Programme structure

The Master of Laws program is made up of four main coherent units:
- a core curriculum (35 credits) ;
- a specialization through law courses in english and dutch and the thesis (and its accompanying seminars) (30 credits) ;
- a “main option ” (30 credits);
- option units (25 credits).

The first year of the Master's program consists of:

- core teaching units (30 credits) ;
- specialization: practical work, a law course in English and one in Dutch, legal research methodology and a seminar to support the dissertation (15 credits)
- option units (15 credits)

The second year of the Master's program consists of:

- Law, change and society (5 crédits)
- specialization: thesis (15 credits)
- a main option (30 credits) in the following:

  • Civil and criminal law (IU)
  • Corporate law (FI)
  • Public law (ET)
  • European Law (EU)

- Option units (10 credits)

An internship or exchange program is possible in the second year.


For a programme-type, and regardless of the focus, options/or elective courses selected, this master will carry a minimum of 120 credits divided over two annual units, corresponding to 60 credits each.