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Luca Sgambi , PhD. Eng., Asst. Prof

struct-a | Louvain-la-Neuve

Journal Articles

1. Aita, Danila; Beatini, Valentina; Caruso, Hugo; Garavaglia, Elsa; Sgambi, Luca. Some remarks on non-standard plastic behaviour with Coulomb’s friction starting from an unconventional stone flat arch. In: Engineering Structures, Vol. 326, no.---, p. 119539 (2025). doi:10.1016/j.engstruct.2024.119539.

2. Aïta, Danila; Beatini, Valentina; Garavaglia, Elsa; Paris, Vittorio; Pizzigoni, Attilio; Sgambi, Luca. The roofing system of the tholos of Athena Pronaia in Delphi: archaeological hypotheses and structural suggestions. In: International Journal of Architectural Heritage : conservation, analysis, and restoration, Vol. -, no.-, p. 1-16 (2024). doi:10.1080/15583058.2024.2316289.

3. Mehrabani, Behzad Bamdad; Sgambi, Luca; Pel, Adam; Calvert, Simeon; Snelder, Maaike. Impact of connected and autonomous vehicles on road network resilience in Belgium. In: Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, Vol. ---, no.---, p. 1-24 (2024). doi:10.1080/23249935.2024.2442576.

4. Steinmetz, Martin; Latteur, Pierre; Sgambi, Luca. Optimal log floor patterns. In: Engineering Structures, Vol. 297, p. 116970 (2023). doi:10.1016/j.engstruct.2023.116970 (Accepté/Sous presse).

5. Bamdad Mehrabani, Behzad; Erdmann, Jakob; Sgambi, Luca; Seyedabrishami, Seyedehsan; Snelder, Maaike. A Multiclass Simulation-Based Dynamic Traffic Assignment Model for Mixed Traffic Flow of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles and Human-Driven Vehicles. In: Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, Vol. 32, no.1, p. 0-0 (2023). doi:10.1080/23249935.2023.2257805.

6. Karbasi, Amir Hossein; Bamdad Mehrabani, Behzad; Cools, Mario; Sgambi, Luca; Saffarzadeh, Mahmoud. Comparison of Speed-Density Models in the Age of Connected and Automated Vehicles. In: Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. online, no.036119812211185, p. 15 (2022). doi:10.1177/03611981221118531.

7. Sgambi, Luca; Emanuele Lizzori. Analisi di alcuni casi classici di degrado presenti nelle infrastrutture in calcestruzzo armato. In: Rivista dell'Istituto per la Storia dell'Arte Lombarda, Vol. 34, no.-, p. 7 (2022).

8. Sgambi, Luca. The role of conceptual structural design in the architectural education. In: Journal of Design Research, Vol. 19, no.6, p. 213-229 (2021). doi:10.1504/JDR.2021.10047544.

9. Bamdad Mehrabani, Behzad; Mirbaha, Babak; Sgambi, Luca; Abdi Kordani, Ali. Predicting operating speed: comparison of linear regression and structural equation models. In: Ahead of Print, Vol. 00, no.00, p. 1–13 (2021). doi:10.1680/jtran.20.00065.

10. Elsa Garavaglia; Raffaella Pavani; Sgambi, Luca. The Use of Fragility Curves in the Life-Cycle Assessment of Deteriorating Bridge Structures. In: Computation, Vol. 9, no. 3, p. 25 (2021). doi:10.3390/computation9030025.

11. Sgambi, Luca. Multi-Beams modelling for high-rise buildings subjected to static horizontal loads. In: Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. 75, no.3, p. 283-294 (2020). doi:10.12989/sem.2020.75.3.283.

12. Elsa Garavaglia; Noemi Basso; Sgambi, Luca. The role of structures in Architecture: the multidisciplinary experience of active learning in a Master of Science.. In: Archnet-IJAR : International Journal of Architectural Research, Vol. 14, no.3, p. 469-488 (2020). doi:10.1108/ARCH-08-2019-0187.

13. Sgambi, Luca; Kubiak, Lylian. Motiver et développer le sens critique des étudiants par les méthodes d'apprentissage actives. In: Lieux dits, Vol. 16, no.1, p. 11-14 (2019). doi:10.14428/ld.vi16.23463.

