Archive des événements passés du site Chaire Hoover d'éthique économique et sociale
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Mich "Why Fully-Sex-Reassigned Persons Ought not to Be Recognised as Being Transgender"27 FebMardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Mahua Agrawal (Chaire Hoover) Certain men and women who are currently viewed as falling conceptually under the transgender umbrella and thereby acknowledged using the transgender/trans label. For discussion purposes, I shall refer to such individuals as fully-sex-reassigned persons (FSPs).En savoir plusMich "Why Fully-Sex-Reassigned Persons Ought not to Be Recognised as Being Transgender"27 FebMardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Mahua Agrawal (Chaire Hoover) Certain men and women who are currently viewed as falling conceptually under the transgender umbrella and thereby acknowledged using the transgender/trans label. For discussion purposes, I shall refer to such individuals as fully-sex-reassigned persons (FSPs).
BIP#18: Structural Linguistic Injustice23 FebBy Seunghyun Song (Tilburg University) Organisers: Axel Gosseries & Juan Olano Timetable (to confirm): 11:00 - 11:10 Opening remarks (10 minutes) 11:10 - 11:25 Introduction to the book by Seunghyun Song (15 minutes) 11:25 - 12:00 Chapter 3 - Structural linguistic injustice (35 minutes).En savoir plusBIP#18: Structural Linguistic Injustice23 FebBy Seunghyun Song (Tilburg University) Organisers: Axel Gosseries & Juan Olano Timetable (to confirm): 11:00 - 11:10 Opening remarks (10 minutes) 11:10 - 11:25 Introduction to the book by Seunghyun Song (15 minutes) 11:25 - 12:00 Chapter 3 - Structural linguistic injustice (35 minutes).
Mich "Migration, State System Legitimacy and Differentiated Rights: When the Kind of Citizenship Matters"20 FebMardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Esma Baycan-Herzog (University of Geneva, and Chaire Hoover Visiting Fellow) Even though the rights differentiations debate in normative political philosophy entail various types of ethical dilemmas, it has only been explicit about one of them, namely status differentiation—i.e. comparative rights’ differentiations between citizens and immigrants.En savoir plusMich "Migration, State System Legitimacy and Differentiated Rights: When the Kind of Citizenship Matters"20 FebMardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Esma Baycan-Herzog (University of Geneva, and Chaire Hoover Visiting Fellow) Even though the rights differentiations debate in normative political philosophy entail various types of ethical dilemmas, it has only been explicit about one of them, namely status differentiation—i.e. comparative rights’ differentiations between citizens and immigrants.
Mich "The Naturalisation of the Vulnerable: An International Responsibility with Demanding Implications"13 FebMardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Davide Pala(Univerità Del Piemonte Orientale) In the literature on human rights, the standard view is that states are the bearers of primary duties corresponding to human rights, and international institutions are the secondary duty-bearers only.En savoir plusMich "The Naturalisation of the Vulnerable: An International Responsibility with Demanding Implications"13 FebMardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Davide Pala(Univerità Del Piemonte Orientale) In the literature on human rights, the standard view is that states are the bearers of primary duties corresponding to human rights, and international institutions are the secondary duty-bearers only.
MICH "Soutenabilité sociale des pensions : pénibilité et longévité inégales"06 FebMardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Jean Hindriks Si nous voulons maintenir la pérennité de nos pensions, nous allons devoir travailler plus longtemps. Comment faire cela sans porter atteinte à ceux qui ont commencé leur carrière plus tôt et qui sont exposés à des métiers pénibles?En savoir plusMICH "Soutenabilité sociale des pensions : pénibilité et longévité inégales"06 FebMardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Jean Hindriks Si nous voulons maintenir la pérennité de nos pensions, nous allons devoir travailler plus longtemps. Comment faire cela sans porter atteinte à ceux qui ont commencé leur carrière plus tôt et qui sont exposés à des métiers pénibles?
Midi de l'éthique "les enjeux éthiques de l’alimentation."12 DecExiste-t-il un droit à être « bien nourri » ? Existe-t-il un droit à s’alimenter selon ses propres préférences ? Par exemple, existe-t-il un droit à manger de la viande si on le désire ? Dans quelle mesure serait-il juste de contraindre les choix alimentaires des citoyens en vue d’atteindre des objectifs tels que le bien-être des générations futures ou la préservation du bien-être animal ?En savoir plusMidi de l'éthique "les enjeux éthiques de l’alimentation."12 DecExiste-t-il un droit à être « bien nourri » ? Existe-t-il un droit à s’alimenter selon ses propres préférences ? Par exemple, existe-t-il un droit à manger de la viande si on le désire ? Dans quelle mesure serait-il juste de contraindre les choix alimentaires des citoyens en vue d’atteindre des objectifs tels que le bien-être des générations futures ou la préservation du bien-être animal ?
Short and Sharp Seminar - The Four Freedoms of the EU07 Dec"The aim of this seminar is to present some preliminary results of the MSCA project EUFREEDOMS, and to discuss them with renowned academics in the political theory of the EU. EUFREEDOMS aims to examine the philosophical underpinnings of the four freedoms of the EU internal market (the free movement of persons, goods, capital, and services).En savoir plusShort and Sharp Seminar - The Four Freedoms of the EU07 Dec"The aim of this seminar is to present some preliminary results of the MSCA project EUFREEDOMS, and to discuss them with renowned academics in the political theory of the EU. EUFREEDOMS aims to examine the philosophical underpinnings of the four freedoms of the EU internal market (the free movement of persons, goods, capital, and services).
"Post Darwinian Societies Seminar" #1107 DecSocial norms evolving By Jack Vromen, EIPE (Erasmus University Rotterdam) Following Lewis’ (1969) seminal account of conventions, several scholars have used game theory to shed light on how social norms evolve. In my talk I will show that the way in which this is done also has evolved.En savoir plus"Post Darwinian Societies Seminar" #1107 DecSocial norms evolving By Jack Vromen, EIPE (Erasmus University Rotterdam) Following Lewis’ (1969) seminal account of conventions, several scholars have used game theory to shed light on how social norms evolve. In my talk I will show that the way in which this is done also has evolved.
Mich "Who Should Be Employed? Job Distribution in the Era of Automation"05 DecMardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Juan OlanoEn savoir plusMich "Who Should Be Employed? Job Distribution in the Era of Automation"05 DecMardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Juan Olano
Mich "Equal chances versus equal outcomes: When are lotteries fair and justified?"29 NovMardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Michael Otsuka (Rutgers University) It strikes many as intuitive that we should satisfy people’s equal claims to a scarce and indivisible good (e.g., a life-saving drug) by giving each the highest equal lottery chance of receiving the good. This seems a fair and reasonable means of treating people as equals.En savoir plusMich "Equal chances versus equal outcomes: When are lotteries fair and justified?"29 NovMardi intime de la Chaire Hoover par Michael Otsuka (Rutgers University) It strikes many as intuitive that we should satisfy people’s equal claims to a scarce and indivisible good (e.g., a life-saving drug) by giving each the highest equal lottery chance of receiving the good. This seems a fair and reasonable means of treating people as equals.