Martin Steinmetz, Eng
struct-a | Louvain-la-Neuve
Journal Articles
1. Steinmetz, Martin; Latteur, Pierre; Sgambi, Luca. Optimal log floor patterns. In: Engineering Structures, Vol. 297, p. 116970 (2023). doi:10.1016/j.engstruct.2023.116970 (Accepté/Sous presse).
2. Lezaack, Matthieu Baudouin; Simar, Aude; Marchal, Yannick; Steinmetz, Martin; Faes, Koen; Saraiva Esteves Pacheco De Almeida, João. Dissimilar friction welding of NiTi shape memory alloy and steel reinforcing bars for seismic performance. In: Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, Vol. 27, no. 6, p. 418-428 (2022). doi:10.1080/13621718.2022.2061692.
3. Saraiva Esteves Pacheco De Almeida, João; Steinmetz, Martin; Rigot, Fabrice; de Cock, Sébastien. Shape-memory NiTi alloy rebars in flexural-controlled large-scale reinforced concrete walls: Experimental investigation on self-centring and damage limitation. In: Engineering Structures, Vol. 220, no. 1 (2020) (2020). doi:10.1016/j.engstruct.2020.110865; 10.1016/j.engstruct.2020.110865; 10.14428/DVN/2QBQVJ.
Conference Papers
1. Steinmetz, Martin; Sgambi, Luca; Latteur, Pierre. Reliable experimental testing methodology for reciprocal structures. (Proceedings of IASS Annual Symposia), 2024 xxx.
2. Labrique, Sophie; Steinmetz, Martin; Bouckaert, Igor; Latteur, Pierre; Saraiva Esteves Pacheco De Almeida, João. Augmenter l'engagement des étudiants par le développement de supports de cours interactifs. 2021 xxx.