14. Sgambi, Luca; Kubiak, Lylian; Basso, Noemi; Garavaglia, Elsa. Active learning for the promotion of students’ creativity and critical thinking : An experience in structural courses for architecture. In: Archnet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research, (2019). doi:10.1108/arch-11-2018-0018.

15. Sgambi, Luca. Modélisation des structures : Une science (in)exacte. In: Lieux dits, Vol. 14, no. 1, p. 9-15 (2018).

16. Garavaglia, Elsa; Basso, Noemi; Sgambi, Luca. Probabilistic Life-Cycle Assessment and Rehabilitation Strategies for Deteriorating Structures: a Case Study. In: International Journal of Architectural Heritage : conservation, analysis, and restoration, Vol. 12, no.6, p. 981-996 (2018). doi:10.1080/15583058.2018.1431727.

17. Malerba, Pier Giorgio; Sgambi, Luca; Ielmini, Diego; Gotti, Giordano. Influence of corrosive phenomena on bearing capacity of RC and PC beams. In: Advances in Concrete Construction, Vol. 5, no.2, p. 117-143 (April 2017). doi:10.12989/acc.2017.5.2.117.

18. Garavaglia, Elsa; Sgambi, Luca. Selective maintenance planning of a steel truss bridge based on the Markovian approach. In: Engineering Structures, Vol. 125, p. 532-545 (2016). doi:10.1016/j.engstruct.2016.06.055.

19. Olmati, Pierluigi; Trasborg, Patrick; Naito, Clay; Sgambi, Luca; Bontempi, Franco. Modeling the response of concrete slabs under blast loading. In: ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 2013-January, no.SP 306, p. 5.1-5.20 (2016).

20. Garavaglia, Elsa; Sgambi, Luca. The use of a credibility index in the life-cycle assessment of structures. In: Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, Vol. 11, no.5, p. 683-694 (2015).

21. Quagliaroli, Manuel; Malerba, Pier Giorgio; Sgambi, Luca. A parametric subdomain discretization for the analysis of the multiaxial response of reinforced concrete sections. In: Advances in Engineering Software, Vol. 82, p. 87-104 (2015).

22. Bagnoli, Paola; Bonfanti, Mirko; Della Vecchia, Gabriele; Lualdi, Maurizio; Sgambi, Luca. A method to estimate concrete hydraulic conductivity of underground tunnel to assess concrete degradation. In: Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Vol. 50, p. 415-423 (2015).

23. Saviotti, Angela; Olmati, Pierluigi; Bontempi, Franco; Zambelli, Sergio; Pagani, Claudio; Sgambi, Luca. Validazione di sistemi di continuità per strutture prefabbricate. In: Progettare e costruire con la prefabbricazione, Vol. September, no.1, p. 115-126 (2014).

24. Sgambi, Luca. Influence of degradation at the base of a support post in a collapse of an old guardrail: A forensic analysis. In: Engineering Failure Analysis, Vol. 42, no.C, p. 284-296 (2014).

25. Sgambi, Luca; Garavaglia, Elsa; Basso, Noemi; Bontempi, Franco. Monte Carlo simulation for seismic analysis of a long span suspension bridge. In: Engineering Structures, Vol. 78, p. 100-111 (2014).

26. Sgambi, Luca; Gkoumas, Konstantinos; Bontempi, Franco. Genetic algorithm optimization of precast hollow core slabs. In: Computers and Concrete, Vol. 13, no.3, p. 389-409 (2014).

27. Garavaglia, Elsa; Pizzigoni, Attilio; Sgambi, Luca; Basso, Noemi. Collapse behaviour in reciprocal frame structures. In: Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. 46, no.4, p. 533-547 (2013).

28. Sgambi, Luca; Malerba, Pier Giorgio; Gotti, Giordano; Ielmini, Diego. The influence of degradation phenomena on collapse modes in prestressed concrete beams. In: International Journal of Lifecycle Performance Engineering, Vol. 1, no.1, p. 41-63 (2012).

