The Faculty of Law and Criminology has developed a network with over 80 different universities. Every year, over 160 students take part in exchange programs under the Belgica, Erasmus and Mercator programs.
The Faculty of Law and Criminology offers a number of exchange and mobility programs (each during the second year of the Master's program and subject to selection):
- The possibility of following one of the three following finalities “Privaatrecht en strafrecht”, “Publiekrecht” or “Economischrecht” as part of a program organized with the KULeuven. The student spends one year at KULeuven, taking one of these 3 finalities (30 credits) and a choice of teaching units (15 credits), while writing his/her dissertation at UCLouvain. At the end of the course, the student obtains a Master's degree in law issued by UCLouvain, mentioning the program followed during the exchange stay.
- The possibility of taking 30 credits of courses in the first semester at a number of partner universities.
- A “mixed” program carried out partly at UCLouvain and partly at a partner university: students take part of their courses at UCLouvain during the first term, and take electives at a partner university during the second term.
- A specific program dedicated to students in the Business Law main option: a classic mobility program on the UCLouvain side, but providing access to a Master's degree in Business Law in a Global Context at the Université de Montréal.