Chargé de recherche FNRS
Accepted papers in journals with peer review
F. Borceux, F. Campanini, M. Gran and W. Tholen, Groupoids and skeletal categories form a pretorsion theory in Cat, Adv. Math. 426 (2023).
F. Borceux, F. Campanini and M. Gran, Pretorsion theories in lextensive categories, accepted on J. Israel Math (2023).
F. Borceux, F. Campanini and M. Gran, The stable category of preorders in a pretopos II: the universal property, Ann. Math. Pura Appl. 201 (2022) pp. 2847--2869.
F. Borceux, F. Campanini and M. Gran, The stable category of preorders in a pretopos I: general theory, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 226 (9) (2021) 106997.
F. Campanini and C. A. Finocchiaro, Some remarks on Prüfer rings with zero-divisors, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 225 (9) (2021).
F. Campanini and A. Facchini, Exactness of cochain complexes via additive functors, Comm. Korean Math. Soc. 35 (4) (2020), 1075-1085.
F. Campanini and C. A. Finocchiaro, On bi-amalgamated constructions, J. Algebra Appl. 18 No.08 (2019), 1950148, 16 pp.
F. Campanini, S.F. El-Deken and A. Facchini, Homomorphisms with semilocal endomorphism rings between modules, Algebra and Representation Theory 23 (2019), 2237-2256.
F. Campanini and A. Facchini, Factorizations of polynomials with integral non-negative coefficients, Semigroup Forum 99 (2018), 317-322.
F. Campanini and A. Facchini, On a category of extensions whose endomorphism rings have at most four maximal ideals, in “Advances in Rings and Modules”, S. López-Permouth, J. K. Park, C. Roman and S. T. Rizvi Eds, Contemp. Math. 715 (2018), 107-126.
F. Campanini, On a category of chain of modules whose endomorphism rings have at most 2n maximal ideals, Communications in Algebra 49 (2018), 1971-1982.
Proceedings of symposia, workshops, colloquia...
F. Campanini, An overview on non-unique factorizations, Booklet Seminario Dottorato 2019/20 Università di Padova (2020), 7-16.
A. Zaccagnini, Prime numbers in short intervals: the Selberg integral and its generalizations, written by F. Campanini, Proceedings of the Roman Number Theory association 2 (2017), 31-36.
Submitted papers
Preprints and ongoing projects
F. Borceux and F. Campanini, Pretorsion theories for internal categories (2023).
F. Campanini, C.A. Finocchiaro, Spectral spaces of some classes of modules (2023).
Other publications with peer review
F. Campanini, Weak forms of the Krull-Schmidt theorem and Prüfer rings in distinguished constructions, Ph.D. Thesis (2019).
Current position
Chargé de Recherche FNRS at IRMP,
Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
February 2021 - September 2022
Research grant (assegnista di ricerca) in Algebra,
at Università di Padova, Department of Mathematics “Tullio Levi-Civita”, Padova, Italy.
April 2020 - September 2020
Postdoctoral research grant at IRMP,
Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium (awarded by Fondazione Ing. Aldo Gini).
Ph.D. in Pure Mathematics,
Università di Padova, Department of Mathematics “Tullio Levi-Civita”, Padova, Italy.
Master degree in Mathematics,
Università di Roma Tre, Department of Mathematics and Physics, Roma, Italy.
Bachelor degree in Mathematics,
Università di Roma Tre, Department of Mathematics and Physics, Roma, Italy.
Year | Label | Educational Organization |
2019 | Docteur de recherche en sciences mathématiques | Université de Padoue |
Name | ID |
Advanced topics in mathematics 8 | LMAT2945 |
My research interests are quite various and include substantially different topics in Commutative and non-Commutative Algebra, Module Theory and Category Theory. They may be listed as follows, according to my research activity:
- Direct-sum decompositions in additive and module categories;
- Prüfer-like conditions in commutative rings with zero-divisors;
- Topological methods for commutative and non-commutative algebra.
- Factorization theory for monoids;
- Homological algebra;
- Torsion theories in general categories.