25 October 2016
6:30 PM
As part of CORE’s 50th Anniversary celebrations, Prof. François MANIQUET (CORE) is organizing a debate between Prof. Angus DEATON (Princeton), Jean DRÈZE and students. The debate will be held on October 25, 6:30 p.m. at UCL.
Registration is free but mandatory. To register, simply fill out the form by Friday October 21. Please note that, for security reasons, UCL is asking us to do identity checks. Therefore please don’t forget to bring your ID card or passport with you, as you will be asked to show it upon entering the conference site.
Follow the Debate Live!
Can't be there? Follow @CORE_UCL and check the #DeatonDrezeUCL hashtag on Twitter, our students will livetweet the debate. It's also possible to tweet us questions that you would like to ask Angus Deaton and/or Jean Drèze during the debate!
Prof. Angus Deaton
Angus DEATON, Professor of Economics and Internal Affairs at Princeton University, is an internationally renowned leader in consumption, poverty and welfare. In 2015, he was awarded the Sveriges Riksbank Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences.
DON'T MISS our Nobel Talk on "Why is global poverty so hard to measure, and so hard to eradicate?" (October 25) and our Workshop on Poverty and Well-being (October 26), both with Angus Deaton.
Jean Drèze
Jean DRÈZE is a Belgian-born Indian development economist. He is well-known for his social activism.