News for ispole

Mihail Chiru publishes in Parliamentary Affairs

Mihail Chiru has published an article in Parliamentary Affairs : "The Electoral Value Of Constituency Oriented Parliamentary Questions in Hungary and Romania".
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La régulation publique de la biomédecine, an issue of...

SCHIFFINO Nathalie  have published "La régulation publique de la biomédecine. Procréation médicalement assistée, recherche sur embryons, gestation pour autrui" Courrier hebdomadaire du CRISP.    
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Langue de bois, citoyens et post-démocratie, a...

Nathalie Schiffino et Emilie Jacquy have published the paper "Langue de bois, citoyens et post-démocratie" in La Revue Nouvelle.  
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Changing your political mind: a paper co-authored by Min...

Min Reuchamps has published with Jérémy Dodeigne (UNamur) and Julien Perrez (ULiège) : Changing your political mind: The impact of a metaphor on citizens’ representations and preferences for federalism  in Regional and federal studies.
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Scène Internationale publishes the book "Dans les...

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