29. Sgambi, Luca; Gkoumas, K.; Bontempi, F. Genetic Algorithms for the Dependability Assurance in the Design of a Long-Span Suspension Bridge. In: Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Vol. 27, no.9, p. 655-675 (2012).

30. Garavaglia, Elsa; Basso, Noemi; Sgambi, Luca. The Markovian Approach for Probabilistic Life-Cycle Assessment of Existing Structures. In: Applied Mathematics, Vol. 3, no.12A, p. 2080-2088 (2012). doi:10.4236/am.2012.312A287.

31. Sgambi, Luca. Fuzzy theory based approach for three-dimensional nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete two-blade bridge piers. In: Computers & Structures, Vol. 82, no.13-14, p. 1067-1076 (2004).

32. Sgambi, Luca. Teoria dell’elasticità e meccanica computazionale. In: Notiziario dell’Ordine degli Ingegneri della Provincia di Roma, Numero Speciale ISEC02 Conference,.

33. Sgambi, Luca; Colombi, Pierluigi. Non-linear finite element analysis of bone-cement interface condition in cemented total hip replacement. In: Engineering Transactions, Vol. 47, no.---, p. 99-115 (1999).

Conference Papers

1. Bamdad Mehrabani, Behzad; Sgambi, Luca; Pel, Adam; Calvert, Simeon; Snelder, Maaike. Assessing road network resilience in the era of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (Belgium road network). 2024 xxx.

2. Aïta, Danila; Beatini, Valentina; Caruso, Hugo; Garavaglia, Elsa; Sgambi, Luca. An atypical flat arch in Prato Cathedral: some remarks on the non-standard plastic behaviour of stone structures. In: Proceedings of XXVI AIMETA Congress, 2024, 0-000-00000-0 xxx.

3. Steinmetz, Martin; Sgambi, Luca; Latteur, Pierre. Reliable experimental testing methodology for reciprocal structures. (Proceedings of IASS Annual Symposia), 2024 xxx.

4. Bamdad Mehrabani, Behzad; Erdman, Jakob; Sgambi, Luca; Snelder, Maaike. A Multi-Class, Simulation-Based, Dynamic Traffic Assignment Model for Mixed Traffic Flow of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles and Human-Driven Vehicles. 2023 xxx.

5. Aïta, Danila; Valentina, Beatini; Elsa, Garavaglia; Vittorio, Paris; Attilio, Pizzigoni; Sgambi, Luca. The stone roof of the Tholos of Athena Pronaia in Delphi: structural hypotheses starting from fragments of marble tiles. In: Volume XLVIII-M-2-2023 - The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2023, 0-000-00000-0 xxx. doi:10.5194/isprs-archives-XLVIII-M-2-2023-59-2023.

6. Aïta, Danila; Garavaglia, Elsa; Pizzigoni, Attilio; Sgambi, Luca. Stone reciprocal structures: suggestions from ancient Greece. In: IASS Symposium 2023 Integration of Design and Fabrication, 2023, 9780646878300 xxx.

7. Bamdad Mehrabani, Behzad; Sgambi, Luca; Marerivoet, Sven; Snelder, Maaike. Development, Calibration, and Validation of a Large-Scale Traffic Simulation Model: Belgium Road Network. In: Vol. 4 (2023): SUMO User Conference 2023 (Vol. 4 (2023): SUMO User Conference 2023), Pablo Alvarez Lopez: German Aerospace Center, Institute of Transportation Systems, Germany, 2023 xxx. doi:10.52825/scp.v4i.199.

8. Bamdad Mehrabani, Behzad; Sgambi, Luca; Maerivoet, Sven; snelder, maaike. Development, calibration, and validation of a large-scale traffic simulation model: Belgium road network. (Vol. 4 (2023): SUMO User Conference 2023), Pablo Alvarez Lopez, German Aerospace Center, Institute of Transportation Systems: Germany, 2023 xxx. doi:10.52825/scp.v4i.199.

9. Zastavni, Denis; Sarkisian, Mark Peter; Jasienski, Jean-Philippe; Sgambi, Luca. What is the legacy of Structural Design Expertise? The Parametric Design Approach to High-Rise Buildings. In: Proceedings of the IASS 2022 Symposium affiliated with APCS 2022 conference : Innovation·Sustainability·Legacy: Beijing, 2022, 2993-3003 xxx.

