struct-a | Louvain-la-Neuve
Corentin Fivet, PhD Arch.Eng.
Après une thèse sur la statique graphique par contraintes, Corentin Fivet est aujourd'hui professeur-assistant à l'EPFL.
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Jean-François Rondeaux, PhD Arch.Eng.
Après une thèse sur l'analyse graphique aux états limites, Jean-François Rondeaux est aujourd'hui maître de conférence invité à l'UCLouvain.
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Aurélie Deschuyteneer, PhD Arch.Eng.
Aurélie Deschuyteneer a fait sa thèse sur la caractérisation géométrique de la robustesse structurale.
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Denis Zastavni, PhD Arch.Eng.
Denis Zastavni is a Dr. Arch. Eng.
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Luca Sgambi , PhD. Eng., Asst. Prof.
Luca Sgambi is a Dr. Eng.
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Jean-François Cap, Eng.
Jean-François Cap graduated from UCL in 1990 with a masters degree in civil engineering (construction).
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Behzad Bamdad, Eng.
Behzad Bamdad is a Traffic and Transportation Modeler with a background in Civil Engineering. He has worked for years as an expert in consultancy and public service.
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Damien Nyssen-Dehaye, Arch.Eng.
Damien Nyssen-Dehaye graduated from UCL in 2000 where he obtained a master’s degree in architectural civil engineering.
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Maryam Jafari, Arch.
Maryam Jafari graduated from a master's program in the field of architectural technology-digital from Tabriz art university, Iran.
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Jean-Philippe Jasienski, Arch.Eng.
Jean-Philippe Jasienski graduated as an engineer architect from UCL, having undertaken a six-month exchange programme at the Universidad del Bío-Bío in Concepción, Chile.
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Shuyuan Han, Arch.
Shuyuan Han was born in Anhui, China.
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Lylian Kubiak, Arch.
Lylian Kubiak is an architect, teaching & research assistant, graduated in 2018 from the Faculty of Architecture, Architectural Engineering, Urban Planning of the Universitécatholique de
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Elie Pauporté, Arch.
Elie Pauporté graduated as an architect from ULB (former ISACF-La Cambre). He currently works part-time at the LOCI faculty (UCL’s architecture department) as a research and teaching assistant.
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