Public, Health, Labor, Demographic Economics
lidam | Louvain-la-Neuve, Mons

LIDAM Publication in Public, Health, Labor, and Demographic Economics
Journal Articles
1. Stefanija Veljanoska; Nijssen, Siegfried; Schaus, Pierre; John Aoga; Juhee Bae. Impact of Weather Factors on Migration Intention using Machine Learning Algorithms. In: Operations Research Forum, Vol. Volume 5, no. number 8.
2. Fagnart, Jean-François; Germain, Marc; Van der Linden, Bruno. Working Time Reduction and Employment in a Finite World. In: The Scandinavian journal of economics, Vol. 125, no. 1, p. 170-207 (2023). doi:10.1111/sjoe.12513.
3. Rolla, Cecilia; Zanardello, Chiara. Scholars and Literati at the Academy of Sciences of Bologna (1714–1800). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 7, p. 57-65 (2022). doi:10.14428/rete.v7i0/ABologna.
4. de la Croix, David; Stelter, Robert. Scholars and Literati at the University of Tübingen (1477–1800). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 7, p. 21-30 (2022). doi:10.14428/rete.v7i0/Tubingen.
5. Vitale, Mara. Scholars and Literati at the Royal Academy of Sciences of Lisbon (1779-1800). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 7, p. 47-54 (2022). doi:10.14428/rete.v7i0/ALisbon.
6. Cockx, Bart; Declercq, Koen; Dejemeppe, Muriel; Van der Linden, Bruno. Priver les jeunes d’allocations d’insertion est-il un remède efficace pour lutter contre l’abandon scolaire et le chômage ?. In: Regards économiques, , no.171, p. 1-12 (2022).
7. Cockx, Bart; Declercq, Koen; Dejemeppe, Muriel; Van der Linden, Bruno. Werkloosheidsuitkeringen voor jongeren schrappen: sneller afgestudeerd en aan het werk?. In: Gentse Economische Inzichten, , no.3, p. 1-29 (2022).
8. Ngugnie Diffouo, Pauline; Devolder, Pierre. Solvency measurement of life annuity products. In: International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, Vol. 25, no.2, p. 2250003 (2022). doi:10.1142/S0219024922500030.
9. Hanna, Vanessa; Hieber, Peter; Devolder, Pierre. Mixed participating and unit-linked life insurance contracts: design, pricing and optimal strategy. In: Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, Vol. 2022, no. 5, p. 421-446 (2022). doi:10.1080/03461238.2021.1992001.
10. Devolder, Pierre; Hindriks, Jean. Une pension légale sous forme d’un compte pension. In: Regards économiques, Vol. Focus, no. 28 (2022). doi:10.14428/regardseco2022.02.03.01.
11. de la Croix, David; Gobbi, Paula Eugenia. Population Homeostasis in Sub-Saharan Africa. In: Economics and Human Biology, Vol. 45, p. 101102 (2022). doi:10.1016/j.ehb.2021.101102.
12. de la Croix, David; Mytilinaios, Panagiotis. Scholars and Literati at the Royal Society (1660–1800). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 7, no.2, p. 11-19 (2022). doi:10.14428/rete.v7i0/RoyalSociety.
13. de la Croix, David; Delvaux, Elise. Scholars and Literati at the Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts of Toulouse (1729-1793). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 6, p. 51-58 (2022). doi:10.14428/rete.v6i0/AToulouse.
14. de la Croix, David. Literati at the Académie Française (1635-1793). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 6, no.3, p. 17-23 (2022). doi:10.14428/rete.v6i0/AcadFr.
15. Debois, Valentine; de la Croix, David. Scholars and Literati at the Royal Dublin Society (1757–1800). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 6, no.2, p. 6-9 (2022). doi:10.14428/rete.v6i0/ADublin.
16. de la Croix, David; Stelter, Robert. Scholars and Literati at the University of Heidelberg (1386–1800). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 6, no.4, p. 25-34 (2022). doi:10.14428/rete.v6i0/Heidelberg.