10. Sgambi, Luca; Bontemps, Alexandra. Effects of corrosion on the capacity of the nib of reinforced concrete dapped-end beams. In: Bridges and Structures: Connection, Integration and Harmonisation, 2022, 978-3-85748-184-0 xxx.

11. Garavaglia, Elsa; Pavani, Raffaella; Sgambi, Luca. Fragility curves as a handy forecasting method. In: Proceeding of the ICNAAM 2020 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, AIP Publisching, 2022, 978-0-7354-4182-8 xxx.

12. Sgambi, Luca; Dupont, Baptiste; Garavaglia, Elsa. Preliminary analyses for the study of the effects of an explosive action on a long-span suspension bridge. In: Bridges and Structures: Connection, Integration and Harmonisation, 2022, 978-3-85748-184-0 xxx.

13. Bamdad Mehrabani, Behzad; Erdmann, Jakob; Sgambi, Luca; Snelder, Maaike. Proposing a Simulation-Based Dynamic System Optimal Traffic Assignment Algorithm for SUMO: An Approximation of Marginal Travel Time. In: SUMO Conference Proceedings. Vol. 3, no.2022, p. 121-143 (2022). TIB Open Publishing, 2022 xxx. doi:10.52825/scp.v3i.119.

14. Bamdad Mehrabani, Behzad; Sgambi, Luca. Assessment of the road network resiliency in the presence of road maintenance sites: An environmental perspective. 2021 xxx.

15. Ardito, Luca; Basso, Noemi; Garavaglia, Elsa; Sgambi, Luca. Structural time-dependent damage analysis relying on efficient simulation models and deterioration laws. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering (IALCCE 2020), CRC Press: London, 2020, 9780367360191 xxx.

16. Sgambi, Luca; jacquin, Timothée; Basso, Noemi; Garavaglia, Elsa. Probabilistic model for resilience assessment of the Belgian road network. In: Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management (IABMAS 2020), June 28-July 2, 20, CRC Press: London, 2020, 9780429279119 xxx.

17. Kubiak, Lylian; Sgambi, Luca. Why architects should learn to code. In: The 7th International Conference on Architecture and Built Environment, 2020, 978-3-9820-758-5-3 xxx.

18. Declercq, Zoé; Sgambi, Luca. Quand la fragilité est en position centrale, le cas de la ville de Tournai (Belgique). 2019 xxx.

19. Kubiak, Lylian; Sgambi, Luca. Conceptual design in the years of the numerical revolution: Risks and perspectives. In: Structures an Architecture, Volume 1, Paulo Cruz, 2019, 978-1-138-03599-7 xxx.

20. Sgambi, Luca; Sato, Beatriz. High-rise building modelling: Numerical and analytical approaches. In: Structures an Architecture, Volume 1, Paulo Cruz, 2019, 978-1-138-03599-7 xxx.

21. Pauporté, Elie; Sgambi, Luca. Vulnerability of earth material to water: A state of the art. In: Structures an Architecture, Volume 1, Paulo Cruz, 2019, 978-1-138-03599-7 xxx.

22. Sgambi, Luca; Basso, Noemi; Garavaglia, Elsa. Fuzzy-random approach to debris model for riverbed scour depth investigation at bridge piers. In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering, CRC Press, 2018, 9781138626331 xxx.

23. Garavaglia, Elsa; Basso, Noemi; Sgambi, Luca. Historic roof structures: life-cycle assessment and selective maintenance strategies. In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering, CRC Press, 2018, 9781138626331 xxx.

24. Sgambi, Luca. Collaborative design in a multidisciplinary architectural design approach. In: Bath 2017: Creativity and Collaboration, International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering, 2017, 2221-3783, p. 224-225 xxx.

25. Sgambi, Luca; Nowicki, Alexandre; Garavaglia, Elsa; Basso, Noemi. A Flipped Classroom experience: the lateral instability phenomenon. In: IABSE Symposium Report, 108, 2017, 2221-3783, p. 288-295 xxx.

