New MOOC on Asylum and Refugee Law

Mardi, 07 septembre 2021, 08h00Mardi, 07 septembre 2021, 17h00
The 1951 Refugee Convention is celebrating its 70th anniversary and is more relevant than ever. To learn more about it, go to our online course Asylum and Refugee Law, in English, from September 7 and in French from September 21. It was piloted by professors Jean-Yves Carlier and Sylvie Sarolea, from UCLouvain. Aimed at practitioners, field workers, students and researchers, its objective is to help the learners to understand and apply the complex notions of asylum, the principle of non-refoulement, and the definition of the refugee. In addition to videos and numerous bibliographical resources, it is composed of various interactive infographics, such as "genially", timelines or communication tools such as the "Iframe". These tools make learning about refugee law a living subject. The course also includes exchanges with people working in the field, such as the director of a reception center, a lawyer specializing in foreigners' rights, and the president of the administrative court, in order to illustrate the realities of professionals confronted with these situations.
The course is free unless the learner wishes to obtain a certificate.
The courses have been revised and completed to take into account recent developments in jurisprudence. Registration is now open
Don't forget to create an account in order to register and consult the course.
Enjoy the course!