Tronc commun [65.0]Formation spécialisée en physique (30 credits)NB : Des programmes types en fonction des orientations de la recherche en sciences physiques à l'UCLouvain sont proposés sur le site Web de l'école de physique. L'étudiant·e choisit 30 crédits parmi les UE ci-dessous(les UE LPHYS2143 et LPHYS2102 sont vivement conseillées pour les étudiant·e·s inscrit·e·s à la finalité spécialisée) :Physique statistique et mathématiqueLPHYS2112 Mathematical physicsLPHYS2113 Critical phenomenaLPHYS2114 Nonlinear dynamicsGravitation, cosmologie et astroparticulesLPHYS2122 CosmologyPhysique des particules
q1 52.5h+7.5h 10 credits > French-friendlyTeacher(s):
> Agni Bethani (compensates Christophe Delaere)
> Céline Degrande
> Christophe Delaere
> Vincent Lemaitre
Agni Bethani (compensates Christophe Delaere)
LPHYS2132 Quantum field theory 1Physique atomique, moléculaire et optiqueLPHYS2141 Introduction to quantum opticsLPHYS2143 Optics and lasersPhysique de la Terre, des planètes et du climatInstrumentation et méthodes numériquesLPHYS2101 Analog and digital electronicsCours obligatoires s'ils n'ont pas été suivis en bachelierLPHYS1332 General RelativitySéminaire de physique (5 credits)LPHYS2191 Physics seminarActivités liées au mémoire (28 credits)LPHYS2197 Thesis tutorialLPHYS2199 Master's thesisFormation en sciences humaines (2 credits)L'étudiant·e choisit une UE parmi :
LSC2220 Philosophy of scienceLFILO2003E Ethics in the Sciences and technics (sem)FR
q2 15h+15h 2 creditsTeacher(s):
> Alexandre Guay (compensates Charles Pence)
> Hervé Jeanmart
> René Rezsohazy
LTHEO2840 Science and Christian faithFormation facultativeThese credits are not counted within the 120 required credits.
LSST1001 IngénieuxSudLSST1002M Information and critical thinking - MOOCFR
q2 30h+15h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Anne Bauwens (compensates Jean-François Rees)
> Myriam De Kesel
List of focuses
Research Focus [30.0]Content:Physique statistique et mathématiqueLPHYS2211 Group theoryLPHYS2215 Statistical field theoryGravitation, cosmologie et astroparticulesLPHYS2221 Astrophysics and astroparticlesLPHYS2223 utrino physics and dark matterPhysique des particulesLPHYS2233A, LPHYS2233B and LPHYS2233C cannot be taken if the full course LPHYS2233 is selected .
q2 52.5h+7.5h 10 credits > French-friendlyTeacher(s):
> Agni Bethani (compensates Eduardo Cortina Gil)
> Giacomo Bruno
> Eduardo Cortina Gil
q2 22.5h+7.5h 4 credits > French-friendlyTeacher(s):
> Agni Bethani (compensates Eduardo Cortina Gil)
> Giacomo Bruno
q2 27.5h+2.5h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Agni Bethani (compensates Eduardo Cortina Gil)
> Giacomo Bruno
LPHYS2234 Quantum field theory 2Physique atomique, moléculaire et optiqueLPHYS2242 Fundamentals of quantum informationEN
q2 30h 5 credits > French-friendlyTeacher(s):
> Matthieu Génévriez (coord.)
> Sorin Melinte
> Bernard Piraux
LPHYS2244 Molecular physicsLPHYS2245 Lasers physicsLPHYS2247 Special topics in quantum opticsLPHYS2248 Ultra-fast laser physicsPhysique de la matière condensée et des milieux continusLMAPR2451 Atomistic and nanoscopic simulationsPhysique de la Terre, des planètes et du climatLPHYS2267 Paleoclimate dynamics and modellingLPHYS2269 Remote sensing of climate changeCompléments de mathématiqueLMAT2130 Partial differential equationsLMAT2250 Calculus of variationsLMAT2420 Complex analysisEN
q2 30h+15h 5 credits > French-friendlyTeacher(s):
> Christophe Charlier (compensates Tom Claeys)
Teaching Focus [30.0]
IMPORTANT NOTE: In accordance with article 138 para. 4 of the decree of 7 November 2013 concerning higher education and the academic organisation of studies, teaching practice placements will not be assessed in the September session. Students are required to make every effort to successfully complete the teaching practice in the June session, subject to having to retake the year.
Content:Module concevoir, planifier et évaluer des pratiques d'enseignement et d'apprentissageFR
q1 22.5h 2 creditsTeacher(s):
> Myriam De Kesel (coord.)
> Marc de Wergifosse
> Gabriel Dias de Carvalho Junior
LPHYS2471 Didactics and Epistemology of PhysicsFR
q1+q2 37.5h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Stéphane Colognesi
> Severine De Croix
> Myriam De Kesel
> Jean-Louis Dufays
> Anne Ghysselinckx
> Véronique Lemaire
> Benoît Vercruysse
Stéphane Colognesi
Didactique et épistémologie d'une autre discipline (en ce compris le stage d'écoute) (4 credits)un cours au choix parmi les cours suivants
Module comprendre et analyser l'institution scolaire et son contexteSéminaire d'observation et d'analyse de l'institution scolaire et de son contexte (en ce compris le stage d'observation) (4 credits)Choisir 1 des activités suivantes. Le cours et le séminaire doivent être suivis au même quadrimestre.
