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ENGE Seminar by Afshin FARHADI

    • 15 Jun
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ENGE Seminar by Afshin FARHADI 


15 June 2021

13:00 - 14:00

Online Event - Teams Link




"The impact of truncation on the spatial spread of super-diffusive epidemic models and its application to a mosquito-borne disease model"


"In this seminar, we focus on the spatial dynamics of the epidemics. In the first part, we show how different mobility patterns of individuals affect the epidemics speed. We discuss our new results on the spatial spreading of the epidemics due to truncated Levy flights.
In the second part, we discuss the West Nile Virus epidemic, as a vector-borne disease. Birds of different species are the reservoir of the virus and mosquitoes transmit the disease between hosts ( birds, Mammals, such as humans and horses)."



  • Mardi, 15 juin 2021, 08h00
    Mardi, 15 juin 2021, 17h00
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