17. de la Croix, David; Spolverini, Gaia. Scholars and Literati at the University of Cracow (1364–1800). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 6, p. 35-42 (2022). doi:10.14428/rete.v6i0/Cracow.
18. Rolla, Cecilia; Vitale, Mara. Scholars and Literati at the University of Parma (1412–1800). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 6, no. 1, p. 1-8 (2022). doi:10.14428/rete.v6i0/Parma.
19. de la Croix, David; Mytilinaios, Panagiotis. Scholars and Literati at the University of Dole (1422–1691). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 6, p. 43-50 (2022). doi:10.14428/rete.v6i0/Dole.
20. Vitale, Mara. Scholars and Literati at the University of Salamanca (1218–1800). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 7, p. 1-9 (2022). doi:10.14428/rete.v7i0/Salamanca.
21. Vandenberghe, Vincent. Health, Cognition and Work Capacity Beyond the Age of 50: International Evidence on the Extensive and Intensive Margin of Work. In: International Labour Review, Vol. 160, no. 2, p. 271 - 310 (2021). doi:10.1111/ilr.12174.
22. Arenas Jal, Andreu; Hindriks, Jean. Intergenerational mobility and unequal school opportunity. In: The Economic Journal, Vol. 131, no. 635, p. 1027–1050 (2021). doi:10.1093/ej/ueaa062.
23. Vandenberghe, Vincent. Salud física y cognitiva y capacidad de trabajo después de los 50 años: evidencia internacional sobre los márgenes extensivo e intensivo. In: Revista Internacional del Trabajo, Vol. 140, no.2, p. 293-334 (2021). doi:10.1111/ilrs.12197.
24. Vandenberghe, Vincent. Santé, cognition et capacité de travail après 50 ans: données internationales sur les marges extensive et intensive du travail. In: Revue Internationale du Travail, Vol. 160, no.2, p. 297-338 (2021). doi:10.1111/ilrf.12194.
25. Vandenberghe, Vincent. Work beyond the age of 50. What role for mental versus physical health?. In: Labour : review of labour economics and industrial relations, Vol. 35, no.3, p. 311-347 (2021). doi:10.1111/labr.12205.
26. Van der Linden, Bruno. Do in-work benefits work for low-skilled workers?. In: IZA World of Labor, no. 246, p. 1-11 (June 2021). doi:10.15185/izawol.246.v2.
27. Baurin, Arno. The limited power of socioeconomic status to predict lifespan: Implications for pension policy. In: The Journal of the Economics of Ageing, Vol. 20, p. 10039 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.jeoa.2021.100339.
28. Devolder, Pierre; Levantesi, Susanna; Menzietti, Massimiliano. Automatic balance mechanisms for notional defined contribution pension systems guaranteeing social adequacy and financial sustainability: an application to the Italian pension system. In: Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 299, p. 765-795 (2021). doi:10.1007/s10479-020-03819-x.
29. Diakite, Keivan; Devolder, Pierre. Progressive Pension Formula and Life Expectancy Heterogeneity. In: Risks, Vol. 9, no.7, p. 127 (2021). doi:10.3390/risks9070127.
30. Devolder, Pierre; Degoli, Maria-Cristina. Les enjeux et les perspectives de la pension à points à la lumière de l'expérience belge. In: Droit Social, Vol. 5, no. 5, p. 413-421 (2021).
31. Vandenberghe, Vincent. Differentiating Retirement Age to Compensate for Health Differences. In: IZA Journal of Labor Policy, , p. 1-42 (2021). (Accepté/Sous presse).
32. Devolder, Pierre. Coût réel pour l’État du deuxième pilier belge de pension pour salariés : l’approche actuarielle bouscule quelques à priori. In: Regards économiques, Vol. 166, p. 1-12 (2021).
33. de la Croix, David. Scholars and Literati at the Lubranski College in Poznan (1519–1780). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 4, p. 45-51 (2021). doi:10.14428/rete.v4i0/Poznan.
