Tronc commun [65.0]Cours obligatoires (30 credits)LTRAV2210 Labour lawLTRAV2650 Aspects salariaux du travailLGRH2001 Integration seminarCours de langue (3 credits)Les étudiants sont tenus d'assister lors de la première semaine de l'année à une séance de présentation des cours de néerlandais et/ou d'anglais (selon leur choix) afin de préciser les questions d'horaire, de niveau prérequis, etc. (voir l'annonce des séances de présentation sur le site de l'Institut des langues vivantes). Les bacheliers en sciences humaines et sociales de l'UCLouvain ne peuvent pas choisir le cours LANGL2600. Un parmi :LANGL2600 Entry to Professional life in EnglishLANGL1500 Intermediate EnglishLANGL1700 Advanced EnglishStage et mémoire (32 credits)LGRH2910 Stage
5 credits
LGRH2900 MémoireFR
20 credits
Professional Focus [30.0]Content:LLSMS2070 Diagnostic organisationnelLGRH2004 Digitalisation & HR AnalyticsLGRH2005 Organizational Behavior
International HRMContent:Choix d'un cours parmi : (5 credits)LLSMS2063 Industrial Relations in EuropeLTRAV2740 Comparative industrial relations systemsChoix d'un cours parmi : (5 credits)LTRAV2730 Comparative wage and HRM systems
Change managementContent:LTRAV2640 Bargaining theory and practiceLLSMF2007 Change Management and Leadership
q1 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Nathalie Guilmot (compensates Alain Vas)
> Emilie Malcourant (compensates Alain Vas)
Choisir un cours parmi : (5 credits)EN
q1 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> François Lambotte
> Katja Werbrouck (compensates François Lambotte)
LCOMU2611 Internal communication AuditFR
q1 15h 5 credits
Work and well-beingContent:LLSMS2072 Sociologie clinique du travailLLSMS2071 Diversity ManagementLTRAV2630 Wellbeing at workLPSYS2056 Psychologie du genre
q2 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Annalisa Casini
> Annalisa Casini (compensates Vincent Yzerbyt)
> Annalisa Casini (compensates Isabelle Roskam)
Annalisa Casini
HRM in contextContent:LECON2051 Labor Economics and Employment PoliciesLTRAV2610 Business economicsLADPU2035 Public Management: Human Resources
Exchange abroad [25.0]Content:
Preparatory Module (only for students who qualify for the course via complementary coursework)
To access this Master, students must have a good command of certain subjects. If this is not the case, in the first annual block of their Masters programme, students must take supplementary classes chosen by the faculty to satisfy course prerequisites.
LCOPS1212 Qualitative data analysisLECGE1221 Economic Law and TaxationLCOPS1115 Economic PolicyLPOLS1221 Quantitative Data AnalysisLESPO1321 Economic, Political and Social EthicsLCOPS1125 Psychology and Social PsychologyLANGL1330 English intermediate level - 1st partEN
q1 or q2 20h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Stéphanie Brabant
> Charline Coduti (compensates Anne-Julie Toubeau)
> Estelle Dagneaux
> Jean-Luc Delghust
> Aurélie Deneumoustier
> Fanny Desterbecq
> Marie Duelz
> Claudine Grommersch
> Adrien Kefer
> Sandrine Mulkers (coord.)
> Yannick Paquin (compensates Anne-Julie Toubeau)
> Marc Piwnik (coord.)
> Françoise Stas
Stéphanie Brabant
LECGE1231 Perspectives critiques en ManagementLPOLS1112 Accounting of the Non-Market SectorLECGE1321 Human Management