1st annual unitMajorGeneral trainingGeneral training courses in the first semester of the first year of the Bachelor¿s programme are common to all students in the Faculty of Philosophy, Arts and Letters. This makes it easier to change to another programme in the Faculty at the end of this semester.
q1 30h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Charles Doyen
> Hubert Roland
> Marta Sábado Novau (coord.)
Charles Doyen
q1 30h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Marco Cavalieri
> Joël Roucloux
> Brigitte Van Wymeersch
Marco Cavalieri
q1 45h 4 creditsTeacher(s):
> Paul Bertrand (coord.)
> Silvia Mostaccio
> Françoise Van Haeperen
> Laurence Van Ypersele
Paul Bertrand (coord.)
LFIAL1190 Introduction to PhilosophyLFIAL1530 Introduction to Language ScienceFR
q2 30h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Philippe Hambye
> Charlotte Kouklia (compensates Anne-Catherine Simon)
Philippe Hambye
q1 15h 2 creditsTeacher(s):
> Jean-Pierre Sterck-Degueldre (compensates Geert Van Oyen)
Jean-Pierre Sterck-Degueldre (compensates Geert Van Oyen)
Classical and Medieval StudiesLFIAL1421 Antiquity HistoryFR
q2 22.5h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Florence Liard (compensates Françoise Van Haeperen)
Florence Liard (compensates Françoise Van Haeperen)
LFIAL1422 Middle Ages HistoryOriental Languages and LiteratureIn the first annual block, two languages to be chosen (2 x 10 credits)
Ancient Egypt and Near EastLGLOR1610 Hieroglyphic Egyptian ILGLOR1620 Hieroglyphic Egyptian IIGreekLFIAL1770 Greek ILGLOR1270 Greek IIByzantium and Medieval Near EastL’étudiant qui suit cette filière ne peut pas faire valoir le cours LFIAL1770 ou le cours LARAB1101 dans une autre filière.
q2 15h 5 credits > English-friendlyTeacher(s):
> Emmanuel Van Elverdinghe
Emmanuel Van Elverdinghe
LFIAL1770 Greek ILARAB1101 Modern Arabic Elementary LevelIslam and the Arab worldLARAB1101 Modern Arabic Elementary LevelLGLOR1660 Classical Arabic IIndiaLGLOR1670 Sanskrit ILGLOR1680 Sanskrit IIModern LanguagesThe same language must be taken during the whole Bachelor's degree course.
GermanLALLE1710 German languageEnglishLANGL1111 English: Language & CultureEN
q1+q2 45h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Estelle Dagneaux (coord.)
> Claudine Grommersch
> Marine Volpe (compensates Sandrine Mulkers)
Estelle Dagneaux (coord.)
2nd annual unitMajorGeneral trainingGeneral training courses in the first semester of the first year of the Bachelor¿s programme are common to all students in the Faculty of Philosophy, Arts and Letters. This makes it easier to change to another programme in the Faculty at the end of this semester.
q2 45h+10h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Jean Leclercq
> Laurence Van Ypersele
Jean Leclercq
Classical and Medieval StudiesLGLOR1210 Seminar: Introduction to Ancient StudiesOriental Languages, Literature and CivilisationsIn the second and third annual blocks, students choose two sections (2 x 30 credits). They are required to pursue at least one language studied in the first annual block.
Ancient Egypt and Near EastLGLOR1624 Hieroglyphic Egyptian III ALGLOR1623 Hieroglyphic Egyptian III BLGLOR1920 Internships (Egypt, Ancient Near East)GreekLGLOR1321 Greek III ALGLOR1322 Greek III BLGLOR1721 Advanced Greek Authors AFR
q1+q2 45h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Lysiane Delanaye
> Louise Willocx
Lysiane Delanaye
LGLOR1722 Advanced Greek Authors BFR
q1+q2 45h 5 credits
LGLOR1422 Ancient Greek LiteratureFR
q1+q2 45h 5 credits
Biblical StudiesThis section can be chosen independently of the two languages studied in the first annual block.
LRELI1631 Biblical Hebrew I ALRELI1632 Biblical Hebrew I BFR
q1+q2 45h 5 credits
LRELI1272 PatrologyByzantium and Medieval Near EastThis section can be chosen independently of the two languages studied in the first annual block.
LGLOR1644 Syriac I ALGLOR1643 Syriac I BLGLOR1523 The Christian Orient : IntroductionLGLOR1524 Introduction to the Byzantine WorldIslam and the Arab WorldLGLOR1664 Classical Arabic II ALGLOR1663 Classical Arabic II BFR
q1+q2 45h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Motia Zouihal (compensates Godefroid de Callatay)
Motia Zouihal (compensates Godefroid de Callatay)
LARAB1301 Modern Arabic: intermediate levelLGLOR1534 History of the Arab-Muslim civilisationLDROI1511 Introduction to Islamic LawFR
q2 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Louis-Léon Christians
> Baudouin Dupret
Louis-Léon Christians
IndiaLGLOR1683 Sanskrit III BLGLOR1684 Sanskrit III ALGLOR1541 Introduction into Vedic SanskritLGLOR1542 Introduction to Buddhist languagesLRELI1347 HinduismLRELI1348 BuddhismFR
q2 30h 5 credits
Far EastCette filière peut être choisie indépendamment des deux langues étudiées dans le premier bloc annuel. One language (Chinese ou Japanese) must be pursued.
