.; Bonfiglio, Emilio, Handbook of Armenian Literature (Handbuch der Orientalistik; VIII, 23/4), Brill: Leiden, 2025. 0000000000 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. Awrinak / ōrinak (exemplar). In: Most, Glenn W.; Eusterschulte, Anne; Kern, Martin, Philological Practices: A Comparative Historical Lexicon, Princeton University Press: Princeton, N. J., 2025. 0000000000 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. Die Apokalypse in einem italogriechischen Evangelienlektionar. In: Albrecht, Felix; Feder, Frank; Karrer, Martin, Liturgische Traditionen: Ihr Nutzen und Stellenwert für die biblische Editionswissenschaft / Liturgical Traditions: Their Use and Value for Critical Editions of the Bible (Antike Schriftauslegung / Ancient Scriptural Interpretation), Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht: Göttingen, 2025. 0000000000 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. Armenian. In: Karrer, Martin; Müller, Darius; Malik, Peter, Novum Testamentum Graecum. Editio Critica Maior. VI. Die Offenbarung. Teil 2: Begleitende Materialien / Revelation. Part 2: Supplementary Material, Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft: Stuttgart, 2024, 278-291. 978-3-438-05620-7.
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. ‘The hand that once wrote…’: The Journey of a Colophon Formula from Greek into Armenian. In: Bonfiglio, Emilio; Rapp, Claudia, Armenia and Byzantium without Borders: Mobility, Interactions, Responses (Armenian Texts and Studies; 7), Brill: Leiden, Boston, 2023, 125-166. 978-90-04-67786-9, 978-90-04-67931-3. doi:10.1163/9789004679313_006.
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. Appendice arménien. In: Jean-Marie Auwers, Lectures patristiques du Cantique des cantiques (“Bibliothèque”; 7), Éditions du Cerf; Éditions J.-P. Migne: Paris, 2022, p. 527-530. 978-2-204-15208-2.
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel ; Kindt, Bastien. Describing Language Variation in the Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts. In: Khurshudyan, Victoria; Tomeh, Nadi; Nouvel, Damien; Donabédian, Anaïd; Vidal-Gorène, Chahan, Proceedings of the LREC 2022 Workshop on Processing Language Variation: Digital Armenian (DigitAm), European Language Resources Association (ELRA): Paris, 2022, p. 13-19. 978-2-493814-04-3.
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. “A Child in Zion”: The Scriptural Fabric of Armenian Colophons. In: Ceulemans, Reinhart; Crostini, Barbara, Receptions of the Bible in Byzantium: Texts, Manuscripts, and Their Readers (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Studia Byzantina Upsaliensia; 20), Uppsala Universitet: Uppsala, 2021, 141-162. 978-91-513-1017-6.
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel ; Ouzounian, Agnès. La tradition arménienne. In: Jean-Claude Haelewyck (dir.), Histoire de Zosime sur la vie des bienheureux Réchabites. Les versions orientales et leurs manuscrits (Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium; 664 – Subsidia 135), Peeters: Louvain, 2016, p. 99-131. 978-90-429-3363-7.
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. The Codicological and Cultural Value of Formulae in Armenian Colophons. In: Mesrop Mashtots Institute of Ancient Manuscripts “Matenadaran”, 13th General Conference of International Association for Armenian Studies (Theses), “Nairi” Publishing House: Erevan, 2014, p. 94. 978-5-550-01747-0.
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. An Experiment in Comparative Paratextology: Verses and Colophons in Greek and Armenian Gospel Books. Paratexts in Premodern Writing Cultures (Gent, du 24/06/2024 au 26/06/2024).
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. Quand le nombre des témoins dépasse celui des mots, ou comment éditer les souscriptions grecques des Évangiles. Séminaire Éditer et commenter les paratextes bibliques : enjeux et méthodes (Paris, 04/04/2024).
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. Subscriptiones of the Gospels. 19th International Conference on Patristic Studies (Oxford, du 05/08/2024 au 09/08/2024).
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. The Patristic Texts of the GREgORI Project: From Input File to Tagged Corpora Available Online. 19th International Conference on Patristic Studies (Oxford, du 05/08/2024 au 09/08/2024).
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. Benefits of a Combined RNN and Dictionary-based Lemmatization: The Three Armenian Editions of the Apocalypse of John as a Test Case. Digital Caucasiology – a Change of Paradigm? (Frankfurt am Main, du 04/10/2023 au 08/10/2023).
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. Les souscriptions des Évangiles dans la tradition manuscrite grecque : genèses d’un paratexte. 22e Journée byzantine (Namur, 09/06/2023).
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. Multiple translations, recensions, and source texts: the Armenian versions of the Apocalypse of John and their editorial challenges. Translations between Scribe and Scholar: Ancient Translations in Manuscript Studies and Text Editing (Leuven, du 19/10/2023 au 20/10/2023).
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. Bishops as Cultural Mediators in Medieval Armenia: Their Role in the Production and Circulation of Manuscripts. Bishops: Leaders and Ministers, Judges and Diplomats, Scholars and Saints. Variations on a Global Institution in the Middle Ages (Frankfurt am Main, du 24/02/2022 au 25/02/2022).
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. Describing Language Variation in the Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts. Processing Language Variation: Digital Armenian (LREC 2022 workshop) (Marseille, 20/06/2022).
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. La transmission des manuscrits arméniens: aspects sociaux et politiques. Arts et textes d’Arménie et de Géorgie (Louvain-la-Neuve, 08/12/2022).
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. The Social Dimensions of Copying Manuscripts in Medieval Armenia. Text and Transmission Joint Research Seminar (Leuven, 09/06/2022).
