BCOMU1211 |
"Corporate communication and public relations "
has prerequisite(s) BDROI1125
BDRAN1262 |
"Introduction to Comparative Law"
has prerequisite(s) BDROI1111 AND BDRNL1130 AND EMHUB1110
BDRAN1265 |
"Law and Religion"
has prerequisite(s) BDROI1110 AND EMHUB1110 AND BDRNL1130
BDRAN1310 |
"EU Law : Foundations (+ exercises session without casus)"
has prerequisite(s) BDROI1110 AND BDROI1211
BDRAN1360 |
"Law and Tech Governance"
has prerequisite(s) BDROI1110 AND EMHUB1110 AND BDRNL1130
BDRNL1310 |
"Commercial Law"
has prerequisite(s) EMHUB1280
BDRNL1350 |
"Seminar in Legal Theory"
has prerequisite(s) BHDDR1216 AND EMHUB1280 AND BFILO1116
BDROI1242 |
"Legal English"
has prerequisite(s) BDROI1140
BDROI1266 |
"Historical introduction to penal thought and criminology II"
has prerequisite(s) BDRNL1130 OR EMHUB1110
BDROI1267 |
"Advanced Public Freedoms"
has prerequisite(s) BDROI1110 AND EMHUB1110 AND BDRNL1130
BDROI1272 |
"Special questions of economic law "
has prerequisite(s) BDROI1220
BDROI1273 |
"Special issues of psychology relating to law and human sciences "
has prerequisite(s) BDROI1123
BDROI1310 |
"Administrative Law + Exercises session with casus"
has prerequisite(s) BDROI1211 AND BDROI1110
BDROI1312A |
"Contract law + Exercises session with casus"
has prerequisite(s) EMHUB1280 AND BDROI1111 AND BDROI1218
BDROI1316 |
"Law, ethics and politics"
has prerequisite(s) BHDDR1216
BDROI1318 |
"Labour Law (+exercises session without casus)"
has prerequisite(s) BDROI1211 AND EMHUB1280
BDROI1319 |
"Procedure Law (+ exercises session without casus)"
has prerequisite(s) BDROI1211 AND BDROI1214
BDROI1340 |
"General Theory of the State and the European Union"
has prerequisite(s) BDROI1110 AND EMHUB1110 AND BDRNL1130
BDROI1355 |
"Alternative methods of resolving conflicts"
has prerequisite(s) BDRNL1130 AND EMHUB1110 AND BDROI1111
BDROI1365 |
"Introduction to environmental law"
has prerequisite(s) BDRNL1130 AND EMHUB1110 AND BDROI1110
BDROI1366 |
"Advanced questions of criminal law and procedure"
has prerequisite(s) BDROI1213 AND BDROI1214 AND BDRNL1130 AND EMHUB1110
BDROI1367 |
"Law Clinic "Les Surligneurs""
has prerequisite(s) BDROI1125
BDROI1369 |
"Internship in the Legal Practice"
has prerequisite(s) BDROI1211 AND BDROI1214 AND EMHUB1280 AND BDROI1213
BDROI1370 |
"Intellectual property law"
has prerequisite(s) BDROI1218
BECGE1212 |
"Public economics"
has prerequisite(s) BDROI1220
BECGE1214 |
"Human management"
has prerequisite(s) BDROI1220
BECGE1216 |
"Human Resource Management"
has prerequisite(s) BDROI1220
BECGE1322 |
has prerequisite(s) BDROI1220
BESPO1360 |
"Ethics and the economy "
has prerequisite(s) BFILO1116 AND BDROI1220
BFILO1318 |
"Political philosophy "
has prerequisite(s) BDROI1122
BHDDR1360 |
"Introduction to comparative law"
has prerequisite(s) BDRNL1130 AND EMHUB1110 AND BDROI1111
BHDDR1361 |
"Justice and Politics"
has prerequisite(s) BDROI1110 AND EMHUB1110 AND BDRNL1130
BHDPO1315 |
"EU politics"
has prerequisite(s) BDROI1120
BPOLS1321 |
"Society and Environment"
has prerequisite(s) EMHUB1120
BSPOL1210 |
"Political sociology"
has prerequisite(s) EMHUB1120
BSPOL1215 |
"International Organizations"
has prerequisite(s) EMHUB1120
BSPOL1310 |
"Labour, employment and social protection"
has prerequisite(s) EMHUB1120
BSPOL1316 |
"The European Political System "
has prerequisite(s) EMHUB1120
BSPOL1322 |
"Public Policy Analysis"
has prerequisite(s) EMHUB1120
EMHUB1380 |
"Individuals, Family and Family Property Right"
has prerequisite(s) EMHUB1280 AND EMHUB1225 AND BDROI1111