Access Requirements

Master course admission requirements are defined by the French Community of Belgium Decree of 7 November 2013 defining the hiher education landscape and the academic organisation of courses.

General and specific admission requirements for this programme must be satisfied at the time of enrolling at the university.

Unless explicitly mentioned, the bachelor's, master's and licentiate degrees listed in this table or on this page are to be understood as those issued by an institution of the French, Flemish or German-speaking Community, or by the Royal Military Academy.

In the event of the divergence between the different linguistic versions of the present conditions, the French version shall prevail.

Specific access requirements

Student must hold a first level university degree.

Provide proof of level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference in French.

Have a training including the following 108 credits:

  • 18 credits of general education courses (philosophy, history, criticism of sources);
  • 55 credits of arts and civilization courses (different periods);
  • 35 course credits in tools and methods of archaeology and art history (scientific practice, museology, archaeometry, technology, on-site seminar, etc.);
  • ancient, medieval and/or modern languages.

The 30 credits from the Minor in History of Art and Archeology may satisfy these requirements.

In the absence of sufficient training in one or more of these subjects, supplementary classes will be integrated into the master's programme (from 15 credits to a maximum of 60 credits). This preparatory module is established by the jury on the basis of the student's previous course of study.

Course equivalences are submitted for approval to the jury (small panel).

4° Students wishing to pursue a master's degree with a teaching focus must have a degree of the French Community of Belgium; failing this, they will have to pass a French language proficiency examination to demonstrate that their command of written and spoken French is equivalent to level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (for further information, visit

University Bachelors

Diploma Special Requirements Access Remarks
UCLouvain Bachelors
Bachelor in History of Art and Archaeology : General Direct access
Bachelor in History of Art and Archaeology : Musicology
Bachelor in History
If students have chosen the Minor in History of Art and Archeology Access with additional training Maximum 15 credits of supplementary classes integrated into the master's programme

If the UCLouvain Admissions Office considers the enrolment application sufficiently complete, it will submit the application to the faculty for a decision.
Other bachelor of the Faculty of Philosophy, Arts and LettersIf students have chosen the Minor in History of Art and Archeology Access with additional training Maximum 60 credits of supplementary classes integrated into the master's programme

If the UCLouvain Admissions Office considers the enrolment application sufficiently complete, it will submit the application to the faculty for a decision.
Any other bachelor Access based on application In case of admission, additional training to be determined depending on the student's educational background (consult Admission and Enrolment Procedures for general registration)
Others Bachelors of the French speaking Community of Belgium
Bachelor in History of Art and Archaeology: General Direct access
Any other Bachelor Access based on application In case of admission, additional training to be determined depending on the student's educational background (consult Admission and Enrolment Procedures for general registration)
Bachelors of the Dutch speaking Community of Belgium
Bachelor in Archaeology
Bachelor in Art History, Musicology and Theatre Studies
Proficiency in French at level B1 (CEFR) Access with additional training Additional training to be determined depending on the programme followed
Any other bachelor Access based on application In case of admission, additional training to be determined depending on the student's educational background (consult Admission and Enrolment Procedures for general registration)
Foreign Bachelors
Bachelor in Art History and Archaeology Access based on application In case of admission, additional training to be determined depending on the student's educational background (consult Access on the file)
Any other Bachelor Access based on application In case of admission, additional training to be determined depending on the student's educational background (consult Access on the file)

Non university Bachelors

> Find out more about links to the university

Only applicable to graduates of higher education institutions of the French Community of Belgium

