1st annual unit
Program of the Bachelor of Engineering Sciences: Civil Engineer Architect
Teaching units attached to basic scientific training.
q1 30h+30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> François Glineur
> Raphaël Jungers (coord.)
> Estelle Massart
> Jean-François Remacle
> Michel Verleysen
François Glineur
q1 30h+30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> François Glineur (coord.)
> Raphaël Jungers
> Jean-François Remacle
> Michel Verleysen
Teaching units related to technical conditions
q1 30h 3 credits
q2 30h 3 credits
Teaching units related to cultural conditions
q1 30h 3 credits
q2 30h 3 credits
Architectural projects and drawing courses
q1 30h 2 credits
q2 30h 2 credits
q1 90h 6 credits
q2 90h 6 credits
Language training
A test is organised at the beginning of the annual unit 1 and two concernning the courses LANGL1971 and LANGL1972. The student who passes the test is exempted from attending the corresponding course.He can either take the exam for this English course or replace it with other language courses. There is no test for the LANGL1973 course as it is compulsory for all. In the 180 credits of the bachelor programme, there are necessarily 6 language credits including LANGL1973.Cours d'anglais
Dutch courses
Spanish Courses
q1 or q2 45h 2 creditsTeacher(s):
> Begona Garcia Migura
> Alicia Maria Tirado Fernandez (coord.)
German courses
2nd annual unit
Program of the Bachelor of Engineering Sciences: Civil Engineer Architect
Teaching units attached to basic scientific training.
Teaching units related to technical conditions
q1 30h+20h 5 credits
q1 50h 5 credits
Teaching units related to cultural conditions
q1 45h 5 credits
q2 45h 5 credits
Sociétés, cultures et religion
L'étudiant·e choisit un cours de Sociétés, cultures et religion de 2 crédits parmi les trois proposés.
q1 15h 2 credits
q1 15h 2 credits
Architectural projects and drawing courses
q1 30h 2 credits
q2 30h 2 credits
q1 90h 6 credits
q2 90h 6 credits
Language training
A test is organised at the beginning of the annual unit 1 and two concernning the courses LANGL1971 and LANGL1972. The student who passes the test is exempted from attending the corresponding course.He can either take the exam for this English course or replace it with other language courses. There is no test for the LANGL1973 course as it is compulsory for all. In the 180 credits of the bachelor programme, there are necessarily 6 language credits including LANGL1973.
Cours d'anglais
Dutch courses
Spanish Courses
German courses
3rd annual unit
Program of the Bachelor of Engineering Sciences: Civil Engineer Architect
Teaching units related to technical conditions
q1 20h+30h 5 credits
q2 30h+20h 5 credits
q2 30h 3 credits
Teaching units related to cultural conditions
q1 45h 5 credits
Architectural projects and drawing courses
q1 120h 8 credits
Projet au choix
L'étudiant.e qui choisit LICAR1616 devra choisir LICAR1011 et le choix de LICAR1617 impliquera celui de LICAR1012.
LICAR1616 Design Studio Contemporary Challenges : Designing the City and Territory with Water and Ecosystems [C]
q2 120h 10 credits
q2 120h 10 credits
Méthodologie et recherche
q1 20h 2 credits
Théorie et outil au choix
L'étudiant.e choisit LICAR1011 s'il a choisi LICAR1616 et LICAR1012 s'il a choisi LICAR1617.
q2 45h 6 credits
q2 45h 6 credits
Language training
A test is organised at the beginning of the annual unit 1 and two concernning the courses LANGL1971 and LANGL1972. The student who passes the test is exempted from attending the corresponding course.He can either take the exam for this English course or replace it with other language courses. There is no test for the LANGL1973 course as it is compulsory for all. In the 180 credits of the bachelor programme, there are necessarily 6 language credits including LANGL1973.
Cours d'anglais
Spanish Courses
German courses