(preliminary) Program Overview
9.00 - 9.30: Arrival, registration, and coffee/tea
9.30 - 9.40: Welcome speech
9.40 - 10.30: Keynote presentation – Karel Neels, Demography and the data revolution: should we shy away from the customary aggregate-level indicators? An appraisal of (alternative) fertility indicators as a case in point.
10.30 - 11.00: Coffee/tea break
11.00 - 12.15: Parallel sessions I
Session 1 - Families and gender (10min for presentation & 5min for questions)
- Laëtitia Bideau - Criticism of “god balance” measures, representation, brakes, and levers in French-speaking Belgium - UCLouvain (Belgium)
- Luisa Fadel -The Economic Consequence of Becoming a Single Father in Belgium - UCLouvain (Belgium)
- Nadia Sturm - Marginalization on the partnering market across Europe - UAntwerpen (Belgium)
- Jonas Wood - When is it about the money? Relative Wages and Father’s parental leave and decisions - UAntwerpen (Belgium)
- Laura Robberecht - Gendered trends in singlehood - UAntwerpen (Belgium)
Session 2 - Mortality : measures and inequalities
- Janna Dinneweth - Social inequalities in mortality associated with neurodegeneration: a population-based study in Belgium -VUB (Belgium)
- Martina Otavova - Premature mortality attributable to socioeconomic inequality in Belgium between 1998 and 2019 - UCLouvain (Belgium)
- Jan Pickery - Estimating probabilities of decease at the municipality level - Statistics Flanders (Belgium)
- Michel Poulain - Reshaping the Sardinian longevity blue zone: statu quo or changes? - UCLouvain(Belgium)
- Aline Scohy -Years of life lost for 137 causes of death in Belgium by age, sex, and region, 2004-2019 - Sciensano (Belgium)
12.15 - 13.15: lunch break
13.15 - 14.15: parallel sessions II
Session 3 - Fertility and reproductive health: measures and determinants
- Juliette De Vestel - Gender attitudes and fertility preferences among young men and women in 10 high fertility Sub-Saharan countries - VUB (Belgium)
- Yanhui Zou - A retrospective study on China’s Total Fertility Rate and Age specific Rate: based on the data of the population censuses - China Population and Development Center (China)
- Hui Wang - Analysis of Unintended Pregnancy and influencing factors among married women in China - China Population and Development Research Center
- Langutani Nesco Miyambu - A study of factors influencing female genital mutilation among infants in Mali - School of Clinical Medicine (South Africa)
Session 4 - Migration, mobility and integration
- Lena Imeraj - Ethnic diversity and ethnic residential segregation: two decades of (co)variation and urban change in Belgium -VUB (Belgium)
- Armen Abagyan - Predicting the propensity to move using public register data - KU Leuven (Belgium)
- Maatla Dave Temane - Patterns of international migration among females in South Africa: analyses from 2001 and 2011 census - Department of Population Studies and Demography (South Africa)
- Natacha Zimmer - Subsequent internal migration trajectories of asylum applicants in Belgium - UCLouvain (Belgium)
14.15 - 14.35: coffee break
14.35 - 15.35: parallel sessions III
Session 5 - Ageing and health
- Haike Delafontaine - Home and (not) alone: how older adult’s living arrangements affect their experience of loneliness and belonging - UAntwerpen (Belgium)
- Jorik Vergauwen - Children’s opportunities and constraints in long-term informal caregiving for parents: a within-family approach - UAntwerpen (Belgium)
- Joachim Gotink - The association between breast cancer and educational level in Belgium (between 2004-2013) - VUB (Belgium)
- Ferenc Ajus - The effect of gender inequality on life expectancy gap in a longitudinal model, 1994-2020 - University of Lund (Sweden)
Session 6 - The fertility of migrants and their descendants
- Leen Marynissen - Educational expansion and fertility postponement in the 1, 5 and 2nd generations in Belgium - UAntwerpen (Belgium)
- Layla Van den Berg - Ethnic differentials in couple’s labour market preconditions to parenthood in Belgium - UAntwerpen (Belgium)
- Keiti Kondi - Integration VS Cultural Persistence: fertility and working time among second-generation migrants in France - UCLouvain - (Belgium)
15.35 - 16.45: Special session on health crises
- Marie Vandresse - How Belgium deals with annual release of population projections and demographic shocks - Bureau du Plan - (Belgium)
- Catharina Vernemmen - Comparison of Belgian Covid-19 mortality between epidemiological surveillance and death certificates for the year 2020 - Sciensano (Belgium)
- Isabelle Devos - The Spanish Flu in Belgium (1918-19): a Socially Neutral Disease? - History Departement Gent (Belgium)
- Damiano Uccheddu - Close kin ties and COVID-19 outcomes among older adults in Europe: the role of Covid-19 precautionary behaviours - UCLouvain (Belgium)
- Siwen Liu - Postponement of childbearing during the Covid-pandemic - KU Leuven (Belgium)
16.45 - 17.45: Awards ceremony & drinks