Diploma Access Remarks
BA - styliste-modéliste - crédits supplémentaires entre 30 et 60
BA en arts graphiques - crédits supplémentaires entre 30 et 60
BA en arts plastiques, visuels et de l'espace - orientation création d'intérieurs - crédits supplémentaires entre 30 et 60
BA en arts plastiques, visuels et de l'espace: arts numériques - crédits supplémentaires entre 30 et 60
BA en arts plastiques, visuels et de l'espace: bande dessinée - crédits supplémentaires entre 30 et 60
BA en arts plastiques, visuels et de l'espace: création d'intérieurs - crédits supplémentaires entre 30 et 60
BA en arts plastiques, visuels et de l'espace: dessin et technologie en architecture - crédits supplémentaires entre 30 et 60
BA en arts plastiques, visuels et de l'espace: graphisme - crédits supplémentaires entre 30 et 60
BA en arts plastiques, visuels et de l'espace: illustration - crédits supplémentaires entre 30 et 60
BA en arts plastiques, visuels et de l'espace: images plurielles imprimées - crédits supplémentaires entre 30 et 60
BA en arts plastiques, visuels et de l'espace: peinture - crédits supplémentaires entre 30 et 60
BA en arts plastiques, visuels et de l'espace: photographie - crédits supplémentaires entre 30 et 60
BA en arts plastiques, visuels et de l'espace: publicité - crédits supplémentaires entre 30 et 60
BA en arts plastiques, visuels et de l'espace: sculpture - crédits supplémentaires entre 30 et 60
BA en arts plastiques, visuels et de l'espace: stylisme d'objets ou esthétique industrielle - crédits supplémentaires entre 30 et 60
BA en arts plastiques, visuels et de l'espace: stylisme de mode - crédits supplémentaires entre 30 et 60
Les enseignements supplémentaires éventuels peuvent être consultés dans le module complémentaire. Type court

Holders of a 2nd cycle University degree

Diploma Special Requirements Access Remarks
Licence en histoire de l'art et archéologie Direct access Programme to be determined depending on the student's educational background (consult Admission and Enrolment Procedures for general registration)
Master [60] in History of Art and Archaeology : General Direct access Programme to be determined depending on the student's educational background (consult Admission and Enrolment Procedures for general registration)

Taking into account the student's educational background will allow 45 to of 60 credits to be exempted.
Master [120] in History of Art and Archaeology : General, second focus Direct access At the end of Master 120, each focus of the Master [120] in History of Art and Archaeology : General can be obtained in a new programme of 30 credits.
Master [60] in History of Art and Archaeology: Musicology
Master [120] in History of Art and Archaeology: Musicology
Master [60] in History
Master [120] in History
If students have chosen the Minor in History of Art and Archeology Access with additional training Maximum 15 credits of supplementary classes integrated into the master's programme

Programme to be determined depending on the student's educational background (consult Admission and Enrolment Procedures for general registration)

If the UCLouvain Admissions Office considers the enrolment application sufficiently complete, it will submit the application to the faculty for a decision.
Master [60] in History of Art and Archaeology: Musicology
Master [120] in History of Art and Archaeology: Musicology
Master [60] in History
Master [120] in History
Access with additional training Maximum 60 credits of supplementary classes integrated into the master's programme

Programme to be determined depending on the student's educational background (consult Admission and Enrolment Procedures for general registration)
Other master of the Human Sciences Sector Access based on application In case of admission, programme to be determined depending on the student's educational background (consult Admission and Enrolment Procedures for general registration)
Foreign Masters Access based on application All candidates must ensure that they meet the specific access requirements. In case of admission, maximum 60 credits of supplementary classes integrated into the Master's programme (consult Acces on the file).

Holders of a non-University 2nd cycle degree

Only applicable to graduates of higher education institutions of the French Community of Belgium

Access based on validation of professional experience

> It is possible, under certain conditions, to use one's personal and professional experience to enter a university course without having the required qualifications. However, validation of prior experience does not automatically apply to all courses. Find out more about Validation of priori experience.

Candidates who do not fulfil the abovementioned admission requirements, but who have duly attested significant experience relevant to the field of study in question, may apply for admission to the programme on the basis of an individualised admission procedure.

For more information on the procedure for admission by validation of learning from experience (VAE) in the Faculty of Philosophy, Arts and Letters:

Access based on application

Access based on application : access may be granted either directly or on the condition of completing additional courses of a maximum of 60 ECTS credits, or refused.

Conditions of access based on application 2024-2025 of the Faculty of Philosophy, Arts and Letters are available in this document (in French).

Admission and Enrolment Procedures for general registration