LAGRE2400 See specifications in frenchFR
q2 20h 2 creditsTeacher(s):
> Xavier Delgrange
> Hervé Pourtois (coord.)
> Pierre-Etienne Vandamme
Module animer un groupe et travailler en équipeComprendre l'adolescent en situation scolaire, gérer la relation interpersonnelle et animer le groupe classe (4 credits)Choisir 1 des activités suivantes.
q2 22.5h+22.5h 4 creditsTeacher(s):
> Nathalie Roland
> Morgane Senden (compensates Baptiste Barbot)
q2 22.5h+22.5h 4 creditsTeacher(s):
> Nathalie Roland
> Morgane Senden (compensates Baptiste Barbot)
Professional Focus : Medical Physics [30.0]
Les étudiants ayant choisi cette finalité doivent obligatoirement avoir choisi les cours PHY 2130, PHY 2236 et PHY 2340 parmi les cours de base et les cours au choix. Ils suivront aussi tous les cours repris ci-dessous.
Alternatives (below)
This goal is only available through the special program in medical physics organized in co-graduation with the KU Leuven
UE au choix [25.0]Content:UE recommandées pour la finalité approfondiePhysique statistique et mathématiqueLPHYS2316 Advanced mathematical physicsPhysique des particulesLPHYS2336A and LPHYS2336B cannot be taken if the full course LPHYS2336 is selected .
LPHYS2335 Standard model and beyondEN
q1 52.5h+7.5h 10 credits > French-friendlyTeacher(s):
> Gauthier Durieux (compensates Fabio Maltoni)
> Fabio Maltoni
q1 52.5h+7.5h 10 credits > French-friendlyTeacher(s):
> Giacomo Bruno
> Gwenhaël de Wasseige
> Justin Janquart (compensates Eduardo Cortina Gil)
> Vincent Lemaitre
Giacomo Bruno
q1 25h+5h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Giacomo Bruno
> Gwenhaël de Wasseige
> Justin Janquart (compensates Eduardo Cortina Gil)
> Vincent Lemaitre
Giacomo Bruno
q1 27.5h+2.5h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Giacomo Bruno
> Gwenhaël de Wasseige
> Justin Janquart (compensates Eduardo Cortina Gil)
> Vincent Lemaitre
Giacomo Bruno
Physique de la matière condensée et des milieux continusLMAPR2014 Physics of Functional MaterialsLMAPR2015 Physics of NanostructuresEN
q1 37.5h+22.5h 5 credits > French-friendlyTeacher(s):
> Jean-Christophe Charlier
> Xavier Gonze
> Luc Piraux
LMAPR2018 RheologyLMECA2854 Heat and mass transfer IILPHYS2351 SuperconductivityPhysique de la Terre, des planètes et du climatLENVI2005 Climate change: impacts and solutionsFR
q2 30h 3 credits
LGCIV2056 Marine HydrodynamicsLGEO1343 Earth observation by satelliteLINMA2510 Mathematical ecologyInstrumentation et méthodes numériquesLEPL1106 Signals and systemsLEPL1110 Finished elementsLPHYS2303 Cryophysics and vacuum physicsEN
q1 30h+15h 5 credits > French-friendlyTeacher(s):
> Vincent Bayot
> Benoît Hackens
> Sorin Melinte
Compléments de mathématiqueNB : l'UE LMAT1271 est vivement conseillée.
LINMA2361 Nonlinear dynamical systemsLMAT2240 Low-dimensional topologyUE au choix recommandées pour la finalité didactiqueLAGRE2310 Micro-teaching exercisesUE au choix recommandées pour la finalité spécialiséeWRPR2002 Compléments de radioprotectionFR
q2 20h+10h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Dana Ioana Dumitriu
> Olivier Gheysens
> François Jamar (coord.)
q2 25h+5h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> François Jamar
> Renaud Lhommel
> Nicolas Michoux (coord.)
> Vassiliki Pasoglou
q2 40h 4 creditsTeacher(s):
> Nathalie De Patoul
> Dana Ioana Dumitriu
> Damien Dumont
> Olivier Gheysens
> François Jamar (coord.)
> Renaud Lhommel
> Sébastien Lichtherte
> Edmond Sterpin
> Aude Vaandering
Nathalie De Patoul
WMNUC2100 Master and compelmentary masterLGBIO1111 Cell biology and physiologyFR
q2 30h+15h 5 credits
LGBIO1112 Introduction to biomedical engineeringFR
q2 45h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Benoit Delhaye (compensates Philippe Lefèvre)
> Sophie Demoustier (compensates Philippe Lefèvre)
> Greet Kerckhofs (compensates Philippe Lefèvre)
Benoit Delhaye (compensates Philippe Lefèvre)
Optional courses :These credits are not counted within the 120 required credits.