26. Malerba, Pier Giorgio; Sgambi, Luca. Riveted steel elements deformed by the swelling of interstitial rust. A study on a residual bearing capacity. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, Taylor and Francis Group, 2014, 9781138001039, p. 934-940 xxx.

27. Garavaglia, Elsa; Sgambi, Luca; Basso, Noemi. Markovian approach for life-cycle assessment and maintenance planning of a steel bridge. In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering, 2014, 9781138001206 xxx.

28. Sgambi, Luca; Garavaglia, Elsa; Basso, Noemi; Pavani, Raffaella. Uncertainties in a beam model belonging to a residential tower. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability, Taylor & Francis Group, London. 2013, 9781138000865, p. 1735-1741 xxx.

29. Sgambi, Luca; Basso, Noemi; Codazzi, Maria Elena. Conceptual structural design: An important topic in architectural education. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Structures and Architecture, Taylor & Francis Group, 2013, 9780415661959, p. 1271-1278 xxx.

30. Sgambi, Luca; Basso, Noemi; Pavani, Raffaella; Civelli, Elena; Meroni, Claudia; Pagin, Marta. Numerical models of a beam belonging to a tall building: Errors and approximations within ordinary design. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Structures and Architecture, Taylor and Francis, 2013, 9780415661959, p. 1263-1270 xxx.

31. Sgambi, Luca; Garavaglia, Elsa; Basso, Noemi; Bontempi, Franco. Handling uncertainties in seismic analysis of long span suspension bridges. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability, Taylor & Francis Group, 2013, 9781138000865, p. 1703-1709 xxx.

32. Basso, Noemi; Garavaglia, Elsa; Sgambi, Luca; Imagawa, Norihide. Natural hazards vs. Decision-making processes in buildings life cycle management. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability, Taylor and Francis Group, 2013, 9781138000865, p. 4725-4731 xxx.

33. Garavaglia, Elsa; Sgambi, Luca; Basso, Noemi. Selective maintenance strategies applied to a bridge deteriorating steel truss. In: Proceedings of the Sixt International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, 2012, 9780415621243, p. 1764-1770 xxx.

34. Malerba, Pier Giorgio; Quagliaroli, Manuel; Sgambi, Luca; Baraldi, Paolo. Time dependent behaviour of an elementary bridge model in presence of uncertainties. In: Proceedings of the Sixt International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, Taylor & Francis Group, 2012, 9780415621243, p. 1771-1778 xxx.

35. Saviotti, Angela; Olmati, Pier Luigi; Bontempi, Franco; Zambelli, Sergio; Pagano, Claudio; Sgambi, Luca. Validazione di sistemi di continuità per strutture prefabbricate. In: I collegamenti nelle strutture prefabbricate, 2012 xxx.

36. Basso, Noemi; Garavaglia, Elsa; Sgambi, Luca. Selective Maintenance Planning based on a Markovian approach. In: Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering, 2012, 9780415621267 xxx.

37. Sgambi, Luca; Zambelli, Sergio; Pagani, Claudio; Bontempi, Franco. Experimental and Numerical Assessment of a Special Joint Connection for Precast Columns. In: Proceedings of the 2011 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2011, 9788989693321 xxx.

38. Malerba, Pier Giorgio; Sgambi, Luca; Ielmini, Diego; Gotti, Giordano. Influence of Corrosive Phenomena on the mechanical behaviour of R.C. Elements. In: Proceedings of the 2011 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2011, 9788989693321 xxx.

39. Malerba, Pier Giorgio; Garavaglia, Elsa; Sgambi, Luca. Fuzzy-Monte Carlo simulation for the safety assessment of bridge piers in presence of scouring. In: Proceedings of the 2011 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2011, 9788989693321 xxx.

40. Malerba, Pier Giorgio; Quagliaroli, Manuel; Sgambi, Luca. Nondeterministic time dependent mechanics of elementary prestressed and cable stayed concrete bridges models. In: Proceedings of the 2011 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2011, 9788989693321 xxx.