34. de la Croix, David; Stelter, Robert. Scholars and Literati at the University of Gießen (1607–1800). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 2, p. 31-37 (2021). doi:10.14428/rete.v2i0/giessen.
35. de la Croix, David; Doepke, Matthias. A Soul’s View of the Optimal Population Problem. In: Mathematical Social Sciences, Vol. 112, p. 98-108 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.mathsocsci.2021.03.005.
36. de la Croix, David; Karioun, Soraya. Scholars and Literati at the Imperial College of Madrid (1560–1767). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 4, p. 19-25 (2021). doi:10.14428/rete.v4i0/Madrid.
37. Blasutto, Fabio; de la Croix, David; Vitale, Mara. Scholars and Literati at the Academy of the Ricovrati (1599–1800). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 3, p. 51-63 (2021). doi:10.14428/rete.v3i0/Ricoverati.
38. de la Croix, David; Doraghi, Mehrdaad. Scholars and Literati at the Saint Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1724–1800). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 5, p. 17-26 (2021). doi:10.14428/rete.v5i0/Petersburg.
39. de la Croix, David; Jay, Hugo. Scholars and Literati at the Old University of Aberdeen (1495–1800). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 4, p. 27-34 (2021). doi:10.14428/rete.v4i0/AberdeenOld.
40. Catoire, Guillaume; Debois, Valentine; DUCHENE, Julie; Ganterer, Maximilian; de la Croix, David; Vitale, Mara. Scholars and Literati at the Universitas Lovaniensis (1425–1797). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 4, p. 53-66 (2021). doi:10.14428/rete.v4i0/Louvain.
41. Di Caprio, Giovanni; Vitale, Mara. Scholars and Literati at the University of Fermo (1585–1800). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 5, p. 27-34 (2021). doi:10.14428/rete.v5i0/Fermo.
42. de la Croix, David; Fabre, Alice. Scholars and Literati at the Royal Bourbon College in Aix-en-Provence (1603–1763). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 3, p. 43-50 (2021). doi:10.14428/rete.v3i0/Bourbon.
43. de la Croix, David; Pommeret, Aude. Childbearing Postponement, its Option Value, and the Biological Clock. In: Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 193, p. 105231 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.jet.2021.105231.
44. Stelter, Robert; de la Croix, David; Myrskylä, Mikkö. Leaders and Laggards in Life Expectancy among European Scholars from the Sixteenth to the Early Twentieth Century. In: Demography, Vol. 58, no. 1, p. 111-135 (2021). doi:10.1215/00703370-8938107.
45. de la Croix, David; Karioun, Soraya. Scholars and Literati at the University of Pont-à-Mousson (1572–1768). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 2, p. 1-6 (2021). doi:10.14428/rete.v2i0/pont-a-mousson.
46. de la Croix, David; Fabre, Alice. Scholars and Literati at the University of Valence (1452–1793). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 2, p. 13-20 (2021). doi:10.14428/rete.v2i0/valence.
47. de la Croix, David; Spolverini, Gaia. Scholars and Literati at the University of Macerata (1540–1800). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 2, p. 39-45 (2021). doi:10.14428/rete.v2i0/macerata.
48. Rolla, Cecilia; Vitale, Mara. Scholars and Literati at the Academy of the Gelati (1588– 1799). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 5, p. 1-7 (2021). doi:10.14428/rete.v5i0/Gelati.
49. de la Croix, David; Stelter, Robert. Scholars and Literati at the University of Leiden (1575–1800). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 5, p. 9-16 (2021). doi:10.14428/rete.v5i0/Leiden.
50. de la Croix, David. Scholars and Literati in European Academia before 1800. In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 5, p. 35-41 (2021). doi:10.14428/rete.v5i0/Global21.
51. Mariani, Fabio; Mercier, Marion. Immigration and crime: The role of self-selection and institutions. In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol. 185, p. 538-564 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.jebo.2021.03.011.
