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Industrial Organization and Non-profit Economics

lidam | Louvain-la-Neuve, Mons

You will find below our recent publications in industrial organization and non-profit economics.

Faculty Members

  Paul Belleflamme
  Marthe Nyssens
  Anaïs Périlleux



LIDAM Publications in Industrial Organization and Non-profit Economics

Journal Articles

1. Belleflamme, Paul; Lambert, Thomas; Schwienbacher, Armin. Spillovers in Crowdfunding. In: Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, (2025). doi:10.1111/jems.12625 (Accepté/Sous presse).

2. Ciotti, Fabrizio; Hornuf, Lars; Stenzhorn, Eliza. Lock-In Effects in Online Labor Markets. In: Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, (2024). (Accepté/Sous presse).

3. Belleflamme, Paul; Ha, Huan. Improving Recycling: How Far Should We Go?. In: Environmental and Resource Economics, (2024). doi:10.1007/s10640-024-00880-z (Accepté/Sous presse).

4. Jaskold Gabszewicz, Jean; Marini, M.A.; Zanaj, S. Random encounters and information diffusion about product quality. In: Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, Vol. 32, no.2, p. 348-376 (2023). doi:10.1111/jems.12503.

5. Defourny, Jacques; Nyssens, Marthe. Diversity of social enterprise models: new dynamics at the heart and on the fringes of the social and solidarity economy. In: Empower SE Stakeholder Brief, , no.7, p. 1-19 (2021).

6. Defourny, Jacques; Nyssens, Marthe. La diversité des modèles d’entreprises sociales: nouvelles dynamiques au cœur et aux confins de l’économie sociale et solidaire. In: Empower SE Stakeholder Brief, , no.8, p. 1-21 (2021).

7. Malay, Olivier. Improving government and business coordination through the use of consistent SDGs indicators. A comparative analysis of national (Belgian) and business (pharma and retail) sustainability indicators.. In: Ecological Economics, Vol. 184, no. 106991. IRES Discussion Papers 2020031.

8. Defourny, Jacques; Nyssens, Marthe; Brolis, Olivier. Testing Social Enterprise Models Across the World: Evidence from the “International Comparative Social Enterprise Models (ICSEM) Project. In: Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Vol. 50, no. 2, p. 420-440 (2021). doi:10.1177/0899764020959470.

9. Malay, Olivier. How to articulate beyond GDP and businesses’ social and environmental indicators?. In: Social Indicators Research : an international and interdisciplinary journal for quality-of-life measurement, Vol. 155. IRES Discussion Papers 2020014.

10. Gafni,Hadar; Hudon, Marek; Perilleux, Anaïs. Business or Basic Needs? The Impact of Loan Purpose on Social Crowdfunding Platforms. In: Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 173, p. 777-793 (2021). doi:10.1007/s10551-020-04530-4.

11. Searing, Elizabeth; Poledrini, Simone; Young,Dennis; Nyssens, Marthe. The Hybrid Nature of Social Enterprises: How Does It Affect Their Revenue Sources?. In: Social Enterprise Journal, Vol. 18, no. 2, p. 321-343 (2022). doi:10.1108/SEJ-02-2021-0010.

12. Nogales-Muriel, Rocío; Nyssens, Marthe. Research to Build Resilient Social Economy Ecosystems in Europe. In: Stanford Social Innovation Review, (2021).

Book Chapters

1. Cooney, Kate; Nyssens, Marthe; O'shaughnessy, Mary. Work Integration and Social Enterprises. In: Encyclopedia of the Social and Solidarity Economy , Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham, 2023, p. 215-222. 978-1-80392-091-7. xxx xxx.

2. Defourny,Jacques; Nyssens, Marthe. Social Enterprises. In: Encyclopedia of the Social and Solidarity Economy , Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham, 2023, p. 143-151. 978-1-80392-091-7. xxx xxx.

3. De Schutter, Olivier; Bui, Sibylle; Cassiers, Isabelle; Dedeurwaerdere, Tom; Galand, Benoît; Jeanmart, Hervé; Nyssens, Marthe; Verhaegen, Etienne. Renouveler l’action publique. Le programme Biovallée dans la vallée de la Drôme. In: L'État partenaire: Transition écologique et sociale et innovation citoyenne , Presses Universitaires de Louvain: Louvain-la-Neuve, 2022, p. 43 -72. 978-2-39061-213-1. xxx xxx.

4. Defourny, Jacques; Nyssens, Marthe. Transformer le capitalisme par une économie plurielle. In: L'État partenaire: Transition écologique et sociale et innovation citoyenne , Presses Universitaires de Louvain: Louvain-la-Neuve, 2022, p. 131-143. 978-2-39061-213-1. xxx xxx.

5. Defourny,Jacques; Mihály, Melinda; Nyssens, Marthe. Documenting, Theorising, Mapping and Testing the Plurality of SE Models in Central and Eastern Europe. In: Social enterprise in Central and Eastern Europe: Theory, models and practice (Routledge Studies in Social Enterprise & Social Innovation; xxx), Routledge: Abingdon, 2021, p. 1-19. 9780367342197. xxx xxx.

6. Defourny, Jacques; Nyssens, Marthe. Social Enterprise, Welfare Regimes and Policy Implications. In: Social Enterprise in Western Europe : Theory, Models and Practice (Routledge Studies in Social Enterprise & Social Innovation; xxx), Routledge: Abingdon, 2021. 9780367151188. xxx xxx.

7. Defourny, Jacques; Nyssens, Marthe. Testing the Relevance of Major Social Enterprise Models in Central and Eastern Europe. In: Social enterprise in Central and Eastern Europe: Theory, models and practice (Routledge Studies in Social Enterprise & Social Innovation; xxx), Routledge: Abingdon, 2021, p. 273-290. 9780367342197. xxx xxx.

8. Huybrechts, Benjamin; Nyssens, Marthe; Defourny, Jacques. Exploring the Multiple Facets of the Belgian Social Enterprise Landscape. In: Social Enterprise in Western Europe : Theory, Models and Practice (Routledge Studies in Social Enterprise & Social Innovation; xxx), Routledge: Abingdon, 2021. 9780367151188. xxx xxx.


1. Defrouny,Jacques; Nyssens, Marthe. Social Enterprise in Western Europe : Theory, Models and practice. Routledge: Abingdon, 2021. 9780367151188. 368 pages.

2. Defourny, Jacques; Nyssens, Marthe. Social enterprise in Central and Eastern Europe: Theory, models and practice. Routledge: Abingdon, 2021. 9780367342197. 326 pages.