Legal Design Roundtable 2021 | BOOKS IN CONVERSATION
25 May 2021 (14-17 CEST)
►FULL PROGRAM AND REGISTRATION FORM - Free entrance but online registration required
This year the roundtable will host a “conversation among books” on law and design which are expected to be published in 2021.
By engaging with the discussants and the public, the roundtable aims to acknowledge: (1) What has been done so far by the “law and design” movement; (2) What are the foundations of such a movement; (3) What are the steps to continue our work in this area.
Scientific coordinators: Dr. Rossana Ducato (University of Aberdeen and UCLouvain) and Prof. Alain Strowel (UCLouvain, Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles, IP Law Munich Centre). Technical and organisational support: Quentin Fontaine (UCLouvain)
The Legal Design Roundtable is an event promoted within the Jean Monnet Module “European IT Law by Design”, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union.
PROGRAM 14.00 E-welcoming of participants by Rossana Ducato and Alain Strowel 14.10 Meta-discussion on law and design CHAIR: Alain Strowel (UCLouvain, Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles, Munich IP Law Centre, Pierstone)
-Michael Doherty | Professor of Law and Associate Head of Law School, Lancaster University, UK Marcelo Corrales Compagnucci, Helena Haapio, Margaret Hagan and Michael Doherty (eds) Legal Design: Integrating Business, Design, & Legal Thinking with Technology, Edward Elgar Publishing, forthcoming 2021 -Amanda Perry-Kessaris | Professor of Law, University of Kent, UK Doing Sociolegal Research in Design Mode, Routledge, forthcoming 2021 -Marco Imperiale | Lawyer and Head of Innovation, LCA Studio Legale, Italy Barbara de Muro, Marco Imperiale, Legal Design. Come il design può semplificare il diritto (=Legal Design. How design can simplify the law), Giuffré, forthcoming 2021 -Astrid Kohlmeier | Lawyer, Liquid-Legal-Institute, Germany Astrid Kohlmeier, Meera Klemola,The Legal Design Book. Doing law in the 21st century, Wolter Kluwer GmbH, forthcoming 2021 -Helena Haapio | Associate Professor of Business Law, University of Vaasa; Docent of Proactive Law and Contract Design, University of Lapland, Finland Marcelo Corrales, Helena Haapio and Mark Fenwick (eds), Research Handbook on Contract Design, Edward Elgar Publishing, forthcoming 2021
15.15 Open discussion CHAIR: Rossana Ducato (University of Aberdeen and UCLouvain) Discussants -Colette R. Brunschwig | Senior Research Associate, University of Zürich, Switzerland -Stefania Passera |Passera design, Finland -Hallie Jay Pope| Lawyer and Chief at Graphic Advocacy, US -Arianna Rossi | Postdoctoral Research Associate,SnT, Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg -Lisa Toohey | Professor of Law, Newcastle Law School, Australia -Rob Waller | Director of the Simplification Centre and President of the International Institute for Information Design
16.50 Greetings and farewell |