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. Armenian Manuscripts in the Diaspora. Travel, Contact, Exchange. Outside Armenia: Armenians as Go-Betweens in the Mediterranean and Near East (Fiesole, du 12/11/2021 au 13/11/2021).
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. Die Apokalypse in einem italogriechischen Lektionar. Lektionare in biblischen Editionen / The Use of Lectionaries in Biblical Editions (Wuppertal, du 22/09/2021 au 23/09/2021).
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. Networks of Manuscript Production and Circulation in Medieval Armenia: A First Appraisal. Association Internationale des Études Arméniennes. XV General Conference (Halle (Saale), du 02/09/2021 au 04/09/2021).
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. Captive Books: Recovering Cultural Property in Mediaeval and Early Modern Armenia. Religious communities and political constructions: Balkans, Eastern Europe, Mediterranean (11th-20th centuries) (Vilnius, du 16/10/2019 au 18/10/2019).
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. Welcome Address & Introduction. Church Fathers in the Margins: Patristic Traditions in Biblical Manuscripts / Kirchenväter am Rand ... (München, du 24/06/2019 au 25/06/2019).
Hilkens, Andy ; Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. Armenian Novel Saints. Novel Saints: Ancient Fiction and Christian Hagiographical Narrative – an Inventory: Workshop for entry authors (Gent, du 03/05/2018 au 04/05/2018).
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. Die Epigramme im Codex Istanbul, Patriarchikê Bibliothêkê, Hagia Trias 11 und ihre Paraphrase. ParaTexBib Sitzung (München, 18/02/2018).
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. ‘The hand that wrote…’: The Journey of a Colophon Formula from Greek to Armenian. Armenia and Byzantium Without Borders: Mobility – Interactions – Responses (Wien, du 20/04/2018 au 22/04/2018).
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. Grigor Murłanec‘i’s Gospel Book: The Story of a Lost Manuscript and Its Tradition. Association Internationale des Études Arméniennes 14th General Conference (Oxford, Pembroke College, du 10/08/2017 au 12/08/2017).
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. The Bible, Church Fathers and their Mediaeval Readership: The Evidence of Paratexts. Grekiska och bysantinska seminariet (Uppsala, 13/09/2017).
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. Why and How to Study Formulae in Armenian Colophons?. The World through the Eyes of Medieval Armenian Scribes. Approaches to Studying Medieval Armenian Colophons (Pembroke College, University of Oxford, 27/04/2017).
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. Writing History from Colophon Formulae. International Medieval Congress 2017 (Leeds, du 03/07/2017 au 06/07/2017).
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. Identité et esthétique dans les colophons de manuscrits arméniens. 4e Journée des Études orientales néo-louvanistes (Louvain-la-Neuve, 15/03/2016).
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. Les formules de colophons, une approche inédite de la tradition manuscrite arménienne. Entre sérialité et singularité. Nouvelles approches des sources arméniennes: Colophons et Inscriptions (Montpellier, 29/09/2016).
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. Les formules de colophons. Une clef pour étudier la tradition manuscrite arménienne. Journée des doctorants de l’ED3 « Langues, lettres et traductologie » (Mons, Université de Mons, Faculté de Traduction et d’Interprétation – École d’Interprètes Internationaux, 23/10/2015).
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. Les formules de colophons. Une clef pour étudier la tradition manuscrite arménienne (poster). Journée des doctorants de l’ED3 « Langues, lettres et traductologie » (Mons, Université de Mons, Faculté de Traduction et d’Interprétation – École d’Interprètes Internationaux, 23/10/2015).
Haelewyck, Jean-Claude ; Somers, Véronique ; Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. L’Histoire de Zosime : récit apocryphe ou hagiographique ? Regards croisés sur la tradition manuscrite. Réunion annuelle 2015 de l’Association pour l’étude de la littérature apocryphe chrétienne (Besançon, du 29/06/2015 au 01/07/2015).
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. Colophon formulae and their importance for cultural and book history. Kartvelological Summer School “Georgian Manuscript” / ქართველოლოგიის საზაფხულო სკოლა „ქართული ხელნაწერი“ (Tbilisi, du 14/07/2014 au 23/07/2014).
Pataridze, Tamar ; Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. GREgORI: Softwares, Linguistic Data and Corpus for Ancient GREek and ORIental Languages. International Workshop on Computer Aided Processing of Intertextuality in Ancient Languages (Villeurbanne, du 02/06/2014 au 04/06/2014).
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. Regards byzantins sur la Géorgie. Réorienter l’Orient. Pour une redéfinition de l’« autre » au Moyen Age (Louvain-la-Neuve, 14/11/2014).
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. The codicological and cultural value of formulae in Armenian colophons / Հայ հիշատակարանային բանաձևերի ձեռագրագիտական և մշակութային արժեքը. Հայագիտական Ուսումնասիրությունների Միջազգային Ընկերակցության 13-րդ Համաժողով / 13th General Conference of International Association for Armenian Studies / 13ème Conférence Générale de l'Association Internationale des Études Arméniennes (Erévan, du 09/10/2014 au 11/10/2014).
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. Modèles et copies : étude d’une formule des colophons de manuscrits arméniens (VIIIᵉ – XVIIIᵉ siècles), prom. : Coulie, Bernard, 01/03/2017.
Vidal-Gorène, Chahan ; Sargsyan, Anush ; Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. Index of Digitized Armenian Manuscripts, 2022.
Van Elverdinghe, Emmanuel. Online Descriptions of Greek Manuscripts of the New Testament, 2021.