Covid-19 studies at IPSY
ipsy | Louvain-la-Neuve
Some IPSY members are conducting research projects in the form of surveys on one or another aspect of the pandemic. This research is available below. Thank you for advancing our knowledge by participating!
Well-being and school experiences of secondary school students at the start of this exceptional school year
In June 2020, over 6000 students filled in the questionnaire on their well-being and motivation for school work. The most important findings can be found at (solely in French).
We have recently launched a new questionnaire, focusing on how students experience their return to school.
This anonymous questionnaire has been created for secondary education students and takes between 10 to 15 minutes to fill out. It will remain accessible until October 9th, 2020. Please do not hesitate to spread the link of this questionnaire, in order to allow a maximum number of students to express their views.
The Research Team: Ariane Baye, Liesje Coertjens, Benoît Galand and Dominique Lafontaine
The Belgian Association for Psychololgical Sciences (BAPS) supports the expert group psychology & corona
Well-being and school experiences of secondary school students during the (de)confinement period
Brief summary: At this particular time, we feel it is important that the experiences of young people be taken into consideration. This is why the University of Liège and UCLouvain, in partnership with the Ministry of the Walloon-Brussels Federation, are launching a survey on the well-being and school experience of secondary school pupils during this period of (de)confinement. The online questionnaire (accessible on computer or smartphone) lasts about 10 to 15 minutes and is accessible until 30 June. Thank you for contributing to the dissemination of this survey in order to allow as many young people as possible to make their voices heard.
The Research Team: Ariane Baye, Liesje Coertjens, Benoît Galand and Dominique Lafontaine
Science & normes
Nicolas Vermeulen
Covid-19 and its consequences impact the lives of every one of us...
Right now, the Covid-19 and its consequences are impacting the lives of all of us. The activities that we carried out on a daily basis had to be adjusted or sometimes even abandoned.
Through social media we see that several creative solutions have been put in place to cope with the limitations imposed on our daily and essential activities, such as seeing friends, doing sports, ... It is these adaptations that we want to investigate systematically.
An online questionnaire has been set up by the University of Ghent in collaboration with the Catholic University of Leuven to examine your significant activities during the Covid-19 era.
We would therefore like to know how you cope with the imposed restrictions that influence your essential daily activities. The aim of this questionnaire is to probe the extent to which you go in search of meaning, identity and balance and also to probe how you adapt to the situation by looking for creative solutions.
The results will give us a better understanding of how people cope with the corona virus crisis with regard to activities that make sense in everyday life.
The questionnaire will take about 15 minutes.
Thank you for your participation.
Best regards and good health!
The Research Team:
Drs. Cruyt Ellen, Prof. Dr. De Vriendt Patricia, Prof. Dr. De Letter Miet, Prof. Dr. Vlerick Peter, Prof. Dr. Oostra Kristin, Dr. De Pauw Robby, Prof. Dr. Calders Patrick, Prof. Dr. Szmalec Arnaud, Prof. Dr. Van de Velde Dominique
Socio-economic status, cognition and health during the crisis COVID-19
This research aims to better understand the effects that the COVID-19 crisis has had on the world population. It aims to better understand how people adapt to major health crises, and how they cope with government measures such as containment, curfews and other social distancing measures.
Principal Investigator : Professor Alexandre Schaefer (Monash University, Australia) - Co-investigators: Professor Tin Tin Su, Chan Jee Kei and Dexter Shee (Monash University, Australia) and Prof. Céline Douilliez (UCLouvain, IPSY)
Duration: 10 to 15 minutes
Link to the online questionnaire:
Psychological Impacts of Covid-19 Containment
The study aims to explore the ways in which individuals cope with the stress of the current containment situation due to the Covid-19 emergency. Completion of the various questionnaires takes approximately 15 minutes. Participants will be contacted again at the end of the quarantine to answer the questions again.
Here is the link to the study:
Aurélien Cornil, Teaching Assistant and PhD Student (IPSY)
Media perception during containment?
Promotors: Alexandre Heeren, researcher in psychology (IPSY) at UCLouvain, Bernard Hanseeuw, neurologist at UCLouvain, Grégoire Lits and Louise-Amélie Cougnon, Language and Communication Institute at UCLouvain.
This research will make it possible to understand :
- the differences in the perception of Covid-19 between different social groups (young vs. elderly, health professional vs. general public, city vs. countryside, etc.) ;
- the different variables that can impact the perception of Covid-19 within these different social groups;
- the way people (e.g. young vs. elderly) inform themselves and judge the reliability of different sources of information about the epidemic;
- the relationship between anxiety levels and perception of the disease;
- the impact of fake news and social networks on behaviours to protect against Covid-19 and to fight the epidemic.
Survey available at:
Emotional reactions and behaviours put in place to deal with the coronavirus pandemic
Promotor: Olivier Luminet
The study will provide a better understanding of the determinants of the most appropriate prevention behaviours, particularly with a view to proposing more appropriate communication strategies for different audiences.
The questionnaire is being distributed in as many French-speaking countries as possible.
The questionnaire takes about 15 minutes to complete.
Survey available at:
Alcohol consumption
Promotor: Pierre Maurage
Are our drinking behaviours actually affected by containment? What may be the factors behind these possible changes?
Please answer this short questionnaire of about 15 minutes, regardless of your alcohol consumption.
Survey available at:
Feel free to spread the link!
The research team of Prof. Pierre Maurage