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Success for the first online edition of the DSM PhD Day!

lourim | Louvain-la-Neuve, Mons

26 May 2021, modified on 5 February 2025


On May 25, the Doctoral School of Management UCLouvain-UNamur held for the first time an online edition of its annual PhD Day. About 50 participants attended the Zoom presentations. This year, doctoral students in management of the EDT (Ecole Doctorale Sciences de gestion ULB/ULg/UMons) as well as from KULeuven, VUB and USLB were also invited to participate, with the aim of broaden the scope of the discussions and offer new collaboration opportunities.


The morning started with a welcome speech by Prof. Manuel KOLP (LouRIM), DSM President. Michelle Bergadaà, Honorary Professor at the Université de Genève, gave the keynote speech about the link between integrity and research, that you can find hereunder.



Then, 17 doctoral students presented their research with 5 min videos in two parallel sessions. You can (re-)watch them all here.


We ended this session with the election of the best presentation. Chloé Satinet won with her presentation Towards a more sustainable and responsible consumption using recommendation technologies, while Selenia Anastasia and Sabrina Courtois won second and third place respectively. Congratulations to them!

We finally held a virtual closure drink with an aperitif box provided to all participants by the Atelier de Bossimé.