41. Sgambi, Luca; Olmati, Pierluigi; Petrini, Francesco; Bontempi, Franco. Seismic performance assessment of precast element connections. In: Proceedings of 2011 PCI Annual Convention and National Bridge Conference, 2011 xxx.

42. Camossi, Giulio; Malerba, Pier Giorgio; Sgambi, Luca. Role of uncertainties on time dependent behavior of prestressed and cable stayed concrete bridges. In: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, Taylor and Francis Group, 2010, 9780415877862, p. 1384-1391 xxx.

43. Dordoni, Stefano; Malerba, Pier Giorgio; Sgambi, Luca; Manenti, Sauro. Fuzzy reliability assessment of bridge piers in presence of scouring. In: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, Philadelphia, Taylor and Francis Group, London. 2010, 9780415877862, p. 1388-1395 xxx.

44. Gotti, Giordano; Ielmini, Diego; Malerba, Pier Giorgio; Sgambi, Luca. Influenza dei fenomeni di corrosione sulla modalità di rottura di elementi strutturali in calcestruzzo armato precompresso. In: Proceedings of the Handling Exceptions in Structural Engineering, 2010 xxx.

45. Sgambi, Luca; Rivela, Ylenia. Modellazione dei processi di degrado. In: Proceedings of the Handling Exceptions in Structural Engineering, 2010 xxx.

46. Malerba, Pier Giorgio; Sgambi, Luca; Bontempi, Franco. Sulla robustezza strutturale dei ponti ad arco molto ribassato. In: Proceedings of the Handling Exceptions in Structural Engineering, 2010 xxx. doi:10.3267/HE 2010.

47. Battisti, Emilio; Sgambi, Luca. Comportamento strutturale di colonne composte legno - acciaio. In: Proceedings of the Handling Exceptions in Structural Engineering, 2010 xxx.

48. Pizzigoni, Attilio; Sgambi, Luca. Comportamento meccanico di strutture spaziali reciproche. In: Proceedings of the Handling Exceptions in Structural Engineering, 2008 xxx.

49. Colombi, Pierluigi; Sgambi, Luca; Antinori, Monica; Sommavilla, Mauro. Progettazione di strutture in acciaio monopiano secondo il calcolo plastico e le nuove normative. In: Proceedings of the Handling Exceptions in Structural Engineering, 2008 xxx.

50. Sgambi, Luca. Artificial intelligence: Historical development and applications in civil engineering field. In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, 2008, 9780415468442, p. 866-873 xxx.

51. Sgambi, Luca. Modellazione tridimensionale di strutture in calcestruzzo armato in campo non lineare. In: Proceedings of the Handling Exceptions in Structural Engineering, 2008 xxx.

52. Gomez, C.; Sgambi, Luca; Bontempi, F.. Analysis and optimization of a Safety Line under dynamic loads. In: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Civil-Comp Press. 2006, 1905088086 xxx.

53. Sgambi, Luca; Bontempi, Franco; Garavaglia, Elsa. Structural response evaluation of two-blade bridge piers subjected to a localized deterioration. In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, Taylor and Francis Group. 2006, 0415403154, p. 153-154 xxx.

54. Sgambi, Luca; Bontempi, Franco; Santoboni, Giovanni. Effective framework for seismic analysis of cable-stayed-bridges, Part 1: Modeling of the structure and of the seismic action. In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, Taylor & Francis Group. 2006, 0415403154, p. 359-360 xxx.

55. Sgambi, Luca; Bontempi, Franco; Santoboni, Giovanni. Effective framework for seismic analysis of cable-stayed-bridges, Part 2: Analysis' results. In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, Taylor and Francis Group. 2006, 0415403154, p. 361-362 xxx.

56. Sgambi, Luca. Handling uncertainties in the seismic analysis using fuzzy theory. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability, 2005, 9059660404 xxx.

57. Sgambi, Luca. Handling model approximations and human factors in complex structure analyses. In: Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, Civil-Comp Press, 2005, 1905088000 xxx.

58. Sgambi, Luca; Giusti, Daniele. Evolution of the bridge structural properties during the construction stages. In: Proceedings, third MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, K.J. Bathe, 2005, 0080444768, p. 1 xxx.

