Shuyuan Han, Arch
struct-a | Louvain-la-Neuve
Composant DIAL
Shuyuan Han
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Composant DIAL
Han Shuyuan
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Composant DIAL
Han, Shuyuan
2024Han, Shuyuan ; Zastavni, Denis.Graphic Statics for Continuous Beams and Frames: A Review of the Fixed-points Method. In: International Journal of Architectural Heritage : conservation, analysis, and restoration, (2024). doi:10.1080/15583058.2024.2352488.
2023Han, Shuyuan ; Zastavni, Denis.Fixed-Points Method in Robert Maillart's Analysis of Rigid Frame Bridges. The 13th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions (SAHC) (Kyoto, Japan, du 12/09/2023 au 15/09/2023). In: Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions SAHC 2023 - Volume 1, Yohei Endo, Toshikazu Hanazato: Kyoto, 2023. 978-3-03-139602-1, 978-3-03-139603-8. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-39603-8.
2022Han, Shuyuan ; Zastavni, Denis.A geometric-based method for the perceptive design of hyperstatic rigid frames. Structural Research Seminar with Mark Sarkisian (Louvain-la-Neuve, 31/03/2022).
Han, Shuyuan ; Zastavni, Denis.A geometric-based method for the perceptive design of hyperstatic rigid frames. SEMINAIRE INAUGURAL DE L’EDT 62 (Brussels, 04/03/2022).
Han, Shuyuan ; Zastavni, Denis.A geometric-based method for the perceptive design of hyperstatic rigid frames. SEMINAIRE INAUGURAL DE L’EDT 62(L’Ecole Doctorale Thématique AUIAU) (Faculté d’architecture La Cambre-Horta, ULB ,Brussels, 04/03/2022).
Han, Shuyuan ; Zastavni, Denis.A geometric-based method for the perceptive design of hyperstatic rigid frames. Research Colloquium on Structural Design 2022 (Burgdorf, Switzerland, du 21/04/2022 au 22/04/2022).
Han, Shuyuan ; Zastavni, Denis.A historical graphical analysis method for rigid frames. The 2022 Annual Symposium of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (Beijing, China, du 19/09/2022 au 22/09/2022) (Accepté/Sous presse).
Han, Shuyuan ; Zastavni, Denis.The Origin, Development, and Application of Hyperstatic Rigid Frames. CONSTRUCTION HISTORY IN BELGIUM Interuniversity Research Seminar (ULG, Liège, 14/01/2022). In: CONSTRUCTION HISTORY IN BELGIUM Interuniversity Research Seminar January 14th, 2022 Book of abstracts, ULg: Liège, 2022, p. 8.
2019Han, Shuyuan ; Zastavni, Denis.Constructing and adjusting bending moment diagrams and elastic curves with graphic statics. RESEARCH SEMINAR UCLOUVAIN-ETH-EPFL-SOM (VIERVES-SUR-VIROIN, BELGIUM, du 28/08/2019 au 30/08/2019).
Iclusion HTTP
Journal Articles
1. Han, Shuyuan; Zastavni, Denis. Graphic Statics for Continuous Beams and Frames: A Review of the Fixed-points Method. In: International Journal of Architectural Heritage : conservation, analysis, and restoration, (2024). doi:10.1080/15583058.2024.2352488.
Conference Papers
1. Han, Shuyuan; Zastavni, Denis. Fixed-Points Method in Robert Maillart's Analysis of Rigid Frame Bridges. In: Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions SAHC 2023 - Volume 1, Yohei Endo, Toshikazu Hanazato: Kyoto, 2023, 978-3-03-139602-1, 978-3-03-139603-8 xxx. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-39603-8.
2. Han, Shuyuan; Zastavni, Denis. A geometric-based method for the perceptive design of hyperstatic rigid frames. 2022 xxx.
3. Han, Shuyuan; Zastavni, Denis. A geometric-based method for the perceptive design of hyperstatic rigid frames. 2022 xxx.
4. Han, Shuyuan; Zastavni, Denis. The Origin, Development, and Application of Hyperstatic Rigid Frames. In: CONSTRUCTION HISTORY IN BELGIUM Interuniversity Research Seminar January 14th, 2022 Book of abstracts, ULg: Liège, 2022, p. 8 xxx.
5. Han, Shuyuan; Zastavni, Denis. A geometric-based method for the perceptive design of hyperstatic rigid frames. 2022 xxx.
6. Han, Shuyuan; Zastavni, Denis. A geometric-based method for the perceptive design of hyperstatic rigid frames. 2022 xxx.
7. Han, Shuyuan; Zastavni, Denis. A historical graphical analysis method for rigid frames. (Proceedings of IASS Annual Symposia), International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS), 2022 xxx.
8. Han, Shuyuan; Zastavni, Denis. Constructing and adjusting bending moment diagrams and elastic curves with graphic statics. 2019 xxx.