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Monitoring of hydrosedimentary fluxes at the scale of small representative rural catchments in Wallonia by Nathan Henin

    • 08 Dec
  • Accessible
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Since 2012, hydrological and sedimentary data are collected on an agricultural catchment in Wallonia. In the meantime, two other catchments have been instrumented. The data of these 3 catchments have been collected for all this time and the main objective is to compile, process and analyse them. The measurements carried out are mainly water levels, water velocity measurements and sediment samples in stainless steel channels positioned at strategic locations. Rainfall data is also recorded. In order to complete the data, rating curves were used. An analysis of the collected data is carried out with an SCS Curve Number approach

  • Jeudi, 08 décembre 2022, 08h00
    Jeudi, 08 décembre 2022, 17h00