Common core [55.0]LBOE2111 EvolutionLBOE2191 Ecologie et sociétéSciences humainesLFILO2003E Ethics in the Sciences and technics (sem)
q2 15h+15h 2 creditsTeacher(s):
> Alexandre Guay (compensates Charles Pence)
> Hervé Jeanmart
> René Rezsohazy
LSC2220 Philosophy of scienceESSPS2101 Science, ethics and developmentFR
q1 18h+6h 3 credits
ESPS2203 Philosophy of life science (UNamur)EN
q1 12h 3 credits
ESBM2113 Bioethics (UNamur)EN
q1 20h 2 credits
LTHEO2840 Science and Christian faithmémoireLBOE2196 Experimental designLBOE2197 Scientific research initiationFR
q2 8 credits
LBOE2297 MémoireFR
q1 22 credits
Field coursesFR
q2 0h+45h 2 credits
q2 0h+45h 2 creditsTeacher(s):
> Ruben Evens (compensates Renate Wesselingh)
> Nicolas Schtickzelle (compensates Thierry Hance)
List of focuses
Research Focus [30.0]Content:LBOE2240 Stage professionnel
q2 28 credits
LBOE2241 Projet professionnelFR
q2 2 credits
Teaching Focus [30.0]
IMPORTANT NOTE: In accordance with article 138 para. 4 of the decree of 7 November 2013 concerning higher education and the academic organisation of studies, teaching practice placements will not be assessed in the September session. Students are required to make every effort to successfully complete the teaching practice in the June session, subject to having to retake the year.
Content:Finalité didactique UCLouvain (30 credits)offerte sur le site de Louvain-la-Neuve (UCLouvain)
Module concevoir, planifier et évaluer des pratiques d'enseignement et d'apprentissageFR
q1 22.5h 2 creditsTeacher(s):
> Myriam De Kesel (coord.)
> Marc de Wergifosse
> Gabriel Dias de Carvalho Junior
q1+q2 37.5h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Stéphane Colognesi
> Severine De Croix
> Myriam De Kesel
> Jean-Louis Dufays
> Anne Ghysselinckx
> Véronique Lemaire
> Benoît Vercruysse
Stéphane Colognesi
Une UE parmi les quatre suivantes (4 credits)LPHYS2471 Didactics and Epistemology of PhysicsModule comprendre et analyser l'institution scolaire et son contexteLAGRE2400 See specifications in frenchFR
q2 20h 2 creditsTeacher(s):
> Xavier Delgrange
> Hervé Pourtois (coord.)
> Pierre-Etienne Vandamme
Séminaire d'observation et d'analyse de l'institution scolaire et de son contexte (en ce compris le stage d'observation) (4 credits)Choisir 1 des activités suivantes. Le cours et le séminaire doivent être suivis au même quadrimestre.
Module animer un groupe et travailler en équipeComprendre l'adolescent en situation scolaire, gérer la relation interpersonnelle et animer le groupe classe (4 credits)Choisir 1 des activités suivantes.
q2 22.5h+22.5h 4 creditsTeacher(s):
> Nathalie Roland
> Morgane Senden (compensates Baptiste Barbot)
q2 22.5h+22.5h 4 creditsTeacher(s):
> Nathalie Roland
> Morgane Senden (compensates Baptiste Barbot)
Finalité didactique UNamur (30 credits)offerte sur le site UNamur
EFAGR2401 Education scolaire et société (UNamur)FR
q2 30h+10h 4 credits
EFAGR2402 Psychopédagogie IFR
q1 30h+20h 4 credits
EFAGR2406 Psychopédagogie II (UNamur)FR
q2 30h+10h 3 credits
EFAGR2409 Foundation of neutralityFR
q2 20h 2 credits
q1 30h+10h 3 credits
q2 30h 3 credits
q2 35h 6 credits
Enseigner une autre discipline (3 credits)Une entité d'enseignement au choix
q1 30h 3 credits
q1 30h 3 credits
Un cours au choix (2 credits)Une unité d'enseignement à choisir. L'unité d'enseignement d'Histoire des sciences ne peut être choisie que si l'étudiant ne l'a pas suivie dans le cadre d'études antérieures à l'UNamur
q2 15h 2 credits
q2 4h+11h 2 credits
q2 15h 2 credits
ESSPS1202 History of science (partim)FR
q2 15h 2 credits
q2 0h+15h 2 credits
q2 10h+5h 2 credits
Modules [24.0]Content:Ecotoxicology
q1 12h+12h 2 credits
q1 48h+32h 6 credits
Molecular ecologyLBOE2124 Molecular ecologyFunctional genomicsESBOE2169 Ecological proteomics and epigeneticsEN
q2 30h+18h 4 credits
Biologie de la conservation et de la restaurationLBOE2120 Conservation de la biodiversitéLBOE2125 Biodiversity and humansLBOE2141 Ecologie de la restaurationLandscape and movement ecologyLBOE2140 Landscape ecologyLBOE2150 Movement ecologyEcologie des interactionsLBOE2160 Ecologie des interactionsLBOE2161 Ecologie comportementaleLBOE2168 Interactions plantes-environnementEcologie et gestion des milieux aquatiquesESBOE2123 Freshwater Biodiversity (UNamur)FR
q1 12h+24h 3 credits
q1 12h+20h 2 credits
q1 18h+12h 3 credits
Ecologie et évolution appliquéesLBOE2166 Lutte biologiqueLBOE2185 Evolutionary applicationsFR
q2 24h+12h 3 credits
Liste des activités au choixContent:Cours avancés
6 credits
q1 22h 3 credits
ESBIO2201 ParasitologyEN
q1 15h 2 credits
ESBIO2205 EpidemiologyFR
q1 15h 2 credits
ESGOL2145 PédologieFR
q1 12h+12h 2 credits
ESGOL2146 Hydrogeology (UNamur)FR
q1 18h+12h 3 credits
ESVET1301 Applied Ethology (UNamur)FR
q1 15h+4h 3 credits
ESVET2209 Molecular virologyEN
q1 15h 2 credits
q1 45h+22.5h 6 credits > French-friendlyTeacher(s):
> Alice Alonso (coord.)