59. Sgambi, Luca. Analysis of the serviceability performances of the bridge by genetic algorithm approaches. In: Proceedings, third MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, K.J. Bathe, 2005, 0080444768, p. 1 xxx.

60. Sgambi, Luca; Bontempi, Franco. A genetic algorithm approach for performance evaluation of long span suspension bridges. In: Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, 2005, 1905088000 xxx.

61. Sgambi, Luca. Criteri generali per la validazione dei risultati del calcolo automatico strutturale. In: Proceedings of the Giornate ANSYS, 2005 xxx.

62. Sgambi, Luca. Seismic Action Modeling and Long Suspension Bridge Response Computation. In: Proceedings, third MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, K.J. Bathe, 2005, 0080444768, p. 1 xxx.

63. Sgambi, Luca. Artificial intelligence for the analysis and design of complex bridge structures. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability, 2005, 9059660404 xxx.

64. Bontempi, Franco; Catallo, Luciano; Sgambi, Luca. Structural analysis and design of long span suspension bridges with regards to nonlinearities, uncertainties, interactions and sustainability. In: Proceedings of Second International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, 2004, 9780415363556 xxx.

65. Giusti, Sebastiano; Sgambi, Luca; Bontempi, Franco. Influenza delle fasi costruttive sulle caratteristiche strutturali di un ponte sospeso di grande luce. In: Proceedings of the 15° Congresso CTE, 2004 xxx.

66. Sgambi, Luca; Catallo, Luciano; Sasani, Mehrdad. Numerical analysis of structural walls under cyclic loads. In: Proceedings of 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (13WCEE), 2004, 0968537618 xxx.

67. Bontempi, Franco; Catallo, Luciano; Sgambi, Luca. Performance-based design and analysis of the Messina Strait Bridge. In: Proceedings of Second ASRANet International Colloquium, 2004 xxx.

68. Sgambi, Luca. Valutazione ed Accuratezza dei Codici di Calcolo per l’Analisi Strutturale. In: Proceedings of the Giornate LUSAS, 2004 xxx.

69. Sciubba, Cristina; Sgambi, Luca; Occhiolini, Oriana; Bontempi, Franco. Modellazione di progetto di un elemento strutturale in C.A.P. di geometria non regolare. In: Atti del 15° Congresso CTE, 2004 xxx.

70. Sgambi, Luca; Bontempi, Franco. A fuzzy approach in the seismic analysis of long span suspension bridge. In: Proceedings of 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (13WCEE), 2004, 0968537618 xxx.

71. Milone, Roberto; Sgambi, Luca. Influenza della modellazione nell’analisi strutturale di un cassone da ponte. In: Proceedings of the Giornate AICAP 2004, 2004 xxx.

72. Cipolla, Ettore; Sgambi, Luca; Bontempi, Franco. Ottimizzazione dei dispositivi di controllo passivo per i ponti sospesi di grande luce. In: Proceedings of the 15° Congresso CTE, 2004 xxx.

73. Bontempi, Franco; Catallo, Luciano; Sgambi, Luca. Sense-making on design and control of complex structural systems for bridges. In: Proceedings of 4th International Workshop on Structural Control (4IWSC), 2004 xxx.

74. Garavaglia, Elsa; Sgambi, Luca. The credibility of lifetime assessment based on few experimental measurements. In: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, 2004, 0415363551 xxx.

75. Sgambi, Luca; Catallo, Luciano; Bontempi, Franco. Ottimizzazione delle caratteristiche geometriche dei solai alveolari. In: Proceedings of the Giornate AICAP 2004, 2004 xxx.

76. Catallo, Luciano; Sgambi, Luca; Silvestri, Maria. General aspects of the structural behavior in the Messina Strait Bridge design. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Int. Structural Engineering and Construction Conference, 2003, 9058095991 xxx.

77. Sgambi, Luca. Fuzzy based approach for the reliability assessment of reinforced concrete two-blade slender bridge piers using three-dimensional non-linear analysis. In: Proceedings of the Second M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, 2003, 9780080529479, p. 2364-2368 xxx.