52. de la Croix, David; Vitale, Mara. Scholars and Literati at the University of Padua (1222–1800). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 3, p. 33-42 (2021). doi:10.14428/rete.v3i0/Padua.
53. de la Croix, David; Stelter, Robert. Scholars and Literati at the University of Göttingen (1734–1800). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 4, p. 1-8 (2021). doi:10.14428/rete.v4i0/Gottingen.
54. de la Croix, David; Fabre, Alice. Scholars and Literati at the University of Aix (1409–1793). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 4, p. 35-44 (2021). doi:10.14428/rete.V4i0/Aix.
55. de la Croix, David; Zanardello, Chiara. Scholars and Literati at the Academy of Sciences of Turin (1757–1800). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 5, p. 43-51 (2021). doi:10.14428/rete.v5i0/ATurin.
56. de la Croix, David; Eisfeld, Thomas; Ganterer, Maximilian. Scholars and Literati at the Royal Prussian Academy ofSciences (1700–1800). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 3, p. 1-9 (2021). doi:10.14428/rete.v3i0/Prussian.
57. de la Croix, David; DUCHENE, Julie. Scholars and Literati at the Royal Spanish Academy (1713–1800). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 3, p. 11-17 (2021). doi:10.14428/rete.v3i0/ASpanish.
58. de la Croix, David; Spolverini, Gaia. Scholars and Literati at the University of Santiago de Compostela (1526–1800). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 3, p. 27-30 (2021). doi:10.14428/rete.v3i0/Compostela.
59. de la Croix, David; Karioun, Soraya. Scholars and Literati at the Gregorian University in Rome (1551–1773). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 3, p. 19-26 (2021). doi:10.14428/rete.v3i0/Gregorian.
60. de la Croix, David; DUCHENE, Julie. Scholars and Literati at the “Mersenne” Academy (1635–1648). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 2, p. 7-12 (2021). doi:10.14428/rete.v2i0/mersenne.
61. de la Croix, David. Black African Scholars in European Academia before 1800. In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 2, p. 47-50 (2021). doi:10.14428/rete.v2i0/black.
62. de la Croix, David; Debois, Valentine. Scholars and Literati at the Gresham College (1597–1800). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 2, p. 51-57 (2021). doi:10.14428/rete.v2i0/gresham.
63. de la Croix, David; Dock, Fanny. Scholars and Literati at the National Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts of Bordeaux (1712-1793). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 4, p. 9-17 (2021). doi:10.14428/rete.v4i0/Abordeaux.
64. de la Croix, David. Scholars and Literati at the University of Copenhagen (1475–1800). In: Repertorium eruditorum totius Europae, Vol. 2, p. 21-29 (2021). doi:10.14428/rete.v2i0/copenhagen.
65. de la Croix, David; Ganterer, Maximilian. Scholars and Literati at the Danzig Research Society (1743–1800). In: Repertorium Eruditorium Totius Europae, Vol. 1, no.7, p. 49-54 (2021). doi:10.14428/rete.v1i0/Danzig.
66. de la Croix, David; Stelter, Robert. Scholars and Literati at the University of Jena (1558–1800). In: Repertorium Eruditorium Totius Europae, Vol. 1, no.4, p. 25-32 (2020). doi:10.14428/rete.v1i0/Jena.
67. de la Croix, David. Scholars at the Royal Society of Sciences of Montpellier (1706–1793). In: Repertorium Eruditorium Totius Europae, Vol. 1, no.5, p. 33-39 (2021). doi:10.14428/rete.v1i0/AMontpellier.
Book Chapters
1. Vandenberghe, Vincent. Differentiating Retirement Age to Compensate for Health and Longevity Inequality?. In: Ageing without Ageism? Conceptual Puzzles and Policy Proposals , Oxford University Press, 2023, p. 1-17. 9780192894090. xxx xxx.
2. Vandenberghe, Vincent. Working Beyond 50. In: Handbook of Labor, Human ressources and Population Economics , Springer, 2022, p. 1-23. 978-3-319-57365-6. xxx xxx. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-57365-6_286-1.