News for ions


Fast grip force adaptation to friction relies on...

Congratulations to Benoit Delhaye, Félicien Schiltz, Frédéric Crevecoeur, Jean-Louis Thonnard and Philippe Lefèvre for their recent publication in Science Advances. Abstract: During object manipulation, humans adjust the grip force to friction, such that slippery objects are squeezed more...
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Voice categorization in the four-month-old human brain

Voices are the most relevant social sounds for humans and therefore have crucial adaptive value in development. Neuroimaging studies in adults have demonstrated the existence of regions in the superior temporal sulcus that respond preferentially to voices. Yet, whether voices represent a...
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Regulatory loop between MKL/SRF and Bcl6 : unraveling a...

During embryonic development, our cells continually receive numerous stimuli and respond to them via intracellular signals. A key question is to understand how these multiple signals, which sometimes oppose each other, interact to guide the behavior of our cells in a coherent manner in order to...
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Multimodal haptic with touch devices multiTOUCH is a European project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement n° 860114. The project is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (MSCA ITN); a...
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KIF2A deficiency causes early-onset neurodegeneration

Les microtubules constituent une composante essentielle du cytosquelette. KIF2A est une kinésine qui dépolymérise les microtubules et des mutations dans cette protéine sont associées à des malformations cérébrales telles que la microcéphalie congénitale. Le Dr. Nuria Ruiz-Reig de l’équipe du...
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