Public thesis defense of Soreangsey KIV
Friday, 01 October 2021, 08h00Friday, 01 October 2021, 17h00
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Agile is nowadays one of the most-used software development approaches. Ideally, to avoid wasting efforts, time, and resources on irrelevant things, the software development team should adopt agile methods differently according to context and criteria. Over the years, a vast amount of empirical studies aiming to share adoption experiences and introduce the possibility to customize agile methods has been published. Two key aspects in these studies are the goal- orientation and the social aspect. Intuitively, a team adopts agile methods because there are some things it wants to achieve. Once the team identifies the right practices to achieve its goals, the adoption result highly depends on the social factors, including the individuals, their interactions and collaborations.
In this thesis, we propose a socio-intentional framework for tailoring agile methods that focuses on the intentional (why?) and social (who?) dimensions. We propose a methodology to analyze agile practices on two different levels. The tactical level allows practitioners to decide what agile practice they should adopt based on what they want to achieve and to check the suitability of the selected practice(s) to the team’s situations. The operational level allows practitioners to identify beforehand the vulnerabilities in a practice adoption and define how to avoid or solve them. To be accurate, we built an evidence-based tool that can recycle the experiences of agile practice adoption reported in the literature and efficiently provide the information needed for the analysis. Finally, we propose to visualize the information through a socio-intentional modeling language; this is intended to ease the analysis process.
Annonce soutenance publique - Soreangsey Kiv.pdf