> Charles Bielders (coord.)
> Hugues Goosse
LBIR1334 Introduction to forest scienceFR
q2 22.5h+15h 3 credits > English-friendlyTeacher(s):
> Quentin Ponette (coord.)
> Caroline Vincke
q2 30h+37.5h 5 credits > English-friendlyTeacher(s):
> Yannick Agnan (coord.)
> Richard Lambert
> Caroline Vincke
LBIR1362 Environmental EconomicsLBIRE2105 Assessment of water - soil - air qualityLBOE2122 Biodiversité du milieu marinFR
q2 24h 2 creditsTeacher(s):
> Cathy Debier
> Benjamin Lemaire (compensates Cathy Debier)
> Jean-François Rees
q2 24h 2 creditsTeacher(s):
> Cathy Debier
> Laurent Duchatelet
> Benjamin Lemaire (compensates Cathy Debier)
> Jean-François Rees
Cathy Debier
LBOE2148 Ecologie microbienneLBOE2292 Modélisation écologique et évolutiveLGEOL2401 Paléontologie des vertébrésESGOL1210 PaleontologyFR
q1 24h+40h 5 credits
Télédétection et aménagementLGEO1343 Earth observation by satelliteEN
q2 30h+30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Veerle Vanacker
Nathan Vandermaelen (compensates Kristof Van Oost)
LBRAT2101 Suburban and rural space developmentLBRTI2101A Data Science in bioscience engineeringLBIRE2102 Applied geomaticsFR
q1 15h+20h 4 credits
q2 20h+30h 4 credits
Cours d'ouvertureLDROP2061 Sustainable Development LawLDROP2063 Sectoral Environmental LawFR
q2 40h 4 credits
q1 40h 4 credits
ESBIO2119 Gestion des ressources humaines (UNamur)FR
q2 15h 2 credits
q2 12h 2 credits
Cours au choix complémentaires à la finalité didactique de l'UCLLAGRE2310 Micro-teaching exercises -
INEO, Interdisciplinary training in entrepreneurship
This option lasts 2 years and is integrated into more than 30 Masters programs in 9 faculties/schools of the UCLouvain. The choice of this option implies the realization of an interfaculty dissertation (in team) on a business creation project. Access is limited to students selected on the basis of a portfolio. More info. via https://uclouvain.be/en/study/ineo
Admission to this CPME option is subject to selection, please submit your application in due time https://uclouvain.be/fr/etudier/ineo/admission.html
Courses in this option cannot be taken individually outside of the option.
From 20 to 25credit(s)Content:LINEO2021 Financer son projetCe cours est obligatoire pour les étudiants qui n’ont pas de prérequis en gestion (les étudiants qui ont suivi la mineure en gestion, ou la mineure en esprit d’entreprendre sont dispensés de ce cours).
LINEO2001 Théorie de l'entrepreneuriat -
Optional coursesThese credits are not counted within the 120 required credits.Content:LSST1001 IngénieuxSudLSST1002M Information and critical thinking - MOOC
q2 30h+15h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Anne Bauwens (compensates Jean-François Rees)
> Myriam De Kesel
Preparatory Module (only for students who qualify for the course via complementary coursework)
To access this Master, students must have a good command of certain subjects. If this is not the case, in the first annual block of their Masters programme, students must take supplementary classes chosen by the faculty to satisfy course prerequisites.
In some cases, a complementary program (maximum 60 ECTS) consisting of courses from the bachelor in biology will be required, in coordination with the Academic Advisor, and based on the student’s previous background and training.
Minimum 2 credit(s)