LCHIN1100 Modern Chinese - Elementary level ILJAPO1100 Japanese - Beginner levelLANTR1300 History of the Chinese WorldFR
q1 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Thibault Fontanari (compensates Frédéric Laugrand)
Thibault Fontanari (compensates Frédéric Laugrand)
LANTR1301 Analysis of Contemporary Chinese SocietyLANTR1302 Chair Chiang Ching-Kuo IFR
q1 15h 5 credits
LANTR1304 Seminar : Taiwanese Studies IEN
q1 15h 5 credits
Modern LanguagesThe same language must be taken during the whole Bachelor's degree course.
GermanLALLE1212 German - Intermediate levelEnglishEN
q1+q2 60h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Catherine Avery
> Stéphanie Brabant
> Jean-Luc Delghust (coord.)
Catherine Avery
Minor (30 credits) (> See the list of available minors and/or additional modules)Students choose a minor from the list of available minors and take into account any access requirements laid down by the management bodies. They will distribute the 30 credits of the minor between the annual block 2 and the annual block 3 of their bachelor's degree, so that their course programme (major + minor) comprises 60 credits each academic year.
Maximum 1 element(s) -
3rd annual unitMajorClassical and Medieval StudiesLRELI1320 Introduction to the History of ReligionsOriental Languages, Literature and CivilisationsIn the second and third annual blocks, students choose two sections (2 x 30 credits). They are required to pursue at least one language studied in the first annual block.
Ancient Egypt and Near EastLGLOR1624 Hieroglyphic Egyptian III ALGLOR1623 Hieroglyphic Egyptian III BLGLOR1920 Internships (Egypt, Ancient Near East)GreekLGLOR1321 Greek III ALGLOR1322 Greek III BLGLOR1721 Advanced Greek Authors AFR
q1+q2 45h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Lysiane Delanaye
> Louise Willocx
Lysiane Delanaye
LGLOR1722 Advanced Greek Authors BFR
q1+q2 45h 5 credits
LGLOR1422 Ancient Greek LiteratureFR
q1+q2 45h 5 credits
Biblical StudiesThis section can be chosen independently of the two languages studied in the first annual block.
LRELI1631 Biblical Hebrew I ALRELI1632 Biblical Hebrew I BFR
q1+q2 45h 5 credits
LRELI1272 PatrologyLRELI1310 JudaismByzantium and Medieval Near EastThis section can be chosen independently of the two languages studied in the first annual block.
LGLOR1644 Syriac I ALGLOR1643 Syriac I BLGLOR1523 The Christian Orient : IntroductionLGLOR1524 Introduction to the Byzantine WorldIslam and the Arab WorldLGLOR1664 Classical Arabic II ALGLOR1663 Classical Arabic II BFR
q1+q2 45h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Motia Zouihal (compensates Godefroid de Callatay)
Motia Zouihal (compensates Godefroid de Callatay)
LARAB1301 Modern Arabic: intermediate levelLGLOR1534 History of the Arab-Muslim civilisationLDROI1511 Introduction to Islamic LawFR
q2 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Louis-Léon Christians
> Baudouin Dupret
Louis-Léon Christians
LFILO1370 History of arabic PhilosophyIndiaLGLOR1683 Sanskrit III BLGLOR1684 Sanskrit III ALGLOR1541 Introduction into Vedic SanskritLGLOR1542 Introduction to Buddhist languagesLRELI1347 HinduismLRELI1348 BuddhismFR
q2 30h 5 credits
Far EastCette filière peut être choisie indépendamment des deux langues étudiées dans le premier bloc annuel. One language (Chinese ou Japanese) must be pursued.
LCHIN1300 Modern Chinese - Elementary level IILJAPO1300 Japanese - Pre-intermediate levelLANTR1300 History of the Chinese WorldFR
q1 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Thibault Fontanari (compensates Frédéric Laugrand)
Thibault Fontanari (compensates Frédéric Laugrand)
LANTR1301 Analysis of Contemporary Chinese SocietyLANTR1302 Chair Chiang Ching-Kuo IFR
q1 15h 5 credits
LANTR1304 Seminar : Taiwanese Studies IEN
q1 15h 5 credits
Modern LanguagesThe same language must be taken during the whole Bachelor's degree course.
q1+q2 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Caroline Klein
> Ann Rinder (coord.)
Caroline Klein
EnglishLANGL1315 Interactive communication seminarBachelor's paperLHORI1399 Work of end of first cycleFR
q1+q2 5 credits
Minor (30 credits) (> See the list of available minors and/or additional modules)Students choose a minor from the list of available minors and take into account any access requirements laid down by the management bodies. They will distribute the 30 credits of the minor between the annual block 2 and the annual block 3 of their bachelor's degree, so that their course programme (major + minor) comprises 60 credits each academic year.
Maximum 1 element(s)