78. Tarquini, Giovanni; Sgambi, Luca. Stringer panel method: a discrete model to project structural reinforced concrete elements. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Int. Structural Engineering and Construction Conference, 2003, 9058095991 xxx.

79. Battaglia, Giacomo; Malerba, Pier Giorgio; Sgambi, Luca. Bridge deck analysis through the use of grillage models. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Int. Structural Engineering and Construction Conference, 2003, 9058095991 xxx.

80. Albertini, Horacio; Sgambi, Luca; Garavaglia, Elsa. Estimation of the residual capability of existing buildings subjected to re-conversion of use: a non linear approach. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Int. Structural Engineering and Construction Conference, 2003, 9058095991 xxx.

81. Veglianti, Daniele; Sgambi, Luca. Approximate methods for analysis of viscoelastic behavior of concrete structures. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Int. Structural Engineering and Construction Conference, 2003, 9058095991 xxx.

82. Catallo, Luciano; Sgambi, Luca; Tranquilli, Stefano. Design optimization of tall steel buildings. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Int. Structural Engineering and Construction Conference, 2003, 9058095991 xxx.

83. Sgambi, Luca; Bontempi, Franco. Enhanced models for three-dimensional analysis of reinforced concrete two-blade slender bridge piers. In: Proceedings of the 2002 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2002 xxx.

84. Sgambi, Luca. Explicit formulation for three-dimensional cyclic analysis of R.C. structures. In: Proceedings of the Third Joint Conference of Italian Group of Computational Mechanics and Ibero-Latin America Association of Computational Methods in Engineering, 2002 xxx.

85. Sgambi, Luca. Analisi tridimensionale delle tensioni generate dalla precompressione nei solai alveolari. In: Proceedings of the 14° Congresso CTE, 2002 xxx.

86. Bontempi, Franco; Sgambi, Luca. Modelli avanzati per l'analisi tridimensionale di pile da ponte in c.a.p. a doppia lama. In: Proceedings of the Giornate AICAP 2002, 2002 xxx.

87. Sgambi, Luca; Bontempi, Franco; Chillé, Francesco; Frigerio, Antonella. Analisi di strutture tridimensionali in C.A. soggette a storie di carico qualsiasi. Formulazione esplicita. In: Proceedings of the Giornate AICAP 2002, 2002 xxx.

88. Sgambi, Luca. Modellazione tridimensionale di strutture in C.A. in campo non lineare. In: Innovazione nello sviluppo e nella progettazione degli ancoraggi su calcestruzzo, 2001 xxx.

Book Chapters

1. Bamdad Mehrabani, Behzad; Sgambi, Luca; Madani, Negarsadat. Assessing the environmental aspects of road network resiliency. In: Advances in architecture, engineering and technology : smart techniques in urban planning & technology (Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation; xxx), Springer, Cham, 2022, pp 79–86. 978-3-031-11231-7. xxx xxx. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-11232-4_7.

2. Bamdad Mehrabani, Behzad; Sgambi, Luca; Garavaglia, Elsa; Madani, Negarsadat. Modeling Methods for the Assessment of the Ecological Impacts of Road Maintenance Sites. In: Environmental Sustainability and Economy (ESEcon) , Elsevier, 2021. 9780128221884. xxx xxx.


1. Malerba, Pier Giorgio; Sgambi, Luca. Verifiche strutturali della ciminiera tenendo in conto l’accoppiamento tra canna in laterizio e serbatoio in C.A., xxx xxx. 2015.

2. Malerba, Pier Giorgio; Sgambi, Luca. Valutazione del ciclo di vita delle infrastrutture sensibili con selezione degli interventi necessari, xxx xxx. 2013.

3. Sgambi, Luca. Rassegna critica di modelli costitutivi per il calcestruzzo armato implementati in programmi di calcolo commerciali, xxx xxx. 2004.

4. Sgambi, Luca; Frigerio, Antonella; Chillé, Francesco; Bontempi, Franco. Sviluppo e implementazione di un legame costitutivo con formulazione esplicita per analisi di strutture in C.A. tridimensionali soggette a storie di carico qualsiasi, xxx xxx. 2001.