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ilc | Louvain-la-Neuve, Mons

Pierre Fastrez Président ILC         Fanny Meunier






ILC President          Institute Council President
Pierre Fastrez            Fanny Meunier 


Research clusters

Communication Research Cluster (PCOM)

Head: Grégoire Lits

Linguistics Research Cluster (PLIN)

Head: Kristel Van Goethem

The members of the ILC Board and Council for the current year

The Council is the Institute’s decision-making body. It meets at least once a year, and in any event

  •  in May-June: to draw up the annual activity report for the previous calendar year;

  •  in December: to determine the budget for the coming calendar year and to draw up the list of members.

The Institute’s executive body is the “Bureau”. It meets at least six times yearly to manage the life of the Institute in terms of research projects, human resources, budget and communication (internal and external).

The election of representatives is governed by the internal regulations of the various bodies.

Representatives on the current ILC Council

Chair : Andrea Catellani
Academics : all
Scientific :

  • 12 effective members: Basile Godbil, Caroline Robbeets, Charlotte Van Breusegem, Florence Detienne, Laetitia Aulit, Laetitia Louis, Laura Zander, Laureline Marc, Marie Bastien, Pauline Dupret, Pauline Jadoulle, Romane Werner.

  • 4 substitutes: Louis Amant, Olivia De Briey, Yu-Tse Lee, Alice Heylens.  

Administration, 5 effective members (no substitutes):

  •  Ludwig Marion, Laurence Mundschau, Hubert Naets, Sébastien Nahon and N.

Administrative Coordination: Laurence Mundschau

Members of the current ILC Board

Chair: Pierre Fastrez


  • Magali Paquot - substitute: Barbara De Cock

Research Clusters:

  • Grégoire Lits (PCOM)

  • Kristel Van Goethem (PLIN) - substitute: Thomas François


  • Sébastien Nahon (MIIL representative)

  • Patrick Watrin (CENTAL representative)


  • Staff: Pauline Jadoulle (PLIN) et Caroline Robbeets (PCOM)

  • Substitute scientists: ALaura Zander  (PCOM) et Pauline Dupret (PLIN)

Secretariat : N.

Administrative Coordination: Laurence Mundschau