LSST1001 IngénieuxSudLSST1002M Information and critical thinking - MOOCFR
q2 30h+15h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Anne Bauwens (compensates Jean-François Rees)
> Myriam De Kesel
Master [120] in Physics [professional focus of Medical Physics : UCLouvain-KULeuven]Tronc communPhysics, Mathematics and Chemistry (16 credits)EPHMD2398 Introductory Nuclear Physics
q1 18h 3 credits
Nuclear and Radiochemistry (3 credits)Choose a course from
EPHMD2393 Nuclear and RadiochemistryEN
q2 18h 3 credits
Medical oriented courses
From 20 to 23credit(s)WRDTH2331B Radiobiology - (partim radiobiology)EN
q2 22.5h 3 credits
q1+q2 13h 4 credits
Cell Biology, Anatomy and PhysiologyChoose between the UCLouvain module and the KU Leuven module
Cell Biology, Anatomy and Physiology (KU Leuven) (13 credits)EPHMD2334 Basics concepts of Cell BiologyEN
q1 39h 5 credits
EPHMD2314 Human System PhysiologyEN
q2 28h+2h 5 credits
EPHMD2370 Human Anatomy and HistologyEN
q2 18h 3 credits
Cell Biology, Anatomy and Physiology (UCLouvain) (10 credits)LGBIO1113 Systems Anatomy and PhysiologyFR
q2 30h+15h 5 credits
LGBIO1111 Cell biology and physiologyFR
q2 30h+15h 5 credits
Medical Information Systems (3 credits)Choose a course from
EPHMD2376 Medical Information SystemsEN
q1 23h 3 credits
WFSP2253 Hospital information systemsMedical physics and technology
From 22 to 24credit(s)EPHMD2362 Technology and Techniques in RadiologyEN
q1 16h+4h 3 credits
q1 20h 3 credits
LGBIO2070 Engineering challenges in protontherapyEN
q2 30h+30h 5 credits > French-friendlyTeacher(s):
> Guillaume Janssens
> John Lee
> Edmond Sterpin
Medical ImagingChoose a course from
EPHMD2335 Medical Imaging and AnalysisEN
q2 36h+20h 6 credits
LGBIO2050 Medical ImagingRadiopharmacyChoose a course from
EPHMD2392 RadiopharmacyEN
q1 9h 3 credits
Quality Assurances and Special Techniques (3 credits)Choose a course from
q1 14h 3 credits
q2 22h 3 credits
Safety and Ethics
From 13 to 17credit(s)WRDTH3120 Fundamental of dosimetryRadiation protectionChoose between the UCLouvain module and the KU Leuven module
Radiation protection (KU Leuven) (4 credits)EPHMD2397 Radiation ProtectionEN
q1+q2 18h 4 credits
Radiation protection (UCLouvain) (8 credits)WRPR2001 Notions de base de radioprotectionWRPR2002 Compléments de radioprotectionFR
q2 20h+10h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Dana Ioana Dumitriu
> Olivier Gheysens
> François Jamar (coord.)
q2 40h 3 creditsTeacher(s):
> Nathalie De Patoul
> Dana Ioana Dumitriu
> Damien Dumont
> Olivier Gheysens
> François Jamar (coord.)
> Renaud Lhommel
> Sébastien Lichtherte
> Edmond Sterpin
> Aude Vaandering
Nathalie De Patoul
Philosophy, Sustainability and Ethics (6 credits)Choose between the UCLouvain module and the KU Leuven module
Philosophy, Sustainability and Ethics (KU Leuven) (6 credits)EN
q1 24h 3 credits
EPHMD2379 Ethics and Law in Biomedical ResearchEN
q2 20h 3 credits
Philosophy, Sustainability and Ethics (UCLouvain) (6 credits)WFSP2108 BioethicsSelect (2 credits)LSC2220 Philosophy of scienceLFILO2003E Ethics in the Sciences and technics (sem)FR
q2 15h+15h 2 creditsTeacher(s):
> Alexandre Guay (compensates Charles Pence)
> Hervé Jeanmart
> René Rezsohazy
Internships and Master's thesis (11 credits)This internship will be completed by a second one which is part of the professional focus.
The Thesis Tutorial supports the thesis which is part of the professional focus.
LPHMD2366 Internship 1EN
q2 9 credits
LPHYS2197 Thesis tutorialUne finalité à choisir parmiProfessional Focus : Medical Physics (30 credits)Content:LPHMD2371 Internship 2EN
q2 6 credits
LPHMD2199 Master ThesisFR
q1+q2 24 credits
Preparatory Module (only for students who qualify for the course via complementary coursework)
To access this Master, students must have a good command of certain subjects. If this is not the case, in the first annual block of their Masters programme, students must take supplementary classes chosen by the faculty to satisfy course prerequisites.
These additional teaching units (maximum 60 credits) will be selected in the programme of the second and third annual units of the Bachelor's degree in physics, in consultation with the Study advisor, depending on the previous teaching units followed by the student and his.her training project, and will be submitted to the approval of the School of Physics.
Enseignements supplémentaires