Lise Saussus received the 2018 "Pro Civitate" History Prize from the Royal Academy of Belgium


Lise Saussus, scientific collaborator of the Centre de recherches d’archéologie nationale (INCAL, UCLouvain) received the 2018 "Pro Civitate" History Prize from the The Royal Academies for Science and the Arts of Belgium. The « Pro Civitate » prize (history of the cities and towns of Belgium or the principalities that were part of it) rewards his doctoral thesis on La métallurgie du cuivre dans les villes médiévales des Flandres et des environs (XIIIe-XVe siècles). Hommes, ateliers, techniques et produits. L’exemple de Douai, sustained on 2017, november 28 at the UCLouvain. 

The award ceremony took place during the public session of the Class of Letters on May 14, 2018.